Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 242: She is so beautiful tonight

Chapter 242 Her exceptional beauty tonight

"What is it?" Gu Xiang looked at him puzzled. If there is something, can the room be given?

I have to come here.

The evening breeze in late autumn was a bit cool, Jiang Chi looked at Gu Xiang, held her hand, and said, "Close your eyes."

When he spoke, his eyes were serious, and Gu Xiang obeyed and closed his eyes.

Hearing the sound of him touching something from his pocket, Gu Xiang said, "Is it all right?"

"and many more."

She closed her eyes, feeling that he was putting something in her hands, "It's okay."

Although she couldn't see it, she probably guessed what it was. When she opened her eyes, she saw a diamond ring on her hand.

Gu Xiang trembled, looked at Jiang Chi, and asked, "What is this?"

"Will you marry me?" His voice was gentle, but extra serious.

Listening to what he said, Gu Xiang couldn't help but smile, "Proposal? You have already got the certificate. Wouldn't it be too late?"

No one came to propose after getting the certificate?

Jiang Chi said, "Why don't that give you everything you want, there is no sentiment at all."

I knew she would react this way!

He feels that he is also the head iron.

This is the first time he has been spit out, but he feels not angry.

Gu Xiang actually did not expect that he would propose to him suddenly.

She looked at Jiang Chi and asked, "How come you want to propose to me?"

Jiang Chi said: "Maybe it's because I've been lying in a hospital bed for a long time recently, and I'm so bored?"

Gu Xiang glared at him and thought, if you like me, will you die?

However, after all, he just made a complaint in his heart.

She glanced at the ring on her hand and said, "Thank you."

"Will you marry me?" he asked.

Gu Xiang couldn't help but gave him a blank look, thinking that he was really asking, "I don't want it, can I?"

"I'm serious, are you serious?" Jiang Chi was really anxious.

Gu Xiang said, "But I don't think you have any sincerity at all."

Jiang Chi said: "Then how can I be sincere?"

He thought for a while, got off the chair, knelt down on one knee in front of her, and held her hand, "Marry me, Gu Xiang, I will be nice to you in the future."

After he finished speaking, he held her hand, put it to his lips, and kissed the back of her hand, which really looked decent.

Gu Xiang looked at him like this and said, "Why did you kneel down? The wound doesn't hurt anymore? Get up quickly."

His actions made Gu Xiang's heart beat so fast, it was obvious that all of this was so sudden and so undecent... But she still didn't know why, she felt a kind of excitement.

Jiang Chi said, "I won't get up if I don't agree, and I can just kneel all night."

What he dislikes the most is failure.

He finally asked her to marry him, if he failed, he felt ashamed.

Gu Xiang looked at him, "Are you threatening me?"

Obviously in poor health, I have to keep up with the present... It makes her seem to be sorry for not agreeing.

Jiang Chi did not deny it, he was threatening her, "Then do you agree, Xiangxiang?"

In his dark eyes, her appearance was reflected.

The night wind blows her loose long hair, she looks extraordinarily beautiful tonight, Jiang Chi found out that he wanted to kiss her...

He had never thought about what his wife was like before, but now he seemed to have a shadow in his heart.

Gu Xiang looked at him, only feeling that his eye sockets were hot.

Mother Jiang suddenly appeared at the door, watching Jiang Chi kneeling on the ground, and asked: "What are you two doing? Jiang Chi, what are you doing?"

He is in poor health, and now everyone in the family knows it.

Seeing her mother-in-law appeared, Gu Xiang only felt his scalp numb, and said to Jiang Chi, "Get up quickly."

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(End of this chapter)

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