Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 932: Meeting second brother

Chapter 932 Meeting meets second brother

"Second brother, what have you been up to these past two days?" Gu Xiang asked.

"Working with Nini."


"Send Nini to cram school. He has been picking up and picking her up every day recently."

"..." Gu Xiang said: "So, he never went to Bai Wei once."

I saw it at the entrance of the restaurant that day.

Jiang Chi said: "They have been separated for two years. Two years can change a lot of things."

After taking a bath for Siran, Gu Xiang took a bath towel to clean the little guy, dressed her, and walked out holding her.

The bottle the aunt flushed for her has been brought in.

Gu Xiang handed it to her and said, "Then you sleep by yourself, mom is gone."

"No." She held the bottle, looked at Gu Xiang, and held her finger tightly, not allowed to go.

Gu Xiang looked at her, smiled, and had to stay with her.

The two coaxed the child, took a shower, and returned to the bed. Gu Xiang lay down and said to Jiang Chi, "I don't know what happened to Ranran."

"Aren't you asleep?"

"I want to sleep with her." Gu Xiang said.

Jiang Chi had already stretched out his hand and held her in his arms, "You think very beautifully. You have ignored me for a few days."

Because of Bai Wei's affairs, Jiang Chi hasn't even touched his wife's hand recently.

Gu Xiang looked at him, saw his kiss falling, and raised the corner of his mouth.


In the morning, Gu Xiang was so sleepy that Jiang Chi brought her clothes and changed her clothes.

He sat aside, watching her sitting, so sleepy that he didn't want to open his eyes, and smiled: "The people in your company, do you know that you are like this at home?"

Gu Xiang's voice was lazy, "I will never agree to stay up late with you again, I'm so annoying."

After she finished speaking, she pulled the clothes, put them on by herself, fastened the buttons, and didn't want to talk to him at all.

Jiang Chi stood up and said, "It's my fault."

Gu Xiang cleaned himself up, washed his face, and finally became more sober before walking out.

At the dinner table, Jiang Chi confessed what happened to her aunt, "Her grandma will come and pick her up later."

Usually Gu Xiang would take Ran Ran away.

But if we are going to a meeting today, the venue will be more serious. It is really not appropriate to bring the children around. Can only leave Ranran at home.

The aunt said: "Okay."


Not long after Gu Xiang and the others left, Mother Jiang came over, coming with Dad Jiang.

Not long after Gu Xiang arrived at the venue, he received a WeChat message from Mother Jiang, "Your dad and I have received Ranran."

Gu Xiang said: "She feels a little sick in her stomach and intestines for the past two days. There are medicines at home. Remember to bring them together."

Mother Jiang said: "Okay."


When Gu Xiang had a meeting, Jiang Feng also came. He is the legal representative of their law firm, so he came together.

Gu Xiang saw him and said, "Second brother."

He sat down, heard Gu Xiang's voice, glanced at her, and said, "Yeah."

Usually the second brother is very enthusiastic.

Now it looks a bit listless.

Gu Xiang said: "I heard that my aunt was introducing you to your marriage partner recently? Have you seen it before, how do you feel?"

Jiang Feng said: "Why do you mention this too?"

"Because I hope you are all right." Gu Xiang said: "Now Bai Wei is doing well, you can rest assured, I also know that you have been worrying about her affairs for the past two years."

The reason why he keeps not looking for someone is because of Bai Wei.

Gu Xiang doesn't know how much Jiang Feng likes Bai Wei.

But he knew he was a very responsible person, because of that child, he could not let go of Bai Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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