This Dream is Funny

Chapter 177: black and white impermanence

"This dream is very interesting (

The sudden change of the situation is always unexpected.

No one thought that the originally peaceful dream disaster area suddenly became tense,

All the forces have appeared, and there are even strong men who are very rare to see on weekdays!

Ceiling-level dreamers are coming one after another!

The minibus galloping on the mountain road was silent, and everyone in the car felt like a big rock was pressing down on their hearts.

I don't know how to express my emotions.

Even Zhao Lingyin's expression was terrifyingly ugly at this moment.

She wanted to grab the Vulcan and rush out to fight.

However, Zhao Lingyin knew very well that this battle was not something she could be involved in at all.

With her strength, even the weakest existence will easily kill her.

After all, the ceiling-level powerhouses from various countries who surrounded and flanked Yezong in the sky above the sky, and the king-level dream demons from the dream demon organization, are not easy to deal with.

Their power, in the present world, is almost comparable to that of gods.

The aftermath of the next move was probably enough to kill her Zhao Lingyin.

Zhao Lingyin, who is not even a junior national level dreamer, has no qualifications to participate in this battle.

Zhao Lingyin sat on the chair dejectedly,

The atmosphere in the car was dull and low pressure.

Some champions from various provinces, the best among the younger generation of dreamers, have suffered a real blow.

They used to be high-spirited, and they were all very confident in their own strength and talent.

However, when they were really involved in the war of the strong, they realized their weakness.

Even, they do not have self-confidence, even if they are given enough development time, can they reach such a level?

Therefore, their former pride was shattered by the shock tonight.

Du Fang leaned back on the chair and did not speak.

He looked out the window, leaned his elbow against the car window, rested his chin in one hand, and stared lightly at the fast-paced scene outside the window.

The wind roared in from the open car window, and the bangs on Du Fang's forehead were constantly fluttering.

Du Fang is thinking,

Think about whether these powerhouses will meet the daughter-in-law in the dream disaster.

The terrifying aura surging between heaven and earth is terrifying, so many ceiling-level powerhouses,

Has a Yezong dealt with it?

In fact, at the moment, Du Fang also felt that it might be a bit beyond Ye Zong's plan.

According to Ye Zong's plan, he planned to use the fallen angel's corpse to attract some powerhouses scattered and hidden around.

At that time, the power will be directly used to kill and clean up these hidden powerhouses in one fell swoop.

It is not very difficult for a powerful dreamer to hide in a country.

Even if Ye Zong has a peeping eye, it is not so easy to find out everything in detail.

Therefore, he had to use this method.

Du Fang didn't know what Ye Zong's purpose was.

Because, according to Ye Zong, the whole world seems to be operating according to such rules.

In any country, there will be dream disasters of no solution, or even the dream disaster of the subjugation stage, there will be dream masters from other countries to explore and raid.

Therefore, Ye Zong's actions are against the whole world.

Perhaps, Ye Zong knew something and understood that a storm that swept the whole world might be coming.

So he had to make such a decision, intending to clean up the domestic environment and find out all those hidden powerhouses,

Even if they can't be killed, they must be expelled.

In this way, the potential domestic crisis in Daxia will be completely stifled.

Du Fang is not stupid.

After thinking for a while, and thinking about what Ye Zong said to him and the tasks mentioned, you can guess the approximate purpose of Ye Zong.

However, this purpose is not within the scope of Du Fang's thinking.

He tilted his head slightly and looked through the car window in the direction of Xiaolei Village.

At this moment, Xiaolei Village was completely shrouded in the gray fog that had manifested into reality, as if another world had directly tore apart the barriers of the world and came to this world.

It was as if two worlds were merging.

The nine coffins floated and sank in the gray fog, exuding a terrifying aura.

The sky at night became extremely gloomy and heavy, with pitch-black clouds, stacked layer by layer, and between the rotations, blue thunder flashed in it.

It's like the end of the world!

Du Fang took a deep breath, he did not get out of the car and went to the battlefield to participate in it,

Because in the minibus, not only Du Fang, but also Zhao Lingyin, as well as many young geniuses from various provinces in the Great Xia Kingdom.

