This Curse Is Just Awesome

Vol 4 Chapter 21: Changling Foreign Land (Part 1)

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Enter the large bath.

The silence in the locker room spread.

Standing tall, Chen Yu looked around, took a fancy to a pond, and walked over carelessly.

In the bathhouse, many men felt ashamed and subconsciously covered the vital points.



Accompanied by a crisp sound, Chen Yu raised his leg and stepped into the pool, slowly sinking into the hot liquid.

But the people who had been soaking in the pool, the first time they recovered, they crawled out one after another.

"Why are you leaving?" Chen Yu asked curiously.

"Don't soak, don't soak..." A man waved his hand again and again.

"It can't be soaked..." The other male screamed and left.


Chen Yu is the only one left in the huge hot pool.

Not long after, a little boy with freckles approached in the cool pool next door and curiously observed Chen Yu.

Especially observe Chen Yu's lower body.

"Big brother, why do you have three legs?"

Chen Yu: "...I am not a leg."


Chen Yu: "..."


Chen Yu: "Child, you are so good at talking, you are usually beaten at school."

"Only once a month."

"That's okay, your school spirit is very good. Leave us in the mountains, your intestines will have to be taken out."


The little boy suddenly pointed to Chen Yu: "You are the intestines taken out!"

Chen Yu: "..."

[Psychological damage: Spirit +6]

After a moment of silence, he suddenly felt that the bath was boring.

Holding a pool of water, he lifted the boy away.

Chen Yu stood up slowly, walked out of the pool, and entered the sweating area amidst the "weird" onlookers.

It can be seen that he is coming, and the men in the sweat room are also leaving in a hurry.

The hurried expression is like avoiding an alien...

Chen Yu: "..."


"Sweating is also very boring."


After a few laps in the bath, he found his home-the bath room.

In the room, there was only an old man who was blind, looking up and listening to the storytelling on his mobile phone.

"Master? Take a shower, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The old man quickly put down his mobile phone and "looked" at the place where the voice came: "With a bath and massage. The young man is a package?"


"Okay, give me your hand, and I'll rub it for you." Then, the old man stood up, closed his eyes to catch a basin of water, and sprinkled it on the plank bed.

Chen Yu looked up and down the old man a few times: "Master, can your physique... do it?"

"Look at me?" The blind old man's voice suddenly rose: "You look down on me?"

"No...No. I just think you are so old..."

"Young man, let me tell you, people are not to be seen, and the sea is not to be measured! These places where dirt and dirt are hidden and unsightly are when I show my skills and make achievements! Look at my hands like electricity, raining with gusts of wind and rain. Sweep away the filth, you will surely return you a bright, innocent and innocent one!"

Chen Yu: "...rub it."


The old man patted the mattress: "Go to bed!"

Lie down on the plank bed, Chen Yu sighed: "No wonder those who talk about cross talk and sketches are all from taking a bath..."

After receiving the card, the old man took a basin of water again and sprinkled it on Chen Yu, saying, "Did you bring a bath towel?"

"Take it."

Chen Yu stretched out his hand, took out a piece of sandpaper from his pocket, and handed it to the other party.


With a touch of sandpaper, the old man's expression changed greatly: "This is... a bath towel?!"

"Yes. The latest bath towel." Lie on the bed, Chen Yu pointed to his back: "Master, rub it hard, get a little bit more energy. It's like sparks."

Old man: "...You are not taking a bath."

"what is that?"

"You want to die early."

"It's okay, don't worry. Rub to death."

Holding the sandpaper, the old man hesitated: "Young man..."


"You and uncle, I'm telling the truth, are you here to cheat the insurance?"

"Cheating insurance?"

"Accidental death life insurance."

"...You rub me to death, and I will give you half."

Old man: "..."

Under the constant urging of Chen Yu.

The scrubbing master still held the sandpaper and gently wiped it on his back.


"All right?" the old man asked cautiously.

Chen Yu: "Cockroaches are more powerful than you. If you are really weak, change one."


"Use more force."


Seeing that Chen Yu was indeed not injured and there was no sticky blood under the sandpaper, the old man relieved his mind and scratched hard.

But while rubbing, he was secretly frightened.

He has rubbed baths for more than 20 years, whether ordinary people or warriors.

But even a level 6 warrior has never heard of rubbing with sandpaper...

"How hard is this skin..."

"Isn't the alien skin so hard?"



Rubbing and rubbing, the blind old man was taken aback suddenly, and the bathing action stopped. Reached out and touched Chen Yu's body a few times, sweating coldly.

