This endless world

Chapter 3 The gaze of the positive!

The black carriage gradually slowed down on the track, and finally stopped completely with a "bang" sound. As the door opened, the dozens of foreign mercenaries walked out of the carriage cautiously and slowly while maintaining their formation while holding the weapons in their hands.

Although the Umbrella Company did not explain the mission content to them in detail, but only asked them to shut down the Fire Queen's host, their long career of licking blood at the edge of the knife has made them smell something bad... The danger does not only come from The defense system inside the base is something else, more dangerous and more deadly.

Following closely in the footsteps of the mercenaries, Zhang Jie was the first to walk out with the Desert Eagle in hand. Judging from his careless look, it seemed that he didn't take this mission seriously at all, and Zheng Zha and others hurriedly followed. After all, they had just entered the main god's space, and they didn't even have a firearm in their hands. They had no ability to resist the zombies in the biochemical crisis, so they could only follow Zhang Jie to seek shelter.

In just a few seconds, everyone in the carriage was gone, leaving only Yang Yun alone at the back... Of course, being the last one to leave the safe zone, Yang Yun must have had his own plans.

——This should be a side plot.

According to the memory in the movie, Yang Yun opened the door and at first glance found the box containing the T-virus and antidote hanging outside the carriage.

——If you can successfully bring it back to the main god space when you return from the horror movie, then there must be at least a C-level side plot reward, maybe even higher. And after returning to the main god space, I can also open the first level gene lock through safe evolution, but with my current ability...

Looking at the box in front of him, Yang Yun struggled a lot in his heart. There was not much time left for him to think, and the footsteps of the large army had gradually faded away. After hesitating for a few seconds, he finally made up his mind and walked out quickly, chasing the people who were drifting away.

People who are self-aware, but who have no strength but try to get a reward that does not belong to them, and thus lose their lives, are the real idiots.

If he really takes the box, then the difficulties Yang Yun will face are far greater than his benefits. After all, he is not a well-trained person, and he was not a special forces soldier before entering the main god space. Taking this box, regardless of whether he could survive the next ten minutes of running, not to mention not being asked, if he was asked, how would he explain to everyone the origin of this box and what was inside it? What about the contents?

It's just that the most indispensable thing in the world is this kind of smart-aleck person.


Matthew Addison looked at the completely destroyed elevator with a bad look on his face.

"Take the stairs. We must reach the bottom floor within ten minutes. Everyone should follow!" He gave the death order.

The first test, the Staircase of Death.

Needless to say, the physical fitness of the mercenaries and Zhang Jie goes without saying. Among the remaining mercenaries, Zheng Zha often goes to the gym to exercise and his physical fitness is not bad. The middle-aged man Mou Gang is a truck driver and can keep up with the large army.

Zhan Lan, who was weak in physical strength, pulled Zhang Jie's clothes to reduce his strength, but Zhang Jie just glanced at her and did not object to her clever move; Yang Yun and Li Xiaoyi hung on the team panting. At the rear, although the speed is a little slower, it can still barely keep up with the tail of the large army.

As for the last one, a fat man in his mid-twenties and another middle-aged woman in her forties, they were gradually left behind.

"Two out..."

After running for a while, the fat man and the middle-aged woman were no longer visible, and Zhang Jie suddenly whispered something.

Several people who heard this sentence at the same time were silent, but Zheng Zha, who was running, asked strangely: "What two people are out?"

Zhang Jie sneered and said: "Don't turn a deaf ear to what I say. This is the real world. We will die here. Maybe you don't have any consciousness yet and you just think this is a movie? Leave Matthew Addison's side. It will explode at 100 meters, this is one of the rules, those two idiots... are dead!"


As soon as Zhang Jie finished speaking, there were two violent explosions on the stairs, causing everyone to look up unconsciously. Although they could see nothing but the stairs above their heads. But they all understood the meaning of the explosion and knew that two lives had disappeared somewhere they couldn't see...

Yang Yun's heart trembled slightly. The two explosions seemed to have exploded on his heart, making him tremble unconsciously... He was afraid, not only for the simple disappearance of life, but also for his own Fear of the future.

——Although, I have long been mentally prepared for the cruelty of the Lord God Space.

——But, so what?

If you have never faced death, you will never know what it feels like. And the reason why people can face the future is because they can't see death clearly... Two human lives just disappeared with two explosions, dying quietly.

