Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 823: San Ye coaxing his wife

Chapter 823 The posture of the third master coaxing his wife

I heard Jiang Chi say: "I know, I will be there on time."

After he finished speaking, he hung up and saw Gu Xiang staring at him.

Gu Xiang asked, "Are you going on a business trip?"

Jiang Chi said, "Well, it's going to be a few days."

After seeing Gu Xiang's eyes, Jiang Chi said, "What's the matter? Can't bear me?"

Gu Xiang said, "I don't know why, but I am a little afraid of you leaving."

"..." Hearing this, Jiang Chi raised the corner of his mouth. He stretched out his hand and held Gu Xiang's hand, and said, "Why are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid you won't come back." She also felt strange.

I found myself worried about him as soon as I heard him say to leave.

Jiang Chi said, "I won't leave Jiangzhou, it's in this city, two or three hours away from Jiangzhou. The kind that can come back anytime."

Although Gu Xiang didn't know the reason, Jiang Chi actually knew why she was afraid to leave by herself.

Because he had been to Ningcheng and worried her.

She used to like to keep everything in her heart, but she worries about him a lot.

Now I just express my thoughts more calmly.

Although Jiang Chi said so, Gu Xiang was still a little sad, so that when the two returned home, her mouth was still cocked.

In the elevator, Jiang Chi looked at her cocked mouth and said, "Is it so unwilling to leave my husband?"

Gu Xiang hummed, his mouth raised higher.

Jiang Chi said, "I'm going to kiss you like this again."

After listening to him, she glanced at him and changed to biting her lips.

Jiang Chi smiled, stretched out, and put her hand in his palm tightly.

Auntie was here today and saw the two coming back from outside, smiling and said: "I'm back."


Gu Xiang responded and went to wash his hands.

The aunt said: "Madam, is this unhappy?"

Jiang Chi said, "It's irritating, it's okay."

He followed Gu Xiang to wash her hands, and saw her squeeze the hand sanitizer and wash his hands over and over again. He walked in, held her hands, and helped her wash them.

Gu Xiang raised his head and looked at Jiang Chi.

Jiang Chi's gaze fell on her slender fingers and said, "My husband is going to work... Although I want to be with you at home every day, I always have to do something."

"I know." Gu Xiang lowered his head.

But she will be sad.

Jiang Chi helped her wash her hands, took a towel to dry, and simply put her in his arms.


Gu Xiang leaned on his shoulder and said, "I know I should be more sensible, but... I am worried about you. I don't know why."

"..." Jiang Chi looked at her and said, "I know why, but I blamed me for leaving you alone at home."

Auntie prepared all the food outside, only to see Gu Xiang and Jiang Chi wash their hands.

The two of them can wash their hands for a long time, and their feelings are really good.

Gu Xiang sat down and had dinner with Jiang Chi.

Jiang Chi looked at his wife's slightly better face, but his wife who was still immersed in the emotion of separating from him raised the corners of his mouth.

After eating, Gu Xiang sat on the sofa and watched TV with Gu Nuannuan in his arms.

Gu Nuannuan has been a fat cat recently, so compared to when she was a child, she is a little bit less cute and a little colder. Being held by Gu Xiang in her arms, she still feels a little unlovable.

Oh, I really don't want to be hugged!

I want to play by myself!


Jiang Chi was busy with his affairs in the study.

Gu Xiang didn't bother him either.

After a while, the doorbell rang, and Gu Xiang went to open the door and saw the housekeeper of the community standing at the door with a bunch of flowers in his hand, "Mrs. Jiang, your flowers."

(End of this chapter)

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