Chapter 512 A Group of Two People

Gu Xiang glanced at Jiang Chi, "You asked me to say this. I tell you, just like you, that is, I can stand you. I didn't dislike you, and even be disliked by your family. In fact, they I don’t care if I dislike me. But I don’t like that if I don’t like me, on the surface, I look very good to me. It’s too hypocritical."

"..." Gu Xiang said Jiang Chi's silence for a while.

Gu Xiang looked at him and asked, "Why didn't you speak anymore? Didn't you just speak quite well?"

Jiang Chi looked at her, sighed, and said, "You said, Mom dislikes your background... I can't deny this. The world is fair at first, but in fact the distinction of class is very obvious. Have you seen it? Many teenage celebrities who are pregnant and deliberately deliberately cannot marry a rich family?"

Gu Xiang said: "Yes! You are noble. So I don't want to marry you, nor do I want to marry you. Why should I enter a world that is not suitable for me, and be jokes by you like a clown."

Jiang Chi said: "I don't mean that. I just want to say that people will unconsciously use these boring things to shape people without knowing each other. In the eyes of many people, rich people It’s just for being rich and unkind. The children of rich people don’t work hard and don’t make progress. You know that sometimes when people hear that I am from the Jiang family, they look at my eyes as if they are saying: You are a vice yard based on your relationship. Longer! Then I'm going to be wronged more?"

"..." Gu Xiang looked at Jiang Chi, and was amused by his example, "You are alike at first. How can you be the deputy dean at such a young age."

"It's not uncommon for me to have a bad job." Jiang Chi said, "When you say that people think of me that way, I can't stop being a doctor, right?

I still have to do what I should do.

You are with me, I treat you so well, in fact, the family is also very good to you. They like you very much.

What stays in the hearts of others is what you look like, not how you came from.

Mom doesn't like Bai Wei, and doesn't want her second brother to be with Bai Wei. It can only be said that Bai Wei really wants to be with her second brother, and there is a lot to work hard.

The point is, one can't take the horns. I understand your thoughts, but if you are because of this, you will lose faith in our marriage. Then I will be very sad. "

Gu Xiang lowered his head and said nothing.

Jiang Chi looked at her as he walked, and said, "Let's go, go back and have breakfast."

Gu Xiang nodded, "Yes."

Back home, Jiang Chi took Gu Xiang's cell phone and pulled her into the family. By the way, he rebuilt a small group of only her and his two people. The name is: My wife is so cute.

Gu Xiang felt puzzled, "You can't talk privately with two people. What are you doing in a small group?"

And this name...

It makes people feel unbearable to look straight.

Jiang Chi said, "Prevent you from turning my head back to black me out and ignore me. Then I can find you here."

Gu Xiang looked at him and said, "I won't delete it in groups."

"There are more ways to contact. Maybe when you delete and delete, you suddenly feel relieved when you think of my good places! Right?"

Gu Xiang took a bite of the protein and looked at Jiang Chi, "You think so much."

Jiang Chi said: "There is also...I hope you understand that in this world, the only person you need to believe in is me. I treat you well, and we are one family."

Gu Xiang glanced at the family, Jiang Lin was there again and Aite Cheng Jing.

She glanced at the group, and asked Jiang Chi, "Why aren't my parents here? Nor is Grandpa?"

(End of this chapter)

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