This Demon Sect Can’t Go On Chapter 193


Chapter 193 must have a sense of ceremony


The Antarctic fairy sighed: "I thought that Three Illuminations Divine Water can save King Wu Cheng, didn't expect that even Three Illuminations Divine Water can't save this karma."

What can't be saved, but if you don't solve the karma , these symptoms will only keep coming back, and Huang Feihu can only endure this torture repeatedly.

Xia Qingyang faced all this calmly, it had nothing to do with him.

Antarctica Xianweng raised his head and clasped his fists in prayer: "Wucheng King He Gu, please help Master!"

Xia Qingyang was surprised to see this... not Yuqing Did Saint ask the Antarctic fairy to save people? How could he not be aware of the situation of Huang Feihu?

In the end, the Antarctic Xianweng needs to pray like this before he can do it?

This sense of ceremony is too strong.

While he was thinking about it, he found that there seemed to be a clear fairy light in front of him...


His avatar, Yu Qingzi His head lit up like a light bulb!

Then everyone suddenly realized that it was not the head that lit up, but the order of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning in that head.

The Heavenly Venerable Order exudes a mysterious light... In today's era when Saint is not available, this method can still be used to perform Saint methods!

I saw Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning causing a vast immortal light to emerge suddenly, shining on Huang Feihu's body.

The strands of black qi breaths were pulled out from him...then more and more were pulled out, and directly behind it gathered into a treasure seal.

This is... Dongyue Mount Tai Divine Seal?

However, this dark treasure seal is entangled with karma, so is this treasure seal symbolizing the emperor's position of Dongyue still usable?

Xia Qingyang expressed puzzlement.

But looking at Huang Feihu again, he saw that Fang Baoyin was pulled away and then fell to the ground.

He was originally a mortal, but after being conferred a god, he suddenly became a god, and he was always worried about labor and rarely slack off when he was the Great Emperor of Dongyue... Now that he was removed from the god position, he became a mortal again. .

And how can a mortal survive in the current body?

The heavy body soon lost its life, and then dissipated into a pool of thick water.

But then Huang Feihu's clean soul floated up, and he clenched his fists and bowed to Yu Qingzi to show his gratitude.

The Antarctic Immortal Weng instantly clear comprehension, he said: "It's easy to say, Poor Daoist will send you to reincarnation, and when you get out of the robbery, he will personally accept you as a Disciple."


Huang Feihu immediately knelt down and thanked him.

And Xia Qingyang is also a trance to understand something... He was at a loss for his unfathomable mystery to be named the Great Emperor of Dongyue, and now I look at it and find that this is actually a plot of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning against ......

If he wants to become the Great Emperor of Dongyue, he must accept the Mount Tai Divine Seal of Dongyue, who was entangled in karma by Huang Feihu!

If he wants to secure the throne of Emperor Dongyue, he must also find ways to eliminate these karmic obstacles...

My good guy, this karma is man-made by Chan Jiao, and he has to clean up the mess. ?

But can he refuse?

Obviously not...

Perhaps in Yuqing Saint's plot against, he completely cut off the causal connection with this incarnation to cut off the influence of karma, so that his It is the best result to incarnate to become the exclusive tool of Chanjiao in the underworld!

After all, Saint has already been paid, but his body is the essence of the Three Purities magic... What's wrong with accepting him as an incarnation?

Xia Qingyang pondered Saint's thoughts like this, put herself as humble and desolate as possible, and then looked very openly.

He knew that this was helpless. He originally thought that when he became the Great Emperor of Dongyue, he would be able to gain a lot of merit immediately, but now it seems that he has to repay the debt to his predecessor first.

But completely cut off the cause and effect of this incarnation?

This is impossible.

I don't say how much damage this will cause him, but he can't let go of the merits of this city god.

A little karma is just a small thing, and merit is the big deal!

He is not the same as Huang Feihu, the king of Wucheng who became a mortal man, isn't he just an incarnation!

Xia Qingyang immediately looked certain and made all the psychological preparations, and then the incarnation of Yu Qingzi stepped forward and grabbed the separated Dongyue Mount Tai Divine Seal...

Rao is that Xia Qingyang has already made enough psychological preparations, but the moment he grabbed the Divine Seal, he still showed an uncomfortable look.

He is used to the feeling of the clear eyes and ears of the merit protection body. Now that the karma is entangled, he just feels that his whole body is wrapped in a layer of black pulp, and he can't see clearly. , I can't understand the sound...

Even the strong thinking ability on weekdays has become a lot duller at this time.

Some unfathomable mystery ideas often pop up...

For example, right now, he is clearly in a terrible situation, but an idea pops up: I Is it the Great Emperor of Dongyue who controls the underworld now? wow hahaha ……

At this moment, a thought floated on his own...

Fortunately, he made similar mental preparations at first, and knew what he was going to do next.

Yu Qingzi took the Divine Seal entangled in karma in his hand and staggered to the place where Huang Feihu was sitting.

He fell down and began to recite "Rebirth Sermon" mechanically and carelessly.

Under the entanglement of karma, his entire skin turned black... If it weren't for him not being of flesh and blood, he would probably be covered in pustules like Huang Feihu.

But anyway, it's just to put a repeater here, the specific state of this avatar is so-called.

The only thing to worry about is the impact on his body...

At this time, Spirit Treasure Heavenly Venerable shines brightly in his Primordial Spirit, making him The Primordial Spirit of the Primordial Spirit felt a sense of clarity no longer overshadowed by those karma.

He felt a lot more comfortable all of a sudden.

In addition, the Xuanhuang Hengtian ruler in his body also played a role, and instantly suppressed this uncomfortable feeling.

Although karma is still entangled, at least the thinking is clear.

It's still a good-hearted man!

Xia Qingyang sighed with emotion.

Then he also understood his current state.

Merit and karma cannot cancel each other unless there is an external force to help.

Sin is sin and merit is merit.

But he is a great virtue and has Supreme Treasure, and now he should be able to continuously earn merit to eliminate his karma.

Just because of the entanglement of karma, the benefits of his many merits and body protection will be least there will be no good luck.


Has he had any luck?

At this time, he regretted that he had chosen the word 'Blessing', it was useless!

But then he found that he also thought too badly about Master Yuanshi... Then the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning order came back to Yu Qingzi's forehead.

Then a burst of clear light radiated out, which actually shielded him from the influence of karma.

Even temporarily suppressed the karma on Yu Qingzi's body, and the main body was soon completely freed from the influence...

Well... he was in a hurry just now .

It's probably because the tool man is very good, and he went straight up without talking to the Saint gentlemen... No wonder the Heavenly Venerable Token was in a hurry when it flew back.

The Antarctic Xianweng has already reminded silently: "Junior Brother, why are you so impatient, why don't you ask for the Master's Heavenly Venerable order to get that Dongyue Mount Tai Divine Seal?"


Xia Qingyang: "..."

He's really annoyed by these ceremony teachings...

(End of this chapter)

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