Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 928: Don't care about my wife's affairs

Chapter 928 You don’t care about my wife’s affairs

But fortunately, she has eased up now.

Bai Wei said: "Don't worry. Since I have entered the entertainment industry, I never thought of entering the gate of your Jiang family again. I will not have any relationship with Jiang Feng. He is not the only man in the world, I It was also raised day by day by my parents. I don’t owe you anything. Even the child was knocked out. You can rest assured that I and him will never get entangled in this life or in the next life."

After Bai Wei finished speaking, she stood up and left the coffee money.

Mama Jiang sat in the seat, looking at Bai Wei's proud back, and told Jiang Feng last night that he didn't care about the blind date his aunt introduced him.

He was weird recently, she knew it was related to the woman Bai Wei.

At first glance, I found that Bai Wei was really back.


Bai Wei's attitude made Jiang's mother a little surprised.

Was it so cruel and knocked the child out?

Originally, what Jiang's mother thought was that Bai Wei gave birth to the child and then gave her a sum of money to buy her relationship with the child.

did not expect……

She doesn't need money now, and she has entered the entertainment industry.

This made Jiang's mother feel a bit slapped.

She stood up and walked out the door.


The next day, Gu Xiang went to the airport to pick up Bai Wei's mother and eldest brother.

After all, Bai Wei shouldn't let Bai Wei pick up this matter by herself, because it would expose the child.

Gu Xiang came here in person, and also wanted to come and see the child.


Jiang Chi took Jiang Siran back to Jiang's house.

A meal to accompany Jiang's mother.

Jiang's mother asked Jiang Chi while preparing food for Ranran, "I heard that Bai Wei came back recently?"

Jiang Chi nodded, "Well. But why does mom care about her affairs so much?"

Mother Jiang said, "I'll just ask. Wasn't she pregnant before? How is the baby?"

"..." Jiang Chi didn't say anything when he mentioned this.

Mother Jiang looked at him as he was silent and said, "What's the matter?"

"What else can you do besides getting rid of it?" Jiang Chi said, "Don't mention this matter in the future. Second brother is sad about this matter."

After seeing Bai Wei come back that day, Jiang Feng has been a little unhappy recently.

Jiang Chi had a good relationship with his second brother and found that his second brother was really pitiful.

Like Lin Lu before, Lin Lu ran away.

Later, with great difficulty, I found a congenial person, even children.

As a result, the child and daughter-in-law were gone.


After listening to Jiang Chi's words, Jiang's mother knew that Gu Xiang and Bai Wei had a good relationship. If Jiang Chi said that the child is gone, then it should be gone.

She asked, "Why didn't Gu Xiang come today?"

"Some work matters."

"I think I went to see Bai Wei." Jiang's mother knew that Gu Xiang had a good relationship with Bai Wei.

Jiang Chi glanced at his mother and said: "My wife's affairs, you don't care about it."

"Smelly boy." Mother Jiang glared at him, "I can't just say a word."

"No." Jiang Chi said confidently.

Jiang Siran was aside, and got the spoon to the ground, and Jiang's mother asked her aunt to change her.

This topic was never mentioned again.

Jiang Chi asked: "When will you and Dad leave?"

However, the birthday party is over, and Jiang's mother should also go back.

Mother Jiang said: "Let's take two days."

Originally, she was going to leave, but now that Bai Wei is back, Mother Jiang is always a little worried.

She said to Jiang Chi, "Didn't your aunt introduced someone to your second brother? When I was thinking about letting them meet."

Jiang Chi listened to Mrs. Jiang's words, "Just leave this matter alone! Second brother knows who he is with. It's not that there are no women chasing him, he just looks down on it."

(good night)

(End of this chapter)

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