This Demon Sect Can’t Go On Chapter 195


Chapter 195 The cute little cutie

Xia Qingyang came out of Samsara Palace in a trance.

It seems that every time he comes out of Samsara Palace, he's a little haunted.

This is also as it should be by rights, after all, anyone who gets such an answer will be like this...

For his previous question, Empress did not hide.

Her answer was: "When your Primordial Spirit is strong enough, you can naturally accept that memory."

"Until then, we will protect you. "

What does this 'guardian' mean?

Also, who is this 'we' referring to?

Is he really a lovable person...

Xia Qingyang pondered for a while and felt that he should not think about it too much, anyway, he already knows his background now How thick, can walk unhindered in this world.

But the only trouble is that these backgrounds can't enter the Earth Immortal world now, and they can only use some means to sway the influence.

After having a big meal with those witch clansman in the underworld, he said goodbye to several brothers of the witch clan and returned to the Dark Forest Country City God Temple in Yang Sector.

Next to the City God Temple is the Dao Palace of the Black Forest... This feeling is good, the underworld seems to be far away, but in fact it is only one step away from the forces under his control.

Then the next step is to develop the scale of the Temple of the City God.

This is not just about the incense of his city god, it is also a transmission network for him.

At the same time, he has to start thinking of ways to manage the power of the underworld. The stronger the management ability of the underworld, the faster his Great Emperor of Dongyue incarnation will naturally eliminate karma.

He pondered this, and suddenly his heart moved, and Ah Xian was summed up by him again.

Little Moon doesn't look like the previous 'prestigious' at all. Now she looks sullen and doesn't seem to have any strength... It seems that Empress is right, this is a silly girl who can do anything Recognize that death is a stick to the end, even if you do everything you can to give everything you have.

After Xia Qingyang has experience this time, he probably understands what the situation is, and next time A Xian wants to be so stubborn, he will know how to stop it.

The river map was covered on top of the little moon, and she really felt a lot of energy all at once.

He rubbed against Xia Qingyang's hand on the river map to express his's like a pet.

He can probably understand how Ah Xian feels. From her life experience, she is a very simple and pure child, living under the wings of elder sister Xi and Goddess, and is used to relying on her. other people.

Xia Qingyang doesn't know how much A Xian's self-awareness has been awakened, nor how long it will take to fully awaken. Take it with you and feed it well.

She looks good anyway...

Indeed, as long as the river map is covered on it.

Xia Qingyang looked at the top of her head and thanked Master Tongtian for the 'pet food'.

Then he closed his eyes and felt his state... While helping Pingxin Empress earlier, he felt his 'Heaven Measuring Profound Yellow Ruler' move again.

This is the third round Third Layer's innate talent finally unlocked!

Help Pingxin Empress solve hidden dangers, which is also a great virtue for Heaven and Earth.

At this time, he can only temporarily resolve the emotional fragments in Samsara Palace, and he can already fill the third round Third Layer with the few remaining merit scales. If he can completely solve the problem here, he will It is estimated that the entire 'Heaven Measuring Profound Yellow Ruler' can be refined directly!

It's time to choose innate talent again.

However, there are actually very few options for him now, only 'Thunder' and 'Blessing' are left.

Previously, he had a longing for 'Blessing', but after choosing, he found that he was actually a tool person who was arranged in various ways. What's the use of blessing?

He 'hums' nonchalantly, then chooses 'Thunder'.

It just so happens that there are a lot of thunder techniques in the inheritance of Explanation and Section Cult, and he can learn one more technique.

However, when he chose this insight, he realized that it was not so much an insight, but rather an innate talent of perceiving thunder!

The thunder is actually the sound of electric discharge, and it is also the most righteous and grand sound between Heaven and Earth.

This is the understanding in Taoist teachings.

However, Xia Qingyang found out after sensing the thunder, that small electric current sounds can also be included in this range.

Wait... beep beep?

Radio waves?


Xia Qingyang's brain was wide open. Could it be possible to develop a Great Desolate version of Wireless Electronics?

But he quickly rejected the idea by hooking the head, Wireless Electronics wave is no secret to the powers of this world, in their eyes it is just a thousand powers in the Great Thousand Worlds one of the.

Immortals has a way to do the same thing, and there's no reason to waste so much energy in that rut in his heart.

However, with his understanding of 'Thunder', in fact, his understanding of sound, he gradually discovered that it seems that it can be used now?

Leiyin is the most just and honourable voice between Heaven and Earth, it can dispel evil and purify miscellaneous thoughts... And when Xia Qingyang applied this understanding to "Rebirth Sermon", everything becomes different.

The voice of his incarnation of the Great Emperor of Dongyue began to reverberate in the entire underworld, as if the sound of heavenly thunder sounded in the underworld, making those demons and monsters tremble with fear.

Then listening to the scriptures will make you feel more attentive than that...just like that, the efficiency of Chaodu will immediately improve a lot.

And this thunder sound can also correspond to his 'yang' attribute, which is quite strong and smooth with the immortal art of Yuqing, which makes him clear his karma much faster.

Now Xia Qingyang is very interested in the 'electricity' given by One Layer Heaven again. I feel that if the thunder sound is not enough to intimidate, the next step is to directly come to 'electrical therapy'!

Be sure to arrange those evil ghosts and ghosts properly.

However, just when he was thinking about it...

The sky of the underworld, especially the sky around the Dongyue Emperor Palace changed color...

The originally dark in the sky suddenly turned thunderclouds, and then the sky began to fall one after another with extremely fierce thunder and lightning.

Those dead souls run around in an instant, crying and screaming. Although the dead souls struck by lightning will not be disappeared, it is also an unbearable pain for them.

Outside the Dongyue Emperor Palace, it has become a land of thunder and scorched earth.

Many dead souls could not stand being hacked, so they could barely listen to the 'serious instruction' of the Great Emperor of Dongyue, and hurried to hell to report.

Being struck by lightning here is the worst thing you can do.

In an instant, the super crossing effect is outstanding...

Back to the wooden man hall, Xia Qingyang, who was really talking to himself, was stunned on the spot, where did the thundercloud come from? ?

Then he saw the Senior Brother from the Demining Department in the Wooden Man Hall lit up, as if to say 'You're welcome'.

Good guy!

So that's the Senior Brothers from Raibu helping him?

It's okay...

For the first time, he felt that he was not fighting alone.

(end of this chapter)

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