This Demon Sect Can’t Go On Chapter 130


Chapter 130 Innate talent

After gathering valuable information, Xia Qingyang should The one who made this Ao Qianyou get out of the way quickly, he was a little uncomfortable showing his true colors in front of outsiders.

In fact, that Ao Qianyou also wanted to leave, and the aura emanating from Black and White Impermanence's body was truly terrifying.

The feeling of treating him as food is not that wonderful.

But Xia Qingyang just kept him.

"Talking is better than nothing, please Sect Master to recite "Spirit Treasure Infinite Human Wonderful Sutra", this seat will continue to save these dead souls together with "Rebirth Sermon"... You are right, this ancient corpse Getting out of trouble has nothing to do with you, the Origin Sect, so let’s do something to compensate for the cause and effect.”

Because he remembered that the Origin Demon Sect seemed to be preparing to attack the Dark Forest Country?

That was the Death Tribulation of his Master Lady Xuanyin...

Now Lady Xuanyin can be said to be half of his trustworthy person, if he really died, he would find it difficult to handle ...then help her delay the Sect Master who swallowed the Origin Demon Sect here, it should be all right now?

Xia Qingyang's decision to help Song Xiaoci eliminate the biggest enemy in a quiet moment.


It was another seven days, and the ancient demon's body was completely burned, and it was finally completed and turned into a dead monster... But the black The Eighth Master showed his true body, suppressed the corpse, and let Xia Qingyang's True Fire refinish it.

At the same time, he whispered unhappily: "If this Heavenly Dao hadn't limited our overwhelming majority's spells, this thing would have been cursed to death by me."

Witch Curse...

Ao Qianyou shook his body and became more honest.

Wizards do not cultivate the Primordial Spirit, and only rely on a powerful fleshy body and heavenly divine ability to roam the Great Desolate land before fighting the Monster Race.

However, after the Monster Race appeared and fought against it, because the Monster Race at that time was to fight against the witches with Primordial Spirit Power... So the witches studied many spells against the Primordial Spirit .

Ao Qianyou's performance made Xia Qingyang realize one thing... this Ao Qianyou may also be a Monster Race incarnation!

This surprised him a bit. He thought that the Yuan Sect was at least a human sect... Good guy, it was founded by a monster, no wonder its behavior is so brutal.

At the same time, he also confirmed that the Disciple in the Origin Demon Sect is probably the highest achievement that is True Immortal...

He feels that the swallowing of the Origin Demon Sect is simply the Qianyou, in order to serve his master, was made by the so-called ancestor of the ocean tide.

Xia Qingyang sneered in her heart, and continued to recite the Taoist scripture Chaodu with a calm expression on her face... These Remnant Souls have accumulated tens of thousands of years because of their resentment, and it is too laborious to save them.

Although that Ao Qianyou can't sit still, he can only sit obediently and honestly under the watchful eyes of Black and White Impermanence... Let him go to Transcend Resentful Soul, it's really hard for a strong man , it's good that his karma is not concentrated by Resentful Soul.


One month has passed, and the grievances collected in the Nether Token have only exceeded 10%.

The Remnant Soul here is too much and too stubborn, this is all the evil of that giant crocodile tens of thousands of years ago.

If we follow this situation, it will probably take nine months to pass all of them...

Xia Qingyang thinks this is just right, he just wants to delay time.

And Ao Qianyou was different, he was absent-minded and didn't dare to say anything more.

That's why they're just consuming it again...

Black and White Impermanence don't know why Xia Qingyang insisted on keeping this Sect Master, the two are just refining the giant crocodile After the corpse, they take turns to go out and lock up the wandering spirit, this can be considered without delaying their own work.

It is also funny to say that these witches have no good way to deal with the dead after losing the ability of witchcraft, they can only rely on these underworld treasures recognized by Heavenly Dao to target the dead.

Xia Qingyang dragged Ao Qianyou for another two months, and he waited for something very important to him...that is the second round Ninth Layer of Heaven Measuring Profound Yellow Ruler Also unlocked!

Refining that monster corpse is a great merit, but that only increases his merit slot to 40%, and the remaining 60% is obtained by transcending these ancient Remnant Souls!

This Remnant Soul is too much and too stubborn... What is proportional to the difficulty of the super-transit is the merit obtained after the super-transition.

He only surpassed 30% of the dead souls, and then filled the remaining 60% of the scale of Heaven Measuring Profound Yellow Ruler second round Ninth Layer... Then in theory, all the ancient Remnant Souls here have been measured, He might be able to unlock the third round First Layer Heaven in a row as well!

This is a leap forward.

Xia Qingyang still remembers that when he completed all the Ninth Layer Heaven gift selections in the first round, he got the precious extra Innate Divine Ability of 'Zhuye', then this second round Ninth Layer Heaven endowment selection completed?

This Ninth Layer Heaven is endowed with: Yang, Fu, 【God】, Sheng.

At this time, he first ruled out the option of 'Life'. His current cultivation base has already come up, so he doesn't have much pressure to survive, and naturally he doesn't need to enhance his life force.

And 'Blessing'...To be honest, he feels that his own Good Fortune is not bad. After all, he is now covered by Master Tongtian. Master Saint insists on accepting him as a discipline. This treatment In any case, Good Fortune is also the best, right?

In the end he made 【Yang】highlight.

This choice is not because he already has Yang Attribute's cultivation technique to cultivate, but when he studies "Supreme Yin Secret Scroll", he faintly finds that he can't take this 'Yin' attribute alone. Come out to understand, otherwise it is easy to go to extremes.

After all, he is a human rather than an Innate deity, so I am afraid it is difficult to control such an extreme attribute...

This is a profound mystery that he vaguely comprehends when he collects Taoist treasures in many ways, so he chooses this Attribute strengthening is also to enhance one's own perception of the sun, so as to comprehend the yin... The most important thing is to find a way to keep yourself from being out of balance.

Considering that the Yin God system seems to be from Goddess...he is full of a sense of crisis.

At this time, his Heaven Measuring Profound Yellow Ruler Ninth Layer Heaven is assigned as:

First Layer: [Wind], Fu, [Perception], Jing

Second Layer: Rain, Fortune, [Resistance], [Qi]

Third Layer: Thunder, Fortune, [Life], [God]

Fourth Layer: Electricity, Fortune, 【Qi】 、【Resistance】

Fifth Layer : Light, Blessing, 【Perception】 , 【Essence】

Sixth Layer : Fog, Fortune, 【God】, 【Life】

Seventh Layer: Ice, Fortune, [Perception], [Resistance]

Eighth Layer: [Yin], Fortune, Qi, [Essence]

Ninth Layer : [Yang], Blessing, [God], Sheng

After this [Yang] attribute has been selected, he doesn't feel much.

However, after the second round Ninth Layer Heaven was all selected, his Heaven Measuring Profound Yellow Ruler changed amazingly...

First of all, it 'disappeared'!

In other words, it disappeared from his chest and belly and merged into his Primordial Spirit!

The next moment suddenly dawned on me... which meant that he was finally refining it!

What about the Innate Divine Ability in this second round?

Also received, called 'Zhenling'!

This is a 'passive innate talent', as far as he understands it, it seems to be an auxiliary ability that helps him control various energies in his body.

Of course, because he himself has Supreme Yin True Qi Absolute Control in his body, he doesn't know where this innate talent strengthens him for a while.

And he didn't have time to understand the beauty of 'Shenling', the benefits of [Yang] attribute strengthening have been slowly reflected... His "Rebirth Sermon" sublimated to another realm unconsciously!

(end of this chapter)

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