There is no welfare system for time travellers, no aura of immortal protagonists in anime, and no messy plug-ins. Now Yang Yun can only rely on himself... If he runs out for ten minutes, he will live, if he runs out, he will die, that's all!

——I want to live! I must live!

Yang Yun was the first to wake up and rushed out. His footsteps also reminded Zheng Zha and others that if they stayed here in a daze, he might be the next one to die. For a moment, everyone ran down with all their might, following closely behind the large army.

On the other side, the mercenaries and the hero and heroine didn't seem to hear the two explosions, and they didn't even notice that there were two fewer people. When the end of the stairs was getting closer and closer, a mercenary suddenly said loudly: " Sir, the Fire Queen has locked onto us, and she knows we are here."

Only then did Yang Yun realize that they had finished the entire race, and he immediately sat down on the ground to make his lungs, which were about to burn, feel better. Only ten minutes had passed, but he felt as if ten hours had passed.

Zheng Zha and others also collapsed to the ground weakly. They also gasped for breath without any image. The long-distance running for ten consecutive minutes, even going down the stairs, was really difficult for them.

Zhang Jie walked over slowly, looked at everyone who was panting, shook his head and said: "Keep going, you should thank God if you can survive. To be honest, you are lucky enough. This horror movie is dangerous." A movie with a very small coefficient. In fact, this is one of the few horror movies where bullets can be used to solve problems. As long as you can survive this horror movie, you will have a thousand bonus points to improve your physique."

A thousand bonus points? It's better to buy yourself a coffin in advance and lie down in it.

If you really only get a thousand base rewards, then you will definitely end up in a horror movie. Yang Yun was not so naive as to think that by using a thousand points to strengthen his physical fitness, he could survive the next alien attack.

As the troops continued to deepen, gradually, some isolated research rooms appeared on both sides of the corridor. These research rooms had all been filled with water. In addition to the water, there were many corpses of researchers floating in them. Bai Bai It looks very scary.

Matthew Addison ignored the corpses around him and said directly: "Ryan, J-D, you go see if the water can be drained. Kaplan, Zhang Jie, you find another way to the Flame Queen."

The three mercenaries nodded solemnly, but Zhang Jie waved his hands to Zheng Zha and others, as if this trivial matter was not difficult at all.

When the four of them had gone away, Ryan, one of the male protagonists, suddenly asked: "What exactly happened here? Why do these research rooms look like..."

"It's like it's filled with water from the inside."

Matthew Addison looked at everyone and said: "About five hours ago, the Flame Queen sealed the entire hive, and then used the internal defense system to start killing people, releasing poisonous gas, cutting off the elevator, closing the research room, just like these, It killed everyone in the experimental area."

He paused and then said: "When the company realized something was going on here, our team was sent here to shut it down. This is the purpose of our coming here."

The protagonists were all surprised. Alice bit her finger and said, "Why does the Flame Queen do this? Isn't it an intelligent computer system?"

Matthew Addison shook his head and said: "We don't know. It may be due to external influence, such as a computer virus. It may also be manipulated by internal figures to destroy it. These are all..."

While Matthew Addison was talking, a figure gradually appeared on the glass wall where Matt was leaning. When Matt looked carefully, he found that it was a corpse floating in the water, and he was immediately moved. He screamed and jumped out in fear.

For a moment, everyone's expressions turned uglier. Unlike the mercenaries who were considering the situation of the hive, several members of the Central Continent team were in peaceful times and had basically only seen corpses from TV news or the Internet. . Although it was separated by glass, it was several times scarier than watching a horror movie at night. The timidest Li Xiaoyi suddenly bent over and sprayed a puddle of vomit on the ground.

Even though Yang Yun was so frightened that his hands and feet were cold, he still forced himself to look at the corpse. You must know that in this main god's space, this level of terror is not even an appetizer. If he reacts like Li Xiaoyi behind him at this time, in the next Alien, he will definitely be unable to bear the bloody scene and become weak from vomiting, and will be killed by the alien...

Zheng Zha, who was next to him, turned pale at first. After looking at Yang Yun, he quickly calmed down and also forced himself to look at the corpse. Just as the two of them were looking at the corpses and practicing their courage, they were suddenly tapped by a small hand on their shoulders. At this time, any movement was enough to scare people to death. The two of them were immediately frightened and ran away for several meters and turned their heads. When I went there I saw Zhan Lan standing there laughing.

