Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 604: Sent her everything

Chapter 604 has sent all her things here

In this way Jiang Chi can also follow home.

But she did not expect that Gu Xiang rejected her directly.

It's not easy to even come out in person.


Jiang Feng was sitting in the dining room, eating with Nini, and seeing his mother coming back from outside, he said, "Mom."

Mother Jiang glanced at him.

Jiang Feng asked, "Did you go to Gu Xiang?"

Jiang Feng also knew that Gu Xiang had returned yesterday.

I was fooled by Meng Yuanzhou before.

Mother Jiang nodded, "Yeah."

"What did Gu Xiang say?" Jiang Feng said curiously.

Mother Jiang sat down, "She said she would divorce Jiang Chi. What should I do?"

I was afraid that Gu Xiang would run away, but now she really runs away.

Jiang Feng said: "I don't know what to do."

He has tried his best!

Now that Jiang Chi is back, what can he do if Jiang Chi can't coax people back?

Can't find someone to tie Gu Xiang back!

Jiang Feng said to Mother Jiang: "Or let them divorce, and let Jiang Chi find another one."

"What did you say?" Mother Jiang glared at him.

Jiang Feng said: "I think it's pretty good. There are so many divorced people in this world. Why can't Gu Xiang and Jiang Chi get divorced?"

"You still don't want to talk." Mother Jiang said to Jiang Feng: "It is better not to let you think of a way."

Jiang Feng closed his mouth and continued to eat his own food.

Don't let him say, he doesn't want to express his opinion yet.


In the evening, when Gu Xiang came back from the store, he saw Jiang Chi standing at the door of his house, with a lot of things beside him, a huge pile.

Gu Xiang was a little surprised. She actually didn't live in Xiaolong Bay for long. When did she have so many things on her own?

But sometimes things don’t look like a lot, but they pack up a lot, which is normal.

She opened the door and said to Jiang Chi: "Thank you. Come in!"

Then he picked up a bag next to him and took it into the house.

Jiang Chi also brought in other things.

Gu Xiang put down his things and asked Jiang Chi, "Did you bring all my things?"

"Almost." Jiang Chi said, "I don't know if I missed it, but it shouldn't be too much."

Gu Xiang glanced at him. She thought that Jiang Chi would send a little every day, and then she found an excuse to run to her.

It turned out that she really thought too much!

He moved the things over at once, and he didn't mess around at all.

Also, everyone is an adult. Since the decision has already been made, there is no point in dragging it off.

She looked at Jiang Chi and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

Jiang Chi said: "It's not hard."

At this moment, Gu Nuannuan came over, there was no food in his bowl, and when he saw Gu Xiang, he called for cat food.

Gu Xiang glanced at him, walked over, stuffed some cat food into his plate, and returned.

Looking at a lot of things in the living room, Gu Xiang was not lazy, and opened the nearest bag and found that it was full of her clothes.

She took it to the bedroom and put it in the closet.

Her room has a big wardrobe. For women, there is never too much clothes.

Then there is another bag, some of her books, cosmetics, and other gadgets...

After cleaning up casually, Gu Xiang found that his things were almost done.

There are two bags left in the living room.

Jiang Chi was sitting on the sofa, teasing Gu Nuannuan.

Gu Xiang didn't care about him either, first carried the bag into the bedroom and opened it to take a look... She thought that all she had brought was her own, but now she saw the man's clothes inside, but she was a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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