This Curse Is Just Awesome

Vol 4 Chapter 26: Changling Foreign Land (Upper Middle)

The blood stained the snow.

   Under Duan Ye's body, it spread into a beach.

   bends over, picks up the pistol that is still "smoke", he is silent, hesitating to say nothing.

   "You are lame." Yahuang changed his words.

   "It's just skin wounds."

   "The bullet hit the center of the thigh."

   "The middle of my leg bones is empty." Duan Ye did not show weakness.

   "You..." Bahuang Yi rarely hesitated, and for a while, he said: "You can come back."

   "Come back?" Duan Ye raised his eyebrows.

   "Turn your head back to shore."

"Can not go back."

   "Yes." Yahuang Yi nodded: "As for the wanted order, I can run it for you."

   "You are dead, how do you still work?"

   "The real me, I'm not dead."

   "I mean..." Duan Ye was murderous, leaning forward, staring at Bahuang Yi with unblinking eyes: "The real you is dead. How does it work?"

   "..." Yahuang Yi silently: "What do you mean."

   "Don't understand? Of course I will kill you again."


   With his hands folded, Duan Ye burst out with vigor: "Do you think I will let you go? Do you think you can't be killed without Brother Yu's help? Do you think I am crippled and I will have the disadvantage?!"

   Bahuangyi's body is subconsciously tall and straight, ready to resist.

   With the boiling energy, Duan Ye's black pupils were gradually dyed white, and his face became more and more ferocious: "You think... what you think is too right."


   The words fell, Duan Ye opened his hands, tearing the space instantaneously, dragging his lame leg and jumping in, disappearing...


   The north wind, mixed with snowflakes, danced again.

   In the entire foreign square, only Bahuangyi was left, messy in the cold wind.


   Not long after, Jill appeared out of thin air, took off the law enforcement mask on his face, and was very interested: "Run?"


   "Why don't you chase?"

   "Why chase."

"Yes..." took out a cigar, lit it carefully, and stuffed it into his mouth. Jill patted Bahuang Yi's shoulder: "I once told you that none of the three people in Class 2 of the year are mentally normal. Now I find that you are the same."

   turned his head, took a deep look at the place where Duan Ye disappeared, and Bahuang Yi asked in a deep voice, "Did you solve it over there?"


   "Where is the captain?"

   "The prisoner is being interrogated."

   "How can it be so fast?" Yahuang was puzzled.

   "Because the president of the fair is not here. It seems that he has entered a foreign land. The rest of the outside is a group of small trash fish."

   "Then we have to support Changling City later, right?"

   "Yes." Jill let out a puff of smoke: "But leave a person here to prevent the other forces of the fair from counterattacking. Especially the president who is staring at the fair."

   "Besides, I have to wait for Chen Yu to come out."

   "Chen Yu?" Jill was taken aback: "Chen Yu is here?"

   "Here." Bahuang Yi turned around and looked at the twisted door of time and space: "I have entered a foreign land."

   "Go in?" Jill's pupils contracted: "He's only level 2? Go in to find death?"

   "There should be some way to cut off harm. He cannot commit suicide."

   "There is wood powder inside, how to isolate it."

   "For example, space martial arts." Yahuang Yi thoughtfully: "I remember, he seems to have an instant-moving martial arts. Then it is normal to master other space forces."

   "So..." Jill walked to the door of time and space, feeling the oncoming attraction: "In addition to guarding the entrance, you have to wait for Chen Yu to come out and take him back?"

   "Yeah." Nodding, Yahuang Yi straightened his mask: "I stay here, you and the captain will support Changling City."

"No." Jill flicked his cigar and categorically refused: "Before setting off, the principal repeatedly emphasized that you must not leave the team leader's surroundings. Moreover, there must be many fair club members who are collecting wood flour in different areas, especially their President. It’s too dangerous for you to stay. You two go, I stay."

   "If you don't know Chen Yu, you may not be able to control him."

   "Fart." Jill sneered: "I am a level 6 boss, can't control a level 2?"

   "He is not a normal level 2."

   "I don't care about level 3 either."

  Bahuang Yi: "..."

   "I can't play with a little Chen Yu, I stand upside down and eat shit."

   "...Okay, good luck to you."

   Bahuang Yi turned around and left.

   Gil: "Where are you going?"

  Bahuangyi: "I'll find you shit."

   Gil: "..."


  Between heaven and earth, there is a blur.

   The dense fog obscured the sight.

   Chen Yu slowly opened his eyes, while listening to the electronic synthesis sound echoing in his ears, he observed the world inside.

