Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 811: His eyes are full of

Chapter 811 is full of him

"Should be back soon, San Ye said that today he will bring young grandma over for dinner."

Grandpa Jiang nodded his head with a look of relief.


Gu Xiang followed Jiang Chi and got out of the car. Before she could get used to it, she saw Nini in a skirt running out of the house. She looked at Gu Xiang and threw herself into her arms, "Little aunt."

Gu Xiang looked at this cute little girl, "Nini."

Nini heard her calling her name and looked at Gu Xiang, "Auntie remembers me."

She looked at Jiang Chi with some pride and said, "Uncle, do you hear that? My aunt still remembers me! She didn't forget Nini."

Jiang Chi glanced at this little idiot, "I tell her every day about you, can she remember? Little idiot."

As he said, he walked over and hugged Nini in a hug, "I know my aunt, my uncle is not a kiss? Come on, give me a kiss."

Nini looked at Jiang Chi, smiled, and slapped his face. After he finished, he looked at Jiang Chi and said, "My uncle now has a wife. I can't seem to kiss you."

After she finished speaking, she looked very sorry for Gu Xiang and glanced at Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang looked at her and laughed, "No no, little aunt doesn't mind."

It can be seen that Nini can really say everything.

Nini quickly came out of Jiang Chi's arms. Gu Xiang and Jiang Chi chatted with her for a while, and saw her second brother come down.

The second brother saw the two and said, "Grandpa has been waiting for a long time."

Mother Jiang had already met last night.

So Gu Xiang and Jiang Chi went upstairs to meet grandpa first.


My grandfather was very sick before, and the doctor said that he won't live for three months, but now it looks like he is much better.

Jiang Chi didn't see his old man for more than a month. He saw him at the moment, and felt relieved temporarily.

"The body looks good."

Grandpa Jiang said, "I know that you and Gu Xiang are coming back, so I feel better."

Grandpa looked at Gu Xiang, who was sitting beside Jiang Chi, who was very quiet.

In the past, Gu Xiang liked Jiang's family first and then Jiang Chi, but now it's the other way around.

Because I like Jiang Chi, I like his family.

So now she is wherever he goes.

Grandpa was very pleased to see the relationship between the two of them so good.

He said to Gu Xiang, "Xiangxiang, it will be fine when you come back."

"Thank you, grandpa," Gu Xiang said politely.

Grandpa looked at her, laughed, and looked at Jiang Chi, "Look at your wife, your eyes are full of you."

"..." After listening to Grandpa's words, Jiang Chi couldn't help but glance at Gu Xiang.

He was a little embarrassed to be said by his grandpa.

To grandpa said: "No."

"It seems that your eyesight is really not good."

Grandpa looked disgusted.

Jiang Chi: "..."

He was just being humble.

His wife only sees things like him in her heart. Does anyone need to emphasize it?


The two of them finished reading Grandpa, and then went to take another look at Cheng Jing.

Cheng Jing has had a cold recently, Jiang Lin took care of her in his clothes and only came back from the hospital last night.

Although Cheng Jing didn't go to Shencheng, she knew what Yuan Zizi did.

She looked at Gu Xiang, this matter made her feel very sorry.

During the meal, everyone discussed about Yuan Zizi's affairs, but because Yuan Zizi is already inside, everyone just chatted casually.

After talking about this, Cheng Jing looked at Jiang Feng and said, "By the way, Lulu is back. After she came back, she was in isolation for half a month. She should be at home today."

(End of this chapter)

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