Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 935: What's your business

Chapter 935 What can you do

I don't want to fight against others.


In the end, this matter did not make a big deal.

Jiang Feng and Bai Wei walked out together.

He called on behalf of the driver.

The two were sitting in the car. Bai Wei wore his clothes and said, "Thank you for today's matter."

She didn't want to owe others, but she still owed it.

Jiang Feng listened to her and said, "Does this happen often?"

Bai Wei said: "No."

Jiang Feng looked at her, obviously not convinced.

Bai Wei looked a little uncomfortable by him, and said: "Occasionally, I will meet some strange people, but it doesn't affect anything. In this world, there are good people and bad people."

In this circle, there are indeed some people who can do everything in order to get ahead.

Therefore, everyone feels that people in the entertainment industry are like this.

Bai Wei sat aside, glanced at Jiang Feng, and said, "What happened tonight, thank you anyway."

After thanking her, she told the driver an address and asked the driver to drive her back to the Gold Coast.

The Gold Coast is Gu Xiang's place. Bai Wei has been living here since he came back, Jiang Feng knew.

He looked at Bai Wei and said, "Come to live with me tonight."

"No." Bai Wei refused.

Jiang Feng said: "After you come back, would you rather disturb Gu Xiang than disturb me?"

Bai Wei lowered her head and said: "I just, don't want to be known by your mother, and then some unpleasant misunderstandings occur."

Especially, Bai Wei is still impressed by the words Mama Jiang said when she met Mama Jiang in the hotel.

Therefore, the only principle she came back now was not to have anything to do with Jiang Feng.

Listening to Bai Wei's words, Jiang Feng remembered his mother's attitude... he frowned and said nothing.


Soon, the car stopped at the gate of the Gold Coast community, Bai Wei put down the suit, opened the door, and got out of the car.

Jiang Feng looked at her back and frowned.

The driver glanced at him in the rear view mirror and drove him back home.


Back home, Nini was doing homework, Jiang Feng drank some wine, did not bother her daughter, and went to sleep.

Bai Wei had already returned home and took a shower. She sat on the bed, thinking of what happened today, and she felt a mess in her mind.

"Mom." Xiaobai covered her with a quilt next to him. He obviously had to take care of her himself, but he was able to take care of her.

Bai Wei looked at Xiaobai, as long as she saw her son, she felt that the grievances she had suffered all day long were gone.

She looked at Xiaobai and said, "Go to sleep."

Xiaobai was lying on the bed, looking at her with wide eyes open, smiling at her from time to time, and Bai Wei lay down too.


In the morning, Bai Wei received a text message as soon as she got up, which was sent by Jiang Feng.

Seeing his news, Bai Wei was a little surprised.

He opened his mouth and said, "Are you free? See you at noon, I'll have something to do with you."

"I'm free, it's not convenient. I'll have work later."

"I'm downstairs in your house. Have you gotten up? I'm up to find you."

"..." Bai Wei heard that he was about to come up, and looked at Xiao Bai on the side, dizzy, really wanting him to come up, so what?

She had no choice but to tidy up quickly, put on a mask and hat and went downstairs.

When I went down, I saw Jiang Feng's car there.

Bai Wei opened the car door and saw him sitting in the back.

She saw him and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Jiang Feng glanced at her and moved aside, Bai Wei had to get into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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