This Demon Sect Can’t Go On Chapter 118


Chapter 118 The Master's Calamity

It seems that the Yuan Zong is preparing to go to the Dark Forest Country. Infiltrated... don't even mind being an enemy of the Azure Demon Sect.

Xia Qingyang is very curious, who is behind the Yuanzong...Since he is afraid of Heavenly Immortal Sect's strength and does not touch it, he seems to have no retreat from Azure Demon Sect...


Perhaps, what they are afraid of is the background of the teaching behind Heavenly Immortal Sect?

Xia Qingyang thought about it and thought it was quite possible.

Or, is this Yuan Zong having other plans for the Azure Demon Sect?

He analyzed the point to no avail, but also understood that with his Master's statement, the conflict between the two parties was inevitable.

So, Xia Qingyang suggested: "Master, you can go back to Holy Sect and ask for help from the Elder, the Four Great Danger Zones and even the Demon Lord."

Lady Xuanyin sneered: "They ? They want us to have a bloodbath here... Do you think they won't know what's going on here?"

"Just jealous and my Blood Pond's annual income, don't want to shoot."

Xia Qingyang understands this selfish Demon Sect thinking very well, and he asks: "Where's the Demon Lord? Does he have nothing to say?"

If the Demon Lord doesn't make a statement , then this Azure Demon Lord is unqualified.

Who knew that his Master said: "He is also a Demon Lord? It's just that there is no better choice."

"This Demon Lord gave me an idea, That is to tell me Blood Pond to give up Dark Forest Country and return to Blood Pond to confess!"

"The reason given is that Azure Demon Sect is still recuperating, and it is not appropriate to use swordsmanship..."

Xia Qingyang was surprised, how could such a thing happen?

At this time, Lady Xuanyin turned into Song Xiaoci again, she looked at Xia Qingyang and sighed: "Qingyang, you have to know how difficult it is for our cultivation, and finally we have Dark Forest Country. The place that can give us the merits, the teacher is really reluctant to let go.”

This kind of reluctance Xia Qingyang can understand, he often died because of the same sect in other Danger Zones Feeling distressed at the hands of outsiders.

However, he still suggested: "Master, maybe Demon Lord is right this time... I'm afraid that Yuan Zong's aggressiveness should not be underestimated. Let's take a step back and open up the sky..."

Song Xiaoci shook his head and said, "It's impossible, it's not possible, I have recently savored the "I Hearing the Merit Sutra" and found a truth... Although we have brought great development to this Dark Forest Country and gained great merit, But we also received offerings from Dark Forest Country.”

“If we receive offerings and cannot save, then we will suffer backlash of merit!”

This is what Xia Qingyang does not have Thinking of it, he was stunned for a moment, and then looking at his Master's beautiful face, he saw a blue-black aura surrounding her head.


Song Xiaoci is already in trouble!

Xia Qingyang is other words, is this Yuan Zong the murder of Song Xiaoci?

She is in Demon Sect all the time, and is called Demon Sect demonic girl... Now she has changed her mind, but she has to face the murder of Yuan Sect's complete Demon Sect style.

And if she has been a demonic girl all her life, doing things that hurt heaven and righteousness, then I would like to know that her murder should come from the right path...

This God's arrangement, also It really makes people feel quite interesting.

How difficult is the real demonic path cultivation, and it is difficult to attract the right way to kill the calamity...especially now that both Buddhism and Taoism are regarded as the right way.

And there are murders in the reformation... At least it is foreseeable that if she can survive this murder, she will be extreme sorrow turns to joy.

The catastrophe at this time can only be regarded as repaying the sins of the early years.

But Xia Qingyang watched Song Xiaoci in the calamity without knowing it. Instead, she had a heroic spirit...I don't know if it was affected by the calamity or what.

He made a point, but he didn't know where to start.

It seems preoccupied.

Who knew that at this time Song Xiaoci showed a tired look and said: "Qingyang, I know you are worried about me... You child always likes to keep words in your stomach... But it's okay, This time, I have the confidence to be a teacher and I will be able to get through it safely."

Xia Qingyang astonished asked: "Master, do you know this is your catastrophe?"

Song Xiaoci revealed Seeing an unprecedentedly weak expression, she said, "I know, what can I do?"

"It's difficult to kill a robbery, but it's always worth it."

Xia Qingyang saw this in her heart. After a moment of tightness, he couldn't help but say impulsively: "Master, how do you want me to do it?"

Song Xiaoci shook his head and said, "What can I do for you? This is Master's own calamity, You have to go through it yourself."

At this time, she said quite confidently: "As a teacher, I have had some opportunities recently, and I am confident that I can get through it, so you can rest assured."

She thought for a while and then said: "But it's okay for you to do some preparations for me, that is, go to Zhongwu Kingdom for me to find out more news, at least I want to know when they will come."


Xia Qingyang understood in his heart after hearing this, and he was even ready to think about how to delay the pace over there.

Just at this moment, Song Xiaoci said again: "Don't tell Ru'er about this, originally her father gave birth to her because she wanted to give me the opportunity to act as a child when I really had no choice. The fleshy body that has come back from body possession... Now, she can also make her come for Jie, but the teacher doesn't want to do this kind of hurtful thing anymore."

Xia Qingyang was very surprised, he didn't I don't expect my Song Ru Senior Sister to exist beside Song Xiaoci with such an identity!

Spare tire fleshy body, substitute for robbery...

Originally Song Xiaoci's preference for Song Ru, where is the preference!

That's a spare fleshy body, can't all the resources be piled on her?

Xia Qingyang suddenly felt that the Master's slap turned out to be true love...

Is this the way the Demon Sect's master and disciple survive?

Even if it is a master and disciple of inheritance, there may be plot against... So what does he have for Lady Xuanyin?

Xia Qingyang suddenly thought a lot.

The Demon Sect is, after all, a place that is used to selfishness and rarely has true feelings.

So is he really in love with Song Xiaoci?

Xia Qingyang gradually believed some time ago, but now she is suddenly not so sure.

He asked: "Master, why did you tell Disciple this?"

Song Xiaoci said: "You are the Chief Disciple of the Master, so I will hide these things from you. I'm afraid you'll think I'm partial or something."

Is that so?

Xia Qingyang is still suspicious.

No matter what, he suppressed the doubts in his heart and decided to follow the Master's wishes and go to Zhongwu country to do things.

He chose not to torture humanity and believed in the security he had previously felt in Song Xiaoci.

After saying goodbye to Master Lady Xuanyin in a hurry, he once again set foot on the road to Heavenly Immortal Sect... On the way, he suddenly remembered his father.

Song Xiaoci was born in the Demon Sect and was killed, so what is the disaster for Jiang Dongcheng, who was born in the Upright Sect but lost in the Heart Demon?

He thought about it curiously, and suddenly thought of something...

Maybe, now is the time to hand over that flying immortal sword to Jiang Dongcheng?

Plan it out and see if you can make it worthwhile...

(end of this chapter)

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