Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 941: Please go back

Chapter 941, please go back

Mother Jiang's words made Bai Wei unconsciously remember why she had joined the entertainment circle in the first place.

It was the first time that my brother showed her the accounts at home.

After she saw it, she was really taken aback.

It turned out that even if the family went bankrupt, that part of the money could not be filled.

She was really desperate.

It was a number that she couldn't even think of.

Later, the agent came to him and said that he had followed her online for a long time and asked her if she was interested in joining the entertainment circle. He wanted to support her and would give her good resources...

The entertainment industry is indeed more profitable for her.


As an ordinary person, she herself does have a big prejudice against the entertainment industry. I always feel that once I go in, I will be farther away from the people I like in the future.

But then she still went in.

Because the family debts really made her breathless.

Unexpectedly, the high-ranking Mrs. Jiang in front of her could easily say that it would help her to settle her debts.

People...It's really ridiculous!

For you, everything that can crush you is so heavy in the eyes of others that it is not worth mentioning.

She knew that Jiang's mother had this confidence. The Jiang family's conditions were pretty good, and Jiang's father was the first group to make money when he went to the sea to do business. Knowing that Jiang's family has a lot of work, but... When her own pain is spoken so lightly by others, Bai Wei is not grateful at all, but only feels humiliated.

She looked at Mother Jiang and said, "I know the Jiang family is very capable, but it's not necessary."

Mother Jiang looked at Bai Wei, and said: "Look at your mother, what it is like now, then look at Xiaobai, will he be happy with you? If you are really his mother, you should plan for his future, you Bai The family looks like this, I remember your elder brother has a son himself? His own sons are sent out to raise, but you have to drag Xiao Bai, and follow you in the mud of the Bai family. It’s okay now, he will grow up When he gets older, everyone will remember that his grandfather was a criminal. What would others think of him?"

I thought Xiaobai had been knocked out before, and Jiang's mother didn't want to care about this.

But now that I know Xiao Bai's existence, as a grandmother, she can't ignore it.

Bai Wei listened to Jiang's mother and found that she was really good at talking. She was clearly here to grab the child, but she said as if she was doing her best.

Bai Wei pursed her lips, "Just rest assured, my child, what he should be like. Everything in the Jiang family has nothing to do with him, and he can't afford it. I only hope you don't show up in her. before."

"Bai Wei, you are really selfish." Mother Jiang said, "As a mother, I never consider how well my child is."

"..." Bai Wei looked at Mama Jiang and said, "Yes, I am really selfish. Unlike Mrs. Jiang, I have to make a good excuse for your children. You are afraid you have forgotten. In the case of Gu Xiang and Jiang Chi, wasn’t it because you intervened that they almost separated?"

Mother Jiang was taken aback, looking at Bai Wei, she didn't expect her to poke her sore spot.


She was a little angry.

Bai Wei said, "Please go back. At the beginning of Gu Xiang's wedding, I didn't tell them a word about what you said to me. This is why your Jiang family is still in harmony this year. If you want to follow If I grab Xiaobai, then don't blame me, and tell Gu Xiang and the second brother about those things. I would like to see if you want Xiaobai or Sanye's family."

(End of this chapter)

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