The Third Reich, Bolin, Supreme Command.

With the troops of the Third Reich approaching the mainland of the Eastern Empire, the Third Reich's final battle against the Eastern Empire has begun. Soon, the Third Reich would be able to attack the homeland of the Eastern Empire, destroy the Eastern Empire, and win this world war. However, the Eastern Empire did not choose to sit back and wait for death, but chose to resist stubbornly and carry out the final fight against the trapped beast. This makes the Third Reich must be careful and prepared in all aspects in the next battle, so as to avoid paying large casualties as much as possible.

It was already the last battle, and the Third Reich would naturally win with minimal casualties. If the casualties are too great, then this war cannot be considered a perfect ending.

Hess, the ruler of the Third Reich, also hoped to kill the Eastern Empire at the minimum cost and reduce the casualties of the Third Reich as much as possible. After all, the population of the Third Reich was not large to begin with, and it had already suffered considerable losses in the previous several-year war. If we suffer heavy losses in the war against the Eastern Empire, the anti-war sentiment in the country will probably be even greater.

"Everyone, according to the information we currently have, the Japanese are determined to resist. If they surrender unconditionally to us and let us deal with them, we might be able to let them live and deal with only the culprits. But now, they think they can withstand the empire's attack and want to fight the trapped beasts. Then, we don’t have to hold back. Next, we will use the entire Eastern Empire as the battlefield to completely destroy all the resistance of the Eastern people, completely collapse their fighting power and will to resist, and destroy the Eastern Empire!" Hess said

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"The marshals of the Third Reich responded one after another.

They all knew that since Hess had made up his mind, this battle was inevitable. The final battle between the Third Reich and the Eastern Empire, will surely unfold

"Your Excellency, Emperor Hirohito of the Eastern Empire has issued an edict calling on all the people of the Eastern Empire to arm themselves to resist the invasion of the empire. Although, these Japanese people are almost all civilians, and their equipment is very crude. However, the total population of the Eastern Empire is, after all, 70 to 80 million people. Once we attack the mainland of the Oriental Empire and are attacked by a group of these Oriental people, the empire will probably have to pay a heavy price. Preliminary predictions are that if the resistance from the Japanese is very strong. The Imperial Army must be prepared for millions of people to die in battle. Even if the servant army is used on a large scale, the empire's losses can be reduced a lot. However, the losses of each servant army will not be so small!"Marshal Bromberg said with a serious face.


After hearing this, the other marshals couldn't help but take a breath.

If such a heavy loss is required, then this battle will not be so easy to fight. We must also think long term and come up with a better solution. Only method will do

"Your Excellency, we must control the losses of our troops. This war has been going on for several years, and not only the people of the empire are a little disgusted with the war. Almost all other servant countries are like this. If the losses are too great, it may further intensify the antipathy of people in various countries towards the war!"Marshal William Keitel also said.

Hess nodded. For the Third Reich, this is indeed a big problem.

Although the various slave states gained a lot of benefits in the war, they also A lot of price has been paid. If they are still used as cannon fodder when the war is about to end, this will probably cause dissatisfaction among the people of the slave countries.

"Your Excellency, the people of the Eastern Empire, under the call of their emperor, will probably become very crazy and attack our troops wantonly. And if we want to avoid this situation, we must open fire on them. By then, the entire Eastern Empire will probably be killed and shed blood."Marshal Manstein also said.

Although Hess wanted to kill all the Japanese, if he really did that, it would cause great turmoil in the world. Even within the Third Reich, It will arouse the opposition of many people.

In addition, doing so will also arouse the full resistance of the Japanese people. If the Third Reich wants to win this battle, it will inevitably pay great losses. For the Third Reich, Undoubtedly it is absolutely unacceptable

"Okay, I already know everyone’s concerns. I believe there is a solution to all of this! Let our troops stay in the Okinawa Islands for the time being and not rush to launch an attack on the Eastern Empire mainland." Hess ordered

"Yes, Your Majesty the Governor!"The marshals replied one after another

"Everyone, if you adopt conventional tactics and face the Eastern Empire, which has almost all its people in arms, you will naturally pay a considerable price. This also forces us to use unconventional attack methods."Hess said.

The marshals all looked at Hess, as if guessing what he meant.

"We have always strongly supported research on nuclear weapons programs. We have successfully tested a nuclear reactor before. Immediately afterwards, we began research on the miniaturization of nuclear weapons. After more than a year of hard work, breakthrough progress has been made. Since the Japanese people have chosen to resist stubbornly, they want to fight to the end. Then, we will help them. I plan to release nuclear weapons to the Eastern Empire next, so as to cause a devastating blow to the Eastern Empire, thereby further disintegrating the Japanese people's will to resist, forcing the Japanese people to lay down their weapons and surrender to us!" Hess said

"Dropping nuclear weapons?"Many marshals were stunned. They did not expect that Hess would make such a decision. But then they took it for granted. The

Third Reich invested huge resources in the development of nuclear weapons. After finally achieving success, it was natural to Let’s test the real power.

Of course, many of them have seen the power of nuclear weapons explosions and know that this kind of weapon is very powerful and very cruel. For the Japanese, it will definitely be a disaster.

But , since the Japanese people chose to resist in a corner and fight despite being trapped. Then, they must be responsible for their own choices!

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