"Master, what's the matter?" Perceiving the strangeness, Chen Yu turned his head in confusion: "Did you finish rubbing?"

"First... Sir, wait a while, I'll go to the toilet...toilet."

"Oh, that's all right, go ahead."

The blind old man crawled around and fled into the bathroom on the side. He picked up his mobile phone and tremblingly dialed the front desk phone: "Hello?"

"Is it a security guard?"

"You... come to see me, I seem to have made a monster."

"What a monster! I thought he was weird at first, the thief was tough! Then I found him... he has three legs!"

Chen Yu: "..."


The next day, sunny.

It's eight o'clock in the morning.

The people who trimmed the night, gathered on time.

After a brief conversation, after breakfast, he took the driver's taxi and went to Bingcheng West Railway Station.

Upon arriving at the destination, the driver took a few hundred yuan from his pocket and handed it to Chen Yu: "Brother, this is the fare you paid yesterday."

"The fare should be paid."

"It's said that the fare is free, and I can't take the money." The driver couldn't help but refunded the banknotes, then opened the door and pointed to the station in front: "You enter from Gate 2, and you can wait to get on the train after checking the ticket. Yes. But I suggest you, really don’t go to Changling City. Go straight back to Shan Province."

"Thank you, brother, for your concern."

Picking up the backpack in his left hand, and holding the BB in his right hand, Chen Yu led everyone to say goodbye to the driver: "Let's leave the call. We will contact you when we come back."

"No problem." The driver nodded, "As long as you can come back alive."



Chen Yu: "..."

Say goodbye to the driver.

Everyone entered Gate 2, finished their ID cards, and got the tickets.

As soon as they entered the waiting room, Chen Yu and others were taken aback.

I saw Hall 2, which was originally quite spacious, but it was already full of people at this time.

Even in the innermost part, there seemed to be physical conflicts.

"Ma Li." Chen Yu stood on tiptoe and looked around for a moment, then ordered: "Go inside and see what happened."

"Yeah." Ma Li nodded and looked at Ma Yan: "Sister, go inside and see what happened."

"it is good."

Ma Yan raised the folding surfboard and squeezed into the crowd with twists and turns.

After a while, he squeezed out again and again.

"What happened?" Ma Li asked quickly.

Ma Yan: "I didn't see it."

Everyone: "..."

"... Why didn't you see you coming back?!" Ma Li roared.

"Ma Li, it's better for you to go." Chen Yu helped his forehead.


With a sigh, Ma Li helplessly squeezed into the crowd.

After about ten minutes, he returned with an ugly face.

Chen Yu: "It doesn't seem to be a good thing."

"That's right." Ma Li raised her index finger: "Brother Yu, I have bad news for you."


"Changling City can't go."

"Why?" Chen Yu frowned.

"Last night, a train of trains leading to Changling City was attacked by the Fair. All people in the train were turned into logs."

"Assault by wood powder?" Chen Siwen's expression changed suddenly.

"Yes." Nodding, Ma Li looked at Chen Siwen: "According to the information I've inquired, two warriors above level 5 on the train were also killed. So for the safety of the railway, the ice city headed north and stopped. Open to traffic."

"This attack is targeted." Chen Yu narrowed his eyes, and there was an instant analysis in his mind.

"Yes." Ma Li nodded: "It must be aimed at the government troops from the magic city. Because according to the time, they should take the high-speed rail yesterday."

"There are only two martial artists above level 5." Chen Yu raised his eyebrows: "It seems that fairness will be missed."

"Well. The government's support cannot be that weak. But what shall we do now?"

"What about your suggestion?"


Before Ma Li had finished speaking, Chen Siwen interrupted: "I suggest, go home."


Pushing Chen Siwen away, Chen Yu said to Ma Li: "Go on, any suggestions."

"Brother Yu, are you sure, insistent, and sure you want to go to Changling City?"


"Then let's rent transportation."

"Rent a car?"

"It's so low to rent a car." Ma Li took out her cell phone, made a call, and blinked at Chen Yu: "Rent a plane."



In this vast black land, Ma Li does not have much business.

However, she was well-connected and contacted a formal aircraft leasing company through friends.

Due to the close collapse of various departments of the local government, there is no need to apply for air routes. Just give money and fly as long as you want.

After throwing away the bag and paying the money, everyone sat in the cabin smoothly and waited for the signal.

"Not bad."

Sitting in the middle of the helicopter, Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Sure enough, it was the right thing to bring you here."

Ma Li proudly: "You can absolutely trust me Ma Li."

