This Demon Sect Can’t Go On Chapter 187


Chapter 187 Song Family's Little Eleven

The little girl in front of me is Song Xiaoci The Reincarnation Body?

Is this the first time you've been reincarnated?

Xia Qingyang couldn't help but try out some of the deduction skills she had previously learned in the Daoming Flying Immortal Sect Daozang.

He counted with his fingers, already the tenth generation?

He looked at the calamity on this little girl's head was already very weak, and the Good Fortune, which had been suppressed by her tenth life, was beginning to be unstoppable.

Divine Sense swept again, and he found that this little girl is really unexpectedly good, and her mind is very precocious... If it can be guided well, it should be an excellent one. The monastic seedlings!

"Junior Brother is tempted?"

A dignified and gentle female voice suddenly came from behind him.

Xia Qingyang turned her head to look, and saw Sister Yunxiao Senior had condensed the incarnation of incense, standing calmly behind him.

He said: "Although there is still a lifetime to go, her aptitude in this life is the most suitable for cultivation... This is really contradictory."

Yunxiao Fairy Answered: "Then Junior Brother, do you know why I showed up this time?"

Xia Qingyang astonished, and then said: "Could it be that Senior Sister is going to accept apprentices?"

Yunxiao nodded and said: "That's of course, the tenth Death Tribulation has passed the ninth life, and the tenth life did not say that the must die is the end... My Section Cult doctrine is to intercept a for all souls. The glimmer of survival, the vitality of her life, let me, the Master, fight for her."

"And once she has passed the Death Tribulation of this life, she will be a fish in the ocean from now on. Jumped."

What Xia Qingyang understood was the arrogance of Section Cult Disciple's struggle against the Heavens.

At least Yunxiao Fairy hasn't lost this spirit.

<> Xia Qingyang hearing thisp nod.

At this moment, the little girl stopped crying, looked up and saw Xia Qingyang again, with a fierce look on her face, as if she wanted to seek revenge...

Previously Xia Qingyang Looking at this child, he thought it was okay. Now that he knew that this was Song Xiaoci's Reincarnation Body, his mentality changed.

He looked over with a smile... Although he was wearing a mask, the provocation in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

The little boy shouted 'wow', and then rushed over like a bull with his head on.

The corner of Xia Qingyang's mouth twitched, if not for wearing a mask, this smile would definitely make a group of old and young women scream and go crazy.

Just as the little boy rushed forward with a 'wow ya ya', Xia Qingyang kicked her sideways on her ass and kicked it directly into the wooden man's hall ...Sister Yunxiao is waiting for her to go to accept her apprentice!

This kick made Xia Qingyang feel that he has a lot of ideas... Thinking about how hard Song Xiaoci bullied him in the early years, he can finally get the opportunity to take revenge.

He was certain that her this life could restore the memory of her tenth life, otherwise he would not be interested in doing so.

The door of the Wooden Man's Hall slammed shut, and the two Azure Yang Sect Disciples outside were stunned.

They didn't notice Xia Qingyang standing in front of them so brightly before, until the door of the wooden man hall was closed, they suddenly found this person standing in front...

Xia Qingyang looked at them and said, "Go and call Song Huo over here."

His Divine Sense has actually found Song Huo...the one who kept teaching him the secret technique of Blood Pond in battle The brawny man has now become a thin and old man.

After he stopped cultivation, the cultivation base spawned by the Demon Sect secret technique also receded like a tide, his current Yangshou has come to an end, and Song Ru doesn't seem to have any extension for him. mean.

The father and daughter from Demon Sect seem to be very indifferent. Xia Qingyang feels the same way. He even thinks that Song Ru did not directly find a way to kill Song Huo. Eat and drink to give her the devil father old age and death.

Not long after, Song Huo was rushed over by four people carrying a sedan chair.

It's not that he's big, but that he really can't walk.

Xia Qingyang looked at the withered old man in the sedan chair who was cautiously helped by the servants, and actually felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

For him, it's just a time to retreat. For this Song Huo, it seems that he has experienced the pain of a lifetime!

Song Huo looked at Xia Qingyang with his dim old eyes, and then overlapped them with the silhouette in his memory.

He said, "Qingyang? Is it really you?"

Xia Qingyang nodded slightly and said, "It's my teacher, it's me."

No matter how evil this Song Huo used to be, to Xia Qingyang, he can be regarded as the real enlightenment of cultivation.

Song Huo suddenly became happy like a child, he said: "They all said that you have become an immortal and wandered around, why do you have time to come back and see my old fogey now?"

Xia Qingyang couldn't help but smile and said, "Yes, I came back specially to see my uncle... How has my uncle lived all these years?"

While he was talking, there was another person standing next to him. There is a new Disciple from Azure Yang Sect in recent years. They don't know what Xia Qingyang is about, and they feel a little ignorant and fearless, so they want to talk to him.

But they only took two steps forward when they found themselves walking into a fog.

There is a fog in front, back, left, and right, and they are lost in it in an instant...

Xia Qingyang is now able to use this maze restriction at his fingertips.

And Song Huo didn't notice what was happening behind him, and still talked to Xia Qingyang about something.

He said: "Since your Master left, old fogey, I've been disheartened, and I just want to spread the branches for the Song Family... didn't expect, and continued in one breath. She gave birth to ten daughters!"

He sighed and looked at the head when he said this: "It's not that the daughter is bad, it's the little girls, from the second to the tenth, all because of Died prematurely for various reasons, and it seems that this is the only one left with Da and Eleven..."

"Da is old and has big ideas, so he doesn't look down on my old fogey... ...but Little Eleven is the apex of my old fogey!"

"By the way, Little Eleven...Where is the Little Eleven?"

He is really confused Yes, it took me half a circle to think of my own heart.

Xia Qingyang quickly said with relief: "Don't worry, uncle, there is a master who has taken a fancy to the aptitude of your little eleven, and is accepting apprentices there."

Song Huo Suddenly nervous, he asked: "Who is this powerful, but not the Demon Sect... In fact, if Xiao Shi can grow up normally, I am not going to let her enter this Azure Demon Sect. What about cultivation?"

He really 'put down the butcher's knife'?

Xia Qingyang didn't know whether to cry or laugh said: "Master, now it is no longer called Azure Sect, nor is it Demon Sect."

Song Huo But he said disapprovingly: "The people are still those people, it's not too bad."

This is really understandable...

Xia Qingyang pondered in his heart, guessing that he was with him The evaluation in my heart is not so good, after all, the last impression I gave him was that of the Great Demon level.

He said: "Don't worry, it's a dao sect who has been sanctified in the Celestial Court fleshy body, and his feet are very straight."

Song Huo heard Celestial Court Endorsement, this is the real peace of mind... He still trusts Xia Qingyang very much and knows that he will not lie to him.

"So... so, old fogey, I can close my eyes."

At this moment, a Perfection-style smile appeared on his face.

Only then did Xia Qingyang notice that the calamity in his body had also dissipated, leaving only the merits accumulated over the years.

Buddhism says 'put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot', but in fact it means to let go of the Evil Thought in one's heart, and then one can have Buddha-nature and become a Buddha.

Song Huo is the kind of person who 'puts down the butcher's knife', but he spent the rest of his life to make up for the mistakes of the first half of his life, and then he got a possibility for his next life.

That's right, Song Huo's life essence in this brief moment just came to an end.

(end of this chapter)

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