Chapter 607 Two People

Gu Xiang said to Jiang Feng, "It's too late today. Let's make an appointment later. I will visit Nini when I have time. Nini's birthday is coming soon, right?"

Jiang Feng was a little surprised, "Do you still remember! She has been reading this recently, saying that you gave Junjun a birthday gift, afraid that you would forget her gift."

Seeing that Gu Xiang still remembers Nini, Jiang Feng felt relieved.

At least Gu Xiang is not the kind that even children don't recognize.

Gu Xiang said, "I remember. Then I'll make an appointment with you later."

Jiang Feng nodded, "Good, good."


Jiang Chi sat aside, watched Gu Xiang and Jiang Feng on the phone, and asked, "Why are you so good to your second brother? He said that he would see you? But he refused to come to see me?

Gu Xiang said: "Because I treat him as an ordinary friend. I have no emotional entanglements with him."

Hearing this, Jiang Chi's eyes appeared a little relieved, "So, I'm still different, right?"

When Gu Xiang listened to Jiang Chi's words, he couldn't help but give him a blank look. She stood up and said, "Go and pack your things. I'll cook some food. Do you want to eat?"

Jiang Chi said, "Yeah."

When he was in Ningcheng before, he called her and said that he wanted to eat what she made.

Jiang Chi entered the door, put his clothes in the closet, and put them together with Gu Xiang's.

Although I changed a place, as long as I was with her, everything seemed to be warm.

He walked out and saw Gu Xiang busy in the kitchen, he walked over and asked, "Do you want to help?"

He was very tall, and when he stood at the door of the kitchen, he almost reached the door.

Gu Xiang said: "No. It will be done soon, wait for you to wash the dishes."

Gu Xiang dislikes washing dishes most, which is why she doesn't like cooking.

It's not difficult for her to cook, but tidying up the kitchen is the most annoying every time.

Jiang Chi said: "Okay."

While she was cooking, he looked around...

Gu Xiang brought out the prepared dishes, put them on the table, and said to Jiang Chi, "Okay."

Jiang Chi had already visited his new home, washed his hands, walked over to sit down at the dining table, looked at the sumptuous dinner in front of him, and was moved.

He glanced at Gu Xiang. Gu Xiang was serving him soup. She put the soup in front of Jiang Chi and sat down.

Seeing him looking at himself, he asked: "What do I do?"

Jiang Chi lowered his head, "It's nothing."

Gu Xiang looked at him and said, "I heard that after you came back, I knew I was not here, so I just left the house?"

Having worked so hard in Ningcheng, I was supposed to go home and enjoy the warmth of home, but because I couldn't see her, I banished myself outside.

Think about it, it's really stupid.

Jiang Chi looked at Gu Xiang, "It seems that you know everything about me."

Gu Xiang bit her lip while listening to Jiang Chi's words. Of course she knew, because she had never stopped to inquire about him.

Moreover, everyone around him was sending messages, telling her how much Jiang Chi worried about her.

Meng Yuanzhou will also talk to her.

At this moment, when she asked her, Gu Xiang said: "They love to tell me. I don't know if I don't want to. Eat it! Try the food I cooked. How is it different from the cafeteria in your hospital?"

Jiang Chi picked up his chopsticks, picked up some dishes, and said, "It's delicious."

Gu Xiang said: "It's not easy to hear you tell the truth."

Jiang Chi glanced at her and smiled.

Gu Xiang continued to pick up vegetables for him, feeling a little sad when he thought of the recent events, "Just treat it as a new Spring Festival for you and make it up. These days, it has been hard."

(End of this chapter)

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