"I want to go home..." Chen Siwen muttered with her head down, "What are we here for?"

"Why do you suddenly want to go back like this?" Chen Yu was puzzled.

"I don't feel well." Chen Siwen clutched her neck: "I don't know what's wrong, I can sleep more and more, and I feel sleeping well. But the neck hurts, a bit like a stiff neck, but it's not a stiff neck."

"How did you do it?" Chen Yu frowned.

"I don't know. And I got up early this morning. I lost both socks. My memory is bad. Hmm..." Chen Siwen sighed, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed: "The taste in my mouth is also weird."

"It seems I'm really tired." Ma Li patted Chen Siwen on the shoulder: "Brother Yu, or send it back to my sister."

"No." Chen Yu resolutely refused: "It is too dangerous to let her go back alone."

"Yes." BB nodded obediently: "Sister, it's too dangerous to go back."

"You can go back by Zhongtong Express." Ma Li suggested.

"Then it's better to find a cemetery to bury her. So that you don't even find the corpse."

"Brother, you speak so nicely. My sister is very happy..."

In conversation.

The driver is here.

He first greeted everyone kindly, then sat in the driving seat and gave a "crackling" operation.


The helicopter engine roared.

The main propeller turns slowly. There was a deafening noise.

"Headset, bring it!" Ma Li, with rich experience, picked up the black headset behind the seat and put it on her head.

Everyone has to learn a lot, and they also wear headsets.

"Bosses." The driver's voice came from the headset: "Target Changling City. There are some precautions before take-off. First, are there anyone who goes to the toilet?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, the pilot continued: "Second, hats and scarves are not allowed. Lesbians pay attention to their skirts and take care of the children. If anything is blown off during the flight, please don't suddenly get up and pick it up."

"Third, please fasten your seat belt. By the way, take a look at the safety instructions next to it. If you have any questions, you can always..."

The explanation lasted five minutes.

With the operation of the ground staff, the driver pushes the total distance.


The helicopter slowly lifted into the air under the continuously superimposed ascending force layer by layer.

After rising to a standard altitude and sailing steadily, Ma Li adjusted the headset channel to be shared by everyone, filtering out the driver.

"Hello? Can you hear it all?"

Chen Yu made a "1".

Ma Yan and Chen Siwen also nodded one after another.

"Flying tools are fast, but they are more dangerous. It is easy to encounter flying aliens." Ma Li's face was serious: "So, in the event of an emergency, we must jump immediately. In order to prevent the damage caused by the propeller, jump When you are flying, you must eject it hard. The farther you jump, the better."

"But the force is mutual." Chen Yu pointed to his feet: "Ejection, don't step on the ground."

"Yes. It's best to step on the other side of the wall. Then everyone puts on their seat belts."

Everyone began to wear parachute bags.

BB turned his head and looked at Chen Yu: "My lord, do we want to wear it too? Don't you know how to..."


After half-talking, Chen Yu was gagged by a panic.


Ma Li, Ma Yan, and Chen Siwen all stared at Chen Yu suspiciously.

Chen Yu: "..."

"What's wrong with your ass?" Chen Siwen asked.

"Hemorrhoids...have hemorrhoids."

"Why do you want to tell BB about this kind of thing?" Chen Siwen asked.

"Ah... she is curious."

"Brother Yu, I wanted to ask you a long time ago." Ma Li looked up and down BB: "This little girl, isn't she a normal person? And why should we take her to Changling City for such a dangerous operation?"

Chen Yu: "..."

Chen Siwen: Stare.

Ma Li: Stare.

Chen Yu: "...Have you heard? Simba is coming back again."

"...Don't change the subject so rigidly!"


"Warning, warning there is a helicopter heading towards Changling."

The northern outskirts of Bingcheng.

In a house hidden under the snow, the man is using special communication equipment to communicate with the organization.

I don't know when it started.

In the wild, there is no signal anymore.

Therefore, if you want to communicate, you can only rely on the periphery of the city, except in the city.

"Received. Report helicopter model."

Upon hearing the sound, the man immediately reported the model of the helicopter.

"How many people are there?"

"The news from the city, there are four people in total."

"Counting the driver?"

"Huh?" The man wondered: "The also a person?"

"...Okay, I see. We will launch a missile in five minutes and shoot down the other side. You send warriors to encircle and suppress."


The communication hangs up.

After a pause for a few seconds, the man once again connected to another channel: "Pretty Girl Warrior Troops, action!"



Outside the house, in a hidden garage.

An off-road vehicle full of beautiful girls chased in the direction where the helicopter flew away...



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