Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 829: The "suicide note" hidden in the study

Chapter 829 The "Suicide Note" Hidden in the Study Room

She was going to be divorced, because of grandpa, she would go back to Jiang's house.

He didn't expect that she would think of all this now.


Jiang Chi was in Pengcheng's bed this night and had not slept well. He closed his eyes and remembered that she had told himself about the divorce agreement.

I remembered when they talked about divorce before.

Thinking of her disagreement with her family...

Thinking of his family's attitude towards her when he was in Ningcheng...

He suddenly felt uncertain.

She remembered, will she divorce herself?

Although she didn't say it clearly on the phone today, he dared not ask.


After Gu Xiang and Jiang Chi finished talking, they went back to Xiaolong Bay.

She thought of a lot of bad things, things with Jiang’s family, divorce with Jiang Chi, and remembered Meng Yuanzhou telling her that Jiang Chi hurt her and treated her badly...

Although she knew she liked Jiang Chi very much, these bad memories also made her depressed and irritated.

She went into the study and started looking for things, hoping to find out something that would make herself think of more things. Now that she is not able to keep up, she is very uncomfortable and depressed.

After going through the study for a long time, she turned out a pile of letters with her name written on them. The font should be Jiang Chi's notes.

Seeing that she has some evidence here, is it written to her?

She opened the envelope...

See Jiang Chi's beautiful words:


happy New Year.

This year is our first New Year together, and I regret that I can't stay with you by your side.

At this moment, I miss you so much, I don't know if you are the same.

I have always felt that I am a brave person.

However, I don't know why, at this moment, I'm scared in my heart.

The colleague who came with me was infected. During the day, I heard him call his family... I was afraid that I would be like him and would not be able to come back to you again.

You are so stupid, so stupid, you like to press everything in your heart, if I am not by your side, who will love you in the future?

I know that it may be a bit early for me to say this, but I am afraid that I will not have time to tell you this, and I am afraid that I will not remember anything.

In fact, I have been thinking about when I started to like you.

Probably, since I was injured, when you were with me in the hospital...

Before that, although I was good to you, I was sympathetic and pitiful to you, and felt that as your legal husband, I should care about you. I never saw a poor child.

However, when I was sick, you were not afraid of hard work and stayed by my side. When I was half asleep and half awake, you fed me water. At that moment, I had the idea of ​​being kind to you for a lifetime.

You never believe in a lifetime, and no one knows what will happen in the future. In fact, I was as sensible as you before, and I never made such a promise, and I felt very stupid.

But at that moment I really wanted to be with you forever.

Later, the more I get along with you, the more I want to pamper you and love you.

I always miss you when you are not by my side. In those days, if you left me for a few hours, I would miss you in my heart, you know?

Although I didn't tell you, I was actually very afraid that Meng Yuanzhou would **** you away.

He treats you very well. Compared with him, I think I was really stupid before.

But you don't allow me to be jealous, I can only bear it.

I thought to myself, I will treat you well in the future.

So after leaving the hospital, I bought a ring and proposed to you.

(End of this chapter)

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