   Only then discovered that the wafting mist is actually layered wood powder.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   stretched out his hand, grabbed a piece, Chen Yu carefully squeezed: "Such a dense amount, even an ordinary 5th-level martial artist, can't hold it, right?"

   "Someone came in?"

   "I heard you too, go and have a look."

   Along with a muffled discussion sound, two figures swayed from a distance.

   "The fair will..."

   Chen Yu returned to his senses, shaking his hand and pulling out a sharp dagger, like a phantom, disappeared in place. Hiding in the branches and leaves of a giant tree above.

  The strong physique allows him to have excellent mobility without the need for explosive energy.

   One minute later, two figures came and checked the time-space door in front of them.

   I saw them all wearing thick protective clothing and carrying heavy oxygen tubes on their backs. In each other's hands, they also dragged a large wooden bucket full of wood powder.

   "Huh? What about people?"

   "I did hear it just now, someone came in."

   "I heard it too..."

   "Puff puff——"

As soon as   's words fell, Chen Yu suddenly jumped from the sky, swiping his dagger, and instantly cut the protective clothing of the two of them.

   "Hiss——" The gas leaked out.

   The two of them had no time to struggle in the future, and the wood powder floating in the air infiltrated through the gap, and in an instant, they completely wooded them.


   fell to the ground, splashing two circles of powder.


   Blowing the dust lingering in front of him, Chen Yu bent over, took off his protective clothing, checked the situation of the two of them, and then speeded up his pace and walked towards the depths of the alien world.

   is different from Qingcheng and Bodhi Island.

   At this time, the Changling alien land, Chen Yu's biggest feeling is that the vegetation is lush.

  Mingming is in a zone similar to a "plain", but the trees are densely packed, but they are a little bit more dense than the mountain forest.

   Also, there are a few large white flowers blooming in the crown of all the trees.

   Layers of dense woody powder are released from these stamens.

   They seem to be breathing.

  I inhale gas.

   What is exhaled is powder...

   In the "fog", Chen Yu could see the members of the fair from time to time, but he didn't pay attention to it, just burying his head and running.

  The purpose of his trip is to collect "sap".

   Killing the enemy is just a waste of time.

   And this kind of treasure that can restore the woody state only exists in the depths of Changling alien land.

   Very much.

thirty marks.

One hour……

   As time goes by quickly.

   Chen Yu has long been unable to see any figure.

   Between the sky and the earth, there seems to be only the rising wood powder.

   layer upon layer, covering the sky and the sun.

   suddenly "upped" the number, causing Chen Yu to stop on the spot and look around.

   At this time, he found out.

The wood flour lingering around    has gradually changed from white to red.

   Looking ahead, it is a crimson world.

   Looking back, it is still dimly white...

   It turned out that he was standing on the dividing line of red and white.

   reached out and grabbed a mass of red powder, Chen Yu thoughtfully.

   "This is the wood powder that can turn all level 5 into wood..."


   patted his hands clean, he continued to quicken his pace, while opening his eyes wide, looking for possible "green trees".

   After a short while, I successfully found the target!

   There was joy flashing in his eyes, and Chen Yu took three steps and ran two times. A few flashes rushed to the target and circled excitedly.

   This is a small tree sapling that is less than half a meter in height and glows with green fluorescence throughout.

   Surrounded by many vegetation, it seems so out of place.

   Holding his breath, Chen Yu tentatively reached out and stroked the young shoots of the sapling.

   A refreshing chill came instantly.

   and spread through the skin tissue, sweeping the whole body.


  Bing's Chen Yu couldn't help but shudder.

   "This thing is interesting."

   Rubbing his hands, Chen Yu observed intently, and was surprised to see that two insects were crawling on the skin of the sapling.

   There are many creatures resembling ants at the "foot" of the saplings.

   The fluorescence it emits prevents the entry of wood powder, leaving these insects a ray of life.

   Crouched down, Chen Yu stared at the "ant colony" for a long time, picked up an ant, and sent it to the dusty area.

   The originally twisted worm's body immediately turned into a rice-sized piece of wood.

   squinted his eyes slightly, Chen Yu thought for a moment, and then sent the wooded ant back to the "fluorescent green tree".

   After a while, the ants are "alive" again...


   scratching his ears, he drew out a dagger, and gently scratched the sapling skin with a sharp blade. A wisp of green sap suddenly flowed from the wound.

   He pondered a little, and Chen Yu flicked a drop of liquid with his fingers.