As Ye Zong once said, the profession of Dreaming Master is also a talented person from generation to generation.

These young dreamers are the pillars and hopes for the future of the Great Xia Kingdom.

In such a battle, to let them participate, that is to die, that is to personally destroy the future of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Therefore, Ye Zong told them to leave and return to the capital.

With the defensive strength of the capital, it is enough to protect the lives of the younger generation.

Therefore, Du Fang did not get out of the car by himself, because once he got out of the car, it was like taking a lead, and the other younger generation of dreamers would definitely follow him to get out of the car and go to the battlefield.

At least, Zhao Lingyin, for example, will not give up easily.


At this moment, Zhao Lingyin is a little helpless.

Even though she has great confidence in Teacher Ye Zong, she is still in a bad mood at the moment.

After all, the enemy is too powerful.

Divine Core, Yellow Spring, Federation, Icefield Snow Country, Brahma Kingdom... These bright powerhouses add up to a total of five ceilings.

On the side of Daxia Kingdom, plus Li Lianhua, who is wearing a purple tights, there are only two people.

Two to five, it still feels difficult.

More to the point, this power does not seem to be the limit of the enemy.

"Brother Du, do you think we should run away? We run like this... Is it the right teacher for them?"

Zhao Lingyin was a little confused, she turned her head to look at Du Fang and asked, trying to find the answer from Du Fang.

Du Fang glanced at her.

"Let's not make trouble."

Du Fang said lightly.

If a ceiling-level powerhouse is determined to kill these younger generation of dream-transitors, he may not be able to stop them.

Once you join the battlefield, it will only make the powerhouses of the Daxia Kingdom more passive.

When Zhao Lingyin heard Du Fang's words, the flames in her eyes were ruthlessly extinguished.

She knows Du Fang's strength, and also knows that Du Fang's trump card is very strong, and she may be able to participate in this battle.

However, I did not expect that even Du Fang would make such a proposal.

Maybe, if they really join the war, they will only hold back.

Du Fang looked at Zhao Lingyin's desolate expression and felt the sluggish mood in the carriage, so he couldn't help but say, "Wait until we are strong enough to come back with revenge."

Du Fang's words are very direct,

However, it swept away a lot of the malaise in the carriage.

It is true that everyone is not stupid, but it is difficult to accept the fact that they cannot even participate in the battle.


The engine is roaring, and the revs have reached its peak.

Flying through the mud, driving fast on the winding and rugged mountain roads.

Cao Kong and Yan Fei Erren were suspended on both sides of the minibus, protecting everyone in the carriage.

far away,

The Heavenly Sword Palace embraced Taotao's sword energy, and once again killed the ceiling powerhouse in the Brahma Kingdom.

However, this ceiling-level powerhouse may have been blocked by Gong Chao, and he felt that he had lost the face of the ceiling-level powerhouse, so he shot without mercy.

In just a while, Gong Chao was injured in many places, and blood was dripping!

The gap between the national level and the ceiling remains like a gulf.

According to this situation, in a short while, the Heavenly Sword Palace is likely to have a life-and-death crisis.

"I'm going to help Gongchao!"

Cao Fei couldn't sit back and watch,

He looked at Yan Fei and said solemnly, "You cover the CMB and drive away from here, and everything will be safe when you return to the capital."

"Except for the shameless ceiling powerhouse in the Brahma Kingdom, there should be no ceiling-level powerhouses to hunt down, and their attention is attracted by the fallen angel's corpse."

"After you **** them back, come to support immediately."

"In addition, I have already spread the news, and the support from the capital should come soon."

"After all, this is the territory of our Great Xia Kingdom, these guys... will be finished sooner or later!"

Cao Kong's face was cold.

Yan Fei nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely **** them back to the capital safely."

Cao Kong didn't say anything anymore, and the dream spirit roared out from the eyebrows, and the whole body was like a vast sea, rolled up the domain, and headed towards the Tianjian Palace!

Two national-level blocks blocked a ceiling, it can only be said reluctantly.

And the battle on the other side began.

Li Lianhua, who was wearing a purple leotard, rose to the sky, and fought with Kate, the Thunder Domain Controller of the Federation.

