This Demon Sect Can’t Go On Chapter 124


Chapter 124 Ancient Demon Corpse

In this water full of epidemic air, Xia Qingyang walked very quietly... To ensure that he is safe, he is naturally not in a hurry.

But those people who are in the Yuan Zong really don't know what situation they are facing, and they are stupid and bold.

Seeing those people under water groping alone, Xia Qingyang quietly groped deeper, wanting to see what the source of the epidemic was.

Escape silently in the water, not fast, but ensure undetected.

Soon the situation at the bottom of the water fell into his eyes... It was a turbid sewage area, and the place covered with mud was white bones...

And , all human bones!

He seemed to feel a strong resentment here, and it slowly spread from the pile of bones...

He was really stunned, this level of resentment can't be simple , full of the taste of eternity, as if it came from an extremely ancient era...

The plague in this water is also obvious at a glance, a corpse plague full of grievances from the dead!

And this ancient monster Cave Mansion is probably not simple anymore... There are so many human skeletons buried in the ancient monster Cave Mansion, why is this?

Not a good place to think about it.

It is rumored that in ancient times, human beings were the target of many Monster Race hunting... So it seems that this ancient monster was a member of the original hunting Human Race.

To be honest, Xia Qingyang really doesn't have much prejudice against the current Monster Race, all of them are very silly and very easy to bully.

But Ancient Era's Monster Race, it's really a ruthless character!

Actually, he knew that demons were different individuals, and they shouldn't even be considered as one family... It was really too much for those demons back then.

Xia Qingyang stared at the dead bones in the sewage area below, feeling the endless resentment left on them, silently mourning and having no other choice.

He noticed that there were still some Remnant Souls on it...the pieces were not formed at all, and it was more appropriate to call them fragments of thinking, as if to accuse the ancient demon of the crimes of the past.

...At this time, the Yuan Sect people seemed to have found an exit and swarmed to the other end of the pool.

Xia Qingyang waited for a while in the dark deep water before slowly following up.

When he passed by, he saw the light on the water surface. He didn't know what the light source was. He just continued to lurking in the water and didn't rush out.

His perceptions were all unfolded, and when he felt the voice of the pool drifting away, he quietly got out of the water.

The water flowed down his body quickly, and there was no trace of it remaining, not like many people in the Disciple of Swallowing Yuan Sect were all wet.

This is another underground karst cave, and the surrounding light comes from those fluorescent ores.

There are obvious artificial traces here. Those fluorescent stalagmites seem to be man-made refined, showing a rather rough architectural style.

He found out that this might be a deliberately excavated road, but it was too insignificant, and it was not much different from the primordial cave.

The people in front are still moving forward...but Xia Qingyang has noticed that they have fallen into a huge battle.

Who said Far Ancient Era's Formation was nothing fancy?

Indeed, it is much less delicate than today's Formation, but it is closer to nature, and it can often be silent and fascinating.

Xia Qingyang still did not rush out, and even patiently followed the group of people and swayed slowly behind, not daring to expose herself at all.

After all, they have four immortals, and he'd be dangerous if he got his hands on them.

During this process, he could also observe the situation of the Yuan Sect... First of all, they were very silent.

Then he noticed that these people were actually guarding each other... In fact, they were not guarding each other, they were almost hating each other!

It's normal to think about it, after all, the characteristics of the cultivation technique of Yuanzong determine that maybe the same sect slaughter one another is the fastest way to improve.

The Azure Demon Sect is already a way of cultivating Disciples by raising Gus, but there is still a certain same sect friendship between True Disciples... and this Yuan Zong simply has no concept of the same sect It can be said!

After walking slowly for one hour, the lead Earth Immortal realized something was wrong: "We must have unconsciously realized that this is an imaginary formation, and we must find a way to break the formation."

The person who knows 'Windcall Technique' is here again. He once again performed a huge wind technique of formidable power, which attracted a gust of wind in this narrow cave and blew the entire cave in an instant!

Good guy, or brute force.

Xia Qingyang probably understands the routine of these people, but he has to say that this routine is very effective...

At least he discovered the cave through his own perception. There is indeed a 'wind leak' gap in it.

Look at the Immortal of the Yuanzong who is trying to brute force the crack... It looks like he didn't find it at all!

Xia Qingyang hesitated for a while, thinking that they should ignore these people, and wait until they figure out a way to break the formation. I really don't know when it will go.

He simply quietly cast the wind escape and escaped into the gap.

He then drilled directly into another wide space along the gap in the form of a wisp of air.

He stood here, looking at the wide Cave Mansion space, as well as the various ancient stone buildings... This made him know that he should have come to the core area of this Cave Mansion. .

This made Xia Qingyang a little worried that he would not be in trouble for those people who are swindling Yuanzong, right?

But then he realized that this kind of thing would not happen, in his perception, everything here has no spiritual power fluctuations.

No, it's just that there is no spiritual power fluctuation in these rooms, but behind these stone chambers, there is still a huge spiritual power radiation source.

This kind of spiritual power is full of oppression and aggressiveness, and has a very strong 'character'... This is the spiritual power refined by Monster Race, that is, the magic power.

He simply didn't go into the house to check, but went straight to the back of these houses...and saw a huge monster.

This is...

A gigantic crocodile carcass.

Almost completely occupied the Cave Mansion space behind the stone chamber.

What made Xia Qingyang's hands and feet cold was that the giant crocodile was buried among a pile of thick white bones, with only part of its body exposed.

Divine Sense sweeps away... There are probably tens of thousands of human skeletons here.

Xia Qingyang was silent for a while.

And then I felt that this corpse still exudes terrifying aura even after death, and even the long years have not dissipated the magic power.

Death Aura emanated from the crocodile's corpse, its slightly arched back making it look as if it could strike again at any moment.

Xia Qingyang's eyes were fixed, and then he had an idea...

The crimson blood glowed on his palms, which was the full operation of "Supreme Yin Blood Palm" Performance.

And this time he added not only the blood light Star God force to the Supreme Yin Blood Palm, but also the Divine Force of the Great Emperor Lu Yue!

Together, it is a terrible blood plague...

(end of this chapter)

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