This Dream is Funny

Chapter 160: Calculations and Involvement

"This dream is very interesting (


Needle falling can be heard still!

The entire assessment room became very quiet in an instant.

Many dreamers looked at Zhu Hao, who was smashed and bloodied like a pool of mud, in a playful and weird way.

The metal disc that Zhu Hao urged,

Many city-level dream-crossing masters recognize it,

That is the latest research result of the Research Office. It is a defensive taboo device.

Even at the national level, it can block for a moment,

However, this time the armor seems to have overturned,

It was smashed by Du Fang with a punch, and no effective defense was formed.

Du Fang's strength is obvious to all, that is a ruthless man who can push the meteorite steel wall for three meters.

The strength is comparable to the national level,

With this punch, Zhu Hao was afraid that he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die.

However, with Du Fang's punch, his hatred was relieved, but he completely offended the research office.

Research Offices are very precious to researchers.

Any action that hurts a researcher will be punished enormously.

Over the years, the contradictions between the dreamers and the researchers have become more and more serious.

However, due to the artificial taboo devices developed by the researchers, the functions are becoming more and more powerful, and special taboo devices such as defense, attack, and exploration are greatly guaranteed for the safety of dream-transforming masters.

This conflict has always been suppressed.

Instead, the researcher's temper became bigger and bigger, and it became more and more inflated.

President Ye Zong is also often troubled by this matter.

After all, Ye Zong couldn't do anything about this group of stubborn, bad-tempered, and even some crazy researchers.

It's easy to beat, but I'm afraid of being beaten to death.

With the intervention of the chaebols and the establishment of a parliament, the researchers became even more reckless.

Because chaebols are more accustomed to these researchers, after all, these researchers may be able to research things that break through the limits of life, continue the life of the chaebol, and even make ordinary wealth into a strong man who controls power.

This makes researchers more and more inflated, obsessed with research,

As long as it is something they want to research, the chaebol can help them get it,

As long as it's something they need for research, they have to get it.


Many dreamers also began to worry about Du Fang.

The two researchers around Zhu Hao turned pale and stared at Du Fang in disbelief.

They are not small researchers like Da Lei Da Zhou, but they are supervisors and belong to the high-level in the research office.

The identity and status are comparable to the city-level dream-crossing master!

However, Du Fang still said he would beat him.

far away,

Zhu Hao was covered in blood, and tremblingly got up from the ground,

His body was covered with a dense layer of taboo armor made of a honeycomb-like special material.

However, at this moment, the armor is also full of cracks, and it is still shattering and falling...

This is the talisman Zhu Hao gave himself,

The last line of security.

But despite this, Zhu Hao was still beaten with blood all over his body.

His eyes were full of madness,

"You dare to hit me? How dare you hit me?! I'm going to sue you! I'm going to sue you at the head of Yezong!"

"Also! I want to block you! Block you in the entire capital!"

"Whether it's the bright side or the black market!"

"Let you never even buy a taboo device!"

Zhu Hao roared.

His roar echoed,


The echoing voice has not disappeared.

A figure appeared in front of him as if teleporting,

Du Fang put his hands in his pockets and raised his feet,

It kicked out almost invisible.

Zhu Hao only felt that the armor all over his body was bursting, and his bones were about to break!

Like a ball, he kept rolling on the ground, and finally slammed into the wall. He curled up into a ball, clutching his stomach, tears, snot, and saliva flowing endlessly.

Du Fang's kick almost burst his stomach.

Du Fang slowly retracted his legs and glanced at Zhu Hao.


"up to you."

Du Fang said lightly.

He doesn't have a strong demand for contraindications, so he doesn't have a problem with the research office, and he doesn't need to compromise.

Zhu Hao doing this in front of him is really looking for the wrong person.

After speaking, Du Convenience turned around and disappeared into the assessment room while the black windbreaker fluttered.

In the assessment room, the silence ceased to exist, and gradually noise began to permeate.

Many city-level dream-crossing masters looked at Zhu Hao, who was supported by the two research directors, with a sneer in their eyes.

A researcher who has always been arrogant in the capital will eventually have a day of slack!

In fact, many dream-transforming masters have already had enough of these researchers.

It's just that they need the latest research taboo, and they also need to see the face of the research office, so they rarely turn their faces.

Cang Yuan looked at Du Fang's leaving back and sighed.

Du Fang looked gentle and polite,

But, no doubt, this is another thorn.

It is even more difficult to deal with than Zhao Lingyin.

However, although Cang Yuan tried to stop him, seeing Zhu Hao being beaten made him feel good.

"Go away, go away, there's nothing to see."

Cang Yuan Road.

Everyone laughed lightly, some whistled, some couldn't hide their smiles, and left the assessment room one after another.

Zhu Hao's face was ugly, but he was also frightened and afraid.

He underestimated Du Fang's strength. He was equipped with luxurious equipment, not only defensive armor, but also a defensive disc.

These are all high-end defensive taboo devices newly researched by the Research Office. They are taboo devices that can resist the attacks of high-level city-level dream-fighting masters. Even a national-level dream-fighting master can hardly break through his defenses in a short period of time.

However, it was smashed by Du Fang.

If Du Fang wanted to kill him, he might really be able to kill him.

"Du Fang..."

"His strength is completely irrational, it should be the power of a Fallen Angel!"

Zhu Hao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the frenzy in his eyes gradually disappeared, turning into a smile.

"Also, he did it, he beat me, so many people watched, Du Fang couldn't deny it, I want to ask the council and the chief engineer to sanction Du Fang!"