Countless thunders scattered in the dark night,

It was as if the angry dragon was roaring, and Li Lianhua clenched her fist in a simple and unpretentious manner, and smashed a thunderbolt with one punch. Even if she was in the thunder field, she was still fearless.

As for Ye Zong, the sword in the sword box also flew out, the majestic blood-colored sword energy, like a pear blossom in a rainstorm, vented in the heaven and earth.

The ceiling-level powerhouse Bing Ji of the Icefield and Snow Country, and was instantly shrouded, countless ice and snow shattered, and the field was almost riddled with holes!

However, Ye Zong had to face more than just an ice princess.

In the purple robe of the Divine Nucleus organization, a purple hexagonal spar appeared in his hand, and the majestic dream spirit energy was vented from it.

This is a Fallen Angel phantom!

The Fallen Angel phantom, driven by a small divine nucleus, is extremely powerful.

As soon as the phantom of the Fallen Angel appeared, his eyes locked on the nine coffins in the gray fog of Xiaolei Village.

Greed, excitement, madness...

Uncontrollable emotions permeated from the Fallen Angel phantom.

The Fallen Angel phantom joined the battle, and Ye Zong slashed out with a sword, actually forcing the Fallen Angel phantom back.

On the other side, the powerhouse from the New World of the Dream Demon Organization also made a move. It was a thug in a suit and sunglasses. With an ax in hand, he dared to climb up to the sky and chop at Ye Zong.

On the other side, there is the Huangquan Organization,

Above the sky, there seems to be a surging river flowing and venting,

A figure wearing an ancient official robe, holding a book in hand, staring straight at the figure appeared from the void,

Opening the book, it seems that there are countless monsters roaring and crying.

Huangquan organizes the strong, the judge!

Ye Zong instantly fell into the joint siege of various forces.

All kinds of dazzling attacks composed of dream spirits are on the sky, blooming like fireworks!

Ye Zong's heavy pupils flickered with golden light, and the round-frame glasses had already burst open.

With one against four Yezong,

The suppressed ones are retreating, and they keep falling towards Xiaolei Village!



"Hey Hey……"

Strange laughter resounded,


The driver who was driving the minibus narrowed his eyes.

He found that two figures suddenly appeared on the dark mountain road illuminated by the headlights.

One black and one white, wearing high hats and sticking out long and narrow tongues,

Staring at the minibus, he revealed a strange smile.

"We found it!"

"Hey hey hey hey..."

"Let's stay. After arresting you, you can exchange Fallen Angel corpses with Ye Zong... Lord Ming will definitely reward us!"

The two figures laughed Above the sky, Yan Fei, who was galloping, looked condensed.

"Huangquan Organization... Black and white impermanence?!"

Black and white is impermanent, and his reputation is not small. He belongs to the top national-level powerhouse in the Huangquan organization.

I didn't expect that it would be intercepted halfway!

Yan Fei's face was ugly, and the double-segmented iron spear behind him instantly merged into one, turning into a long spear, and the long spear pointed at a distance.

Black and white impermanence raised his head and stared at Yan Fei incomparably.

Afterwards, accompanied by the strange laughter of Jie Jie,

Hei Wuchang held the Soul Death Stick, soared into the sky, and attacked Yan Fei.

in the bus,

The driver was pale and his lips were trembling.

However, he didn't stop, and the accelerator was the fullest,

He slammed into Bai Wuchang's emaciated figure!

Bai Wuchang smiled strangely,

He waved the white death wand in his hand.

In an instant,

The terrifying force directly forced the minibus to stop and flew it.

The minibus was hit by a huge force, and all of the windows burst, and countless broken glass whizzed and flew.

The whole car flew upside down, rolled in the air, and finally smashed toward the ground.


Just when it was about to hit the ground.

inside the car,

Du Fang frowned slightly, the constantly rolling bus and the shattering glass interrupted his thoughts and preparations to awaken his special abilities, making him a little annoyed.

He raised his hand and clenched his slender fingers lightly.

Air control!

In an instant,

The tumbling minibus was blocked by the surging airflow and castrated.

The broken and flying glass fragments were also wrapped in air and stagnant.

weird suspension,

As if the pause button was pressed!

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