   The whole right hand immediately turned into dry wood.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   With a startled spirit, Chen Yu rolled back and withdrew his body from the "fluorescent tree".

   Under the "baptism" of the woody powder, the woody palm is restored.

  Subconsciously, the five fingers open, close, open, close, and Chen Yu is very interested.

   "This thing is more effective than imagined."

   wiped the juice from the blade, he put away the dagger, and went inward again.

   The sap in a small sapling is far from enough.

  In his case, at least a bucket...

   But after walking, Chen Yu stopped after five minutes.

   It's not because he found a larger "fluorescent tree."

   Instead, a figure stood in front of him, blocking his way.

   turned his back to Chen Yu, with a tall waist, and said faintly: "Here?"

   Chen Yu: "...coming."

   "Why did you come here?"

"Traffic jam."

   The figure slowly turned around: "Did you bring things...hmm? Who are you?"

   Chen Yu dumped his bangs: "Who are you looking for?"

   "I'm looking for the president of the fair."

   The figure walked in step by step, observing Chen Yu up and down, arching his hands cautiously: "Excuse me, your excellency..."

  Looking at this attitude, Chen Yu knew that the other party must regard him as a boss.

   After all, he can go so far in Changling's foreign land without wearing protective clothing. From the analysis of common sense, he is at least a level 6 or 7 or higher powerhouse.

   "Rong Xiaosheng asks first, are you?" Chen Yu leaned back and asked.

  "Tan Yang, the vice chairman of the'Truth Research Foundation' in the next place."

   "Oh, long up for a long time!" Chen Yu's expression was solemn, and he bowed slightly: "Vice President of the Fair, Duan Ye."

   "Oh oh!" Yang Tan was stunned, repeatedly arching his hands: "Long Yang! Long Yang Da Ming!"

   "You are polite." Chen Yu smiled and waved, wondering in his heart: ‘Who is Detective Yang? ’

   "You are." Detective Yang also waved his hand with a smile, more puzzled in his heart: ‘Who is Duan Ye? ’

   The two had their own thoughts, and they were kind to each other.

   Tan Yang took the lead in entering the topic: "President Duan, may I ask..."

   Chen Yu: "You can just call me a octopus."

   "Oh, Mr. Hairtail, please...huh? Hairtail?"

   "Yes, my nickname. Chairman Yang doesn't need to care about the details. What do you want to say?"

   "Ah...I...I would like to ask, the president of your club, I have decided to meet me here. I waited for a day and night, why didn't he show up."

   In an instant, Chen Yu vaguely guessed something, narrowed his eyes, and said: "Are you saying that we are the president?"


   "His large intestine is dry."

   Tan Yang: "?"

   "The chairman asked me to give you a word." Chen Yu pointed to the east: "The'things' you want have already been placed for you."

   "Is it ready?" Yang leaned forward and shook slightly, turned his head, and looked in the direction of Chen Yu's fingers.

"Yes." Nodded, Chen Yu said nonsense: "You just have to walk east, keep walking until you encounter a big green tree 30 meters high, and then walk south again until you meet the public toilet, which is in the men's bathroom. Open the toilet lid in the fifth door, and you can find what you want."

   Tan Yang: "???"

   "Chairman Yang." Fists with both hands, Chen Yu bowed: "The words have been passed, and Duan has other tasks on him, so I will leave first."

   "Ah...that...bathroom..." Detective Yang somehow said, "Here...why is there a bathroom."

   Chen Yu waved his hand and walked straight away, going further and further: "When you get to the place, you will naturally understand."

   Looking at the back of Chen Yu leaving, Yang Tan frowned.

   "Go straight east, then south..."

   "Mysterious, what do you want to do?"

   muttered, Tan Yang turned around and walked towards the east...


   About two hours later.

   A figure in a black robe walked up, stood where Yang Tan stood before, and glanced around.

   "Brother Yang?"

   "Didn't you come?"

   "Brother Yang is here?"

   "Sorry, I just led my subordinates to collect the "green juice". I was late for a long time. Brother Yang won't be angry, right?"

   "Brother Yang?"



at the same time.

   Chen Yu finally came to a deep enough position after two hours of nervous rushing.

   Looking around, there are huge trees exuding green brilliance in front of them!

   The dense growth has blocked all the wood powder flying nearby.

   "Here, enough."

   Rubbing his hands with joy, Chen Yu opened his backpack, took out a stack of water bags from it, and stepped into it.

   However, at this moment, the sudden change!


   The earth shook.

  The sky changes color...


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