"If you do it, he will lose."

"Are you aggressive?" The two supervisors beside Zhu Hao looked at Zhu Hao and couldn't help laughing.

"However, you were almost beaten to death... The price of this aggressive approach is a bit high."

One of the main pipes.

Zhu Hao shook his head: "I misestimated Du Fang's strength, but it doesn't get in the way... You can do it without dying. Dedicating yourself to science and research is the spirit of my generation of researchers."

"He did it and beat me up. It's okay for me to sue him in the parliament? You can even ask the chief engineer to come out, but he won't bleed a little bit of blood... It's never a good idea!"

"Small Divine Core, and Fallen Angel power... are things of great research value."

Zhu Hao is actually not stupid. As a researcher, there are not many fools.

In fact,

They were setting up a situation for Du Fang, and Zhu Hao deliberately provoked Du Fang. If Du Fang shot, he would have a handle on him.

This is his usual trick.

If you are a veteran dreamer in the capital, you may be familiar with this routine.

However, Du Fang is only a newcomer, a newcomer to the capital,

How does he know the deep routines of big cities?

Zhu Hao smiled,

He took out the black mobile phone from the pocket of the white coat,

The call number was pressed.



Du Fang walked out of the assessment room, and Zhao Lingyin quickly followed.

Zhao Lingyin was very excited, carrying the Vulcan gun and dancing.

"Brother Du, your beating just now is so relieved!"

"I've already seen this group of researchers upset!"

"However, the teacher allows me to fight with any dreamer, but just won't let me fight with the researcher."

Zhao Lingyin was beside Du Fang, jumping and chatting.

Du Fang put his hands in the pockets of the black trench coat and listened quietly.


Du Fang stopped his steps, raised his head, and looked into the distance.

There, three figures looked at Du Fang with smiles.

"Lingyin, don't underestimate the research office. Although the chief engineer of the research office is not a ceiling-level powerhouse, he holds the lifeline of the artificial taboo device of the entire Great Xia Kingdom, so the combat power of the research office should not be underestimated. watch for."

"Also, Du Fang, right? You shouldn't have made a move just now. The researcher of the Research Office is a brown sugar. Once it gets stuck, they won't let it go without tearing off a piece of your flesh."

The man carrying the giant sword like a coffin board folded his arms and said lightly.

"Uncle Gong Chao!"

Zhao Lingyin's eyes lit up and smiled.

"Brother Du, this is Uncle Gong Chao, the captain of the superstar team Tianjian! One of the most powerful national-level swordsmanship dreamers in Daxia!"

Zhao Lingyin introduced to Du Fang.

"Rookie, you are new here, you still have fallen angels in your body, and you have also acquired a small divine core in Jiangling City. Before you entered the capital, you were already targeted by the research office."

"Tsk tsk tsk, now that I have just entered Beijing, I have been involved in the turmoil of the two most powerful forces in the Great Xia Kingdom, the Dream Transcendent Association and the Research Office... Seek more blessings."

Cao Kong, who was wearing a blue suit, said with a smile, "It's cool to beat someone, but the price you have to pay is probably... it needs your blood to compensate. The researcher just likes routines."

Du Fang looked at the three people who appeared, and the dream spirits in the air seemed to suddenly boil.

These three are very powerful!

These are three national-level dreamers,

And it's not the same as the junior national level like Li Ang and Cang Yuan!

Their breath is stronger, and the dream spirit is also stronger!

I am afraid that among the national-level dreamers, they are all top-notch existences!

The capital is the capital. It is a rare national level. Once it appears, there are three!

However, the Capital Dumeng Building is, after all, the headquarters of the Dumeng Masters Association.

It is not unusual to meet three national-level Dream Translators, and it is not too difficult to understand.

"Boy, you have great potential, learn guns from me!"

The man Yan Fei, who was carrying a double-section iron, laughed loudly and stared at Du Fang with admiration.

"I have a good temperament, and I like it very much! Do you want to learn a gun? My gun... is fast and fierce!"

Yan Fei said.

Zhao Lingyin introduced to Du Fang: "This is Cao Kong, the captain of the Superstar Squad Zhanyue, and this is Yan Fei, the captain of the Superstar Squad Madman."

Du Fang nodded towards the three of them in response.

As for Yan Fei's question about learning guns, Du Fang naturally refused.

Du Fang has not thoroughly researched and understood the abilities of his family members, so there is no time to learn other skills.

"Okay, we should also withdraw. We just came to see what kind of genius you are who beat up Lingyin. Now it seems... not let us down."

Cao Kong smiled elegantly: "Of course, if you offend the research office, you don't have to worry too much. The people in the research office like to engage in routines in order to obtain research materials, but President Ye appreciates you very much and should not let you do anything. thing."

"So, let's take a hundred hearts and prepare for the competition for the top spot. I heard that... this time, the head of the nightclub specially changed the way of the finals... It's interesting, and I have a little expectation."

Cao Kong looked at Du Fang, blinked his left eye, and then turned and left with Gong Chao, who was carrying a giant sword, and Yan Fei, who was carrying a double-segmented iron spear.

After the three left,

Du Fang originally planned to leave,

The waiting elevator just stopped and the elevator door opened.

Inside the door was a blond woman in a secretary's uniform with an unbelievably hot figure.

The woman was holding the document, with red lips in flames, looking at Du Fang,


"Mr. Du Fang? I'm the secretary to the nightclub president, Lisa."

"The president asked me to invite you to the office."

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