Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 814: Drank two more glasses

Chapter 814 Drink two more glasses

Jiang Feng listened to his words and said: "It's still early. Don't worry about going to bed so early."

"I'm worried." Jiang Chi said with a serious expression.

Jiang Feng glanced at him and said, "How are you with Gu Xiang recently? Did she let you touch it?"

He knows what his brother is worried about these days.

After all, a good wife, now treats him as an outsider.

Jiang Chi snorted.

Jiang Feng smiled.

Gu Xiang raised his head, glanced at the two of them, and asked, "Second brother, what are you laughing at?"

Jiang Feng said, "I wonder when you and Achi will add a younger sister to Nini."

With the three brothers in the family, Jiang Chi has no children anymore.

Jiang Chi glanced at him and said, "That's enough! Don't say this in front of my wife."

He said yes, others said no.

He knew that his family was anxious for children.

He wants it too.

But he is not in a hurry now.

I don't want to put pressure on Gu Xiang either.

Even if they have no children, it will not affect the relationship between him and her.


When Jiang Feng and Bai Wei left, it was just past nine o'clock.

Gu Xiang drank two glasses of red wine and sat on the sofa, almost falling asleep.

Jiang Chi walked over, circled her, looked at the woman in front of him dozingly, and said, "Are you sleepy?"

Gu Xiang rubbed his eyes and leaned his head in his arms, "Yeah."

"I will take you to the bath."

He picked her up and went to the bathroom.

Gu Xiang was sitting on the side of the sink, leaning against the wall, watching Jiang Chi release water there, his eyes almost closed.

After a while, Jiang Chi came over and called her, and said, "Okay, take a shower."

After hearing his words, Gu Xiang stood up, stood in front of him, stretched out his hands, like a baby.

Jiang Chi looked at his wife, "Don't wash yourself? Let me wash it for you?"

"Can I not wash it?" She was too sleepy.

Jiang Chi said, "No."

He reached out and unbuttoned her clothes.

She is not afraid of being taken advantage of by him.

In fact, she still remembered him subconsciously. Knowing how close the man in front of him is, that's why he doesn't hate his touch, nor does he resist relaxing himself in front of him.

The water in the bathroom was still flowing. Jiang Chi untied her clothes. Before taking off her clothes, he stretched out his hand, grabbed her hand, and pressed it on the wall above her head.


His voice suddenly became dumb, and the kiss was much stronger than before.


Early in the morning, there are still birds calling outside.

Xiaolong Bay is in the center of the city. There are many green plants in the community. I don't know if someone raised the bird or the bird came by itself.

Gu Xiang was already awake, she opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, remembering the two glasses of wine she had drunk last night.

The end of the greedy cup is that she has a terrible headache now.

She leaned in the arms of the man next to her, and Jiang Chi asked indulgently, "What's the matter?"


"Drink less wine next time." After her amnesia, she drinks very little, and she always has a headache after drinking.

Because at this time, I always think of some previous things...

Gu Xiang responded, "Don't drink it anymore."

Jiang Chi looked at her in his arms, lowered his head, and kissed between her hair, "Are you sleepy? Sleep a little longer."

Gu Xiang stretched out a hand and put it to his ear, without speaking.

Jiang Chi said, "Sorry, last night... I couldn't help it a bit."

He thought he was a person with very good self-control ability. As a result...I didn't know what was wrong last night. It might have been a long time since he touched her. Once he got on it, she couldn't even take care of her crying sleepy.

(End of this chapter)

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