At this moment, Yang Yun suddenly discovered that the future Zhongzhou Team humanoid QQ Zhan Lan actually had sinister attributes.

"Hey, how about we introduce each other? After all, we will start to depend on each other soon." Zhan Lan naturally did not just want to scare the two of them. Although there was a slight tremor in her voice, she still took out a The deputy said without caring about the tone of the corpse in the water tank.

Naturally, none of them had any objections. What just happened was a bit too exciting for them, so it would be a good thing to divert their attention to other aspects. But Yang Yun still felt a little awkward. He had really traveled into the world of a novel and was still communicating with the protagonists in it... Even if all this was happening in front of his eyes, it was inevitable that there would be some unreal illusions.

"Let me go first. My name is Zhan Lan, Zhan from Zhan Tianyou, and Lan from Shanfeng Weilan. Hehe, it sounds very much like a boy's name, right? I am a writer by profession. Before I came here, I always complained about the lack of writing. Desire and inspiration, I didn’t expect to come to this world of infinite inspiration, haha, this can be considered retribution." Zhan Lan took the lead in introducing himself.

"I am Zheng Zha, the company manager..."

"I am Mou Gang, a long-distance freight driver..."

"I am Li Xiaoyi, student... I can't stand being bullied in school anymore. If I can go back, I must kill those bastards!"

While several people were introducing themselves, Yang Yun was also thinking.

——Introduce yourself... Maybe, this is an opportunity.

——After all, my biggest advantage over Zheng Zha and others is that I am familiar with the plot development of "Infinite Horror". This may be my biggest golden finger. If I make good use of this, it can greatly improve my future situation. However, if I want to plan ahead for this, I must make them trust me.

——From this point of view, I may start from the aspect of "future prediction" or "fate fragment". After all, it is normal to have some special abilities before entering the main god space, such as Xiao Honglu's ability to see the energy of death or Zhu Wen's ability to see destiny. Having this ability as an excuse can also pave the way for my future prophetic behavior...

"Yang Yun, it's your turn to introduce." Zhan Lan's voice.

"I am Yang Yun, an ordinary college student. I usually like traveling and reading some online novels." Yang Yun said simply: "I just encountered some very bad things, so I naturally came here..."

"So that's it. Then it seems that we all have one thing in common, which is the complaints and disappointments about the real world..." After listening to everyone's words, Zhan Lan's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Then why does this Lord God want to Bring those of us who are disappointed with reality to this main god space..."

Zhan Lan was still talking, but Yang Yun stopped listening.

In a place where few people could see, cold sweat broke out bit by bit on Yang Yun's back. The temperature in the room was obviously not too low, but he felt like he was wearing single clothes in the coldest month of winter. A biting chill came from deep in his heart. Surges out, engulfing his whole body...

Just now, Yang Yun had no intention of saying those words. He knew his own habits and answered inadvertently, and it was impossible for him to introduce himself like that. How could he even say "something very bad happened"?

It was only after everything was said that Yang Yun realized that what he was thinking in his heart was one thing, but what he was saying was another thing!

——No, no, I want to calm down, I want to calm down! At this time, you must not panic, you must not show it, and you must not mess up your position!

Yang Yun bit his lower lip tightly, and a trace of blood kept gushing out. At this moment, his brain was running at an unprecedented speed, analyzing the situation just now.

——It can’t be Zhang Jie. I have just entered the main god space. The previous daze will not cause him to be wary of me. Even if he has the eye of suggestion to hypnotize me, there is absolutely no reason to control me to say these words.

——Similarly, excluding the influence in the plot world, according to my memory, there are no other mental controllers or hypnosis masters in Resident Evil 1, or other factors that affect my thinking...

——What, who, why... Motive, Yang Yun, think about the motive carefully! Why did “he” make me say those words? It's obviously just some insignificant things, or even vague at all. The background setting of my character is short and unremarkable. What's the real meaning of this kind of background setting?

Suddenly, there seemed to be a thunderclap in Yang Yun's mind. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the dark ceiling. He thought that there was indeed such a person who had the ability and motivation to make him say those words, those seemingly insignificant words...

——By the way, the positive ones!

——You guy, you are looking at this right now!

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