Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 594: Two deceived people

Chapter 594 Two deceived people

Jiang Lin was taken aback for a moment and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Before the Spring Festival, Xia Junyan of your company contacted Whale once and agreed to make an appointment after the Spring Festival, and gave him a phone call. But after the Spring Festival, Whale has not contacted you until today. Said that I do not want to cooperate with your company."

What she said was all right.

Jiang Lin's face darkened, "How do you know?"

"Because whale is my trumpet, and I made the cherry design. I haven't contacted Lu Dong from beginning to end..."

Although Lu Chengyuan's people have been adding her, she was really disgusted with Lu Chengyuan, so even her friends did not pass.

Gu Xiang didn't know where he found such a woman.

Jiang Lin looked at Lu Chengyuan, Lu Chengyuan: "..."

He asked Whale to add her as a friend, and indeed Whale never added her.

He found Li Fangfei later.

He thought that if he could make such a good design, he would definitely look for it in the jewelry industry, then in the designer, and then he found Li Fangfei. The point is that Li Fangfei also has this name called whale.

Gu Xiang looked at the two people, took out the phone, and opened the trumpet. She had logged in on the phone recently.

She opened the interface, showed it up in front of Jiang Lin and Lu Chengyuan, gave them a glance, and said: "I made this design in my sophomore year. I stupidly sold it to Cherry designer Tang for five thousand dollars. He, the series of products went on the market later, because this design has nothing to do with me, so I didn’t care about it anymore.

Jiang Lin looked at Gu Xiang. Tang He was indeed the designer of their company. Later, his design had always been problematic, which was not at the same level as before. After being dismantled, he was frank about the existence of whale.

Jiang Lin looked at Gu Xiang in disbelief, "It's really you!"

How could it be her!

The point is that Gu Xiang is still very young, less than 26 this year... The reason why Li Fangfei is more convincing than her is that Li Fangfei looks more qualified than Gu Xiang.

Seeing that Jiang Lin had been determined, Lu Chengyuan also realized that he had admitted wrong, and looked at Li Fangfei, "You lied to me."

Li Fangfei: " found me first."

Knowing that Lu Chengyuan came to look for her, of course she was excited.

Later, I didn't expect that Lu Chengyuan would even bring her to see Jiang Lin... She was originally a designer. She felt that all she lacked was just an opportunity. Thinking that she could still design when she came to the company, she did not confess.

How could I think that it would be dismantled by Gu Xiang.

Lu Chengyuan stared at Li Fangfei, feeling very speechless. The only blame was that he wanted to see whale so much, so Li Fangfei said that the manuscript had fallen, and he actually believed it.

Gu Xiang watched this scene and laughed mockingly, "Now Mr. Lu should know who is lying, right?"

Lu Chengyuan looked at her, "It was my fault just now, I made a mistake, I'm sorry Gu Xiang..."

Damn, after offending the person he least wanted to offend, Lu Chengyuan's heart broke down.

"Sorry, your voice is too low, I didn't hear clearly." Gu Xiang deliberately said.

Lu Chengyuan glanced at Li Fangfei, "Are you a lie? You want her to pay for your clothes without apologizing if you hit someone?"

Li Fangfei: "..."

Bai Wei: "..."

Yu Ziyi: "..."

Several people looked at Lu Chengyuan speechlessly.

He is Lu Chengyuan!

Turning over is too fast!

Gu Xiang looked at this scene, only feeling very ironic.

(End of this chapter)

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