This endless world

Chapter 71 Mental Power Controller, Zhan Lan

"Then it's my turn next..."

Since Qi Teng only had a D-level side plot, the man had no choice but to exchange it for a jade pendant, and all the remaining reward points were exchanged for physical fitness. After all, there is a team battle next, and survival is the first priority. As long as you can survive successfully and the team score is positive, you can exchange it for anything you want.

After Qi Tengyi came Zheng Zha. In fact, Zheng Zha had already set his sights on an exchange after understanding how to use vampire energy in Alien.

"After going through this battle, I found that I lacked an attack-type skill, so I planned to exchange it for this... The skill scroll Red Flame requires vampire energy or corresponding vampire blood. It can burn all items attached to it and is harmful to spirits. The creature-like creature is particularly effective and requires a C-level subplot, with a reward of two thousand points.”

Zheng Zha said to everyone: "First of all, I meet the prerequisites for this skill, and I have blood and blood energy. Secondly, when I killed Kayako at the end, I made another breakthrough in my own blood energy, which needs to be redeemed. Use this skill to understand other uses of vampire energy... Let me tell you first, I am not doing it for anger or fear of Naga Coconut, absolutely not!"

"No one said this about you."

Yang Yun shook his head speechlessly and watched Zheng Zha redeem Hongyan's skill scroll.

As soon as the scroll fell into Zheng Zha's hand, it immediately turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared, and a series of ways to use vampire energy began to appear in his mind. It only took a moment, a large amount of information poured in, and it didn't stop until more than ten seconds later.

Fortunately, Zheng Zha had unlocked the second-level gene lock at this time. The information transmission came and went quickly, and it did not have any impact on him, except that his brain was slightly dizzy. At the same time, he also began to recall and think about how to use the red flame.

(In this way, use willpower to draw the vampire energy out of the body, then imagine them turning into blood-red flames, and control them carefully with your thoughts...)

Zheng Zha closed his eyes and murmured. Under the control of his will, the vampire energy slowly poured out from his mind to the surface of his body. Then, he imagined the vampire energy as a blood-red flame...


People around him suddenly screamed, and Zheng Zha was so startled that he quickly opened his eyes and saw a layer of blood-red flames surrounding his body, as if the blood pouring out of his body was burning.

(I see, this is red flame, and it doesn’t seem to be a difficult skill. I should be able to improve it a bit more? For example, let the flame form a set of armor or something...)

When Zheng Zha lost his attention, the red flame gradually faded and returned to his body. Zhan Lan hurriedly ran to Zheng Zha and looked at his body carefully. After finding that there was no injury, he said: "Zheng Zha, what happened? Are you injured?"

"Heroes save beauties..."

At this moment, Zheng Zha suddenly remembered Yang Yun's words yesterday. He shuddered and for a moment did not dare to look at Zhan Lan. He quickly said to everyone: "I'm sorry for making everyone worry... …I’m just trying out the skill Red Flame, but unfortunately there are no monsters here for me to try. I’ll try it at the training ground later.”

Everyone came to their senses. Except for Yang Yun, Ling Dian, and Zhao Yingkong who were not interested, Zhang Jie and Qi Tengyi all gathered around excitedly. Together with Zhan Lan, they asked about this vampire skill. Although they were noisy, Zheng Zha was a little confused, but this somewhat diluted some of his embarrassment when facing Zhan Lan.

Faced with everyone's questions and excitement, Zheng Zha quickly explained a few words in detail. He specifically emphasized that this skill was really very consuming. In just a short period of time, almost half of his vampire energy had been consumed.

"Okay, now that I have the output skill of vampire energy, I may need another output skill that uses internal force..."

While Zheng Zha was still thinking about what kind of skills he planned to redeem, he heard Yang Yun say: "Don't be busy redeeming it yet, Zheng Zha, you need to come up with a C-level side plot to exchange for Zhan Lan's mental scan. "

Zheng Zha was stunned when he heard this: "Huh? Don't you have two B-level subplots and one C-level subplot?"

"You don't think that just redeeming the mental scan is enough, do you? Next, I have to redeem a B-level skill for Zhan Lan, so hurry up." Yang Yun just said.


Since Yang Yun had already said that he would come up with a B-level side plot to contribute to the team, Zheng Zha couldn't say anything, so he just muttered. Since Zheng Zha didn't have many reward points himself, and there were other places where the reward points would be used later, he just created a C-level branch plot and a thousand reward points, while Zhan Lan himself gave two thousand reward points. The remaining one thousand reward points were made up from zero points.

Originally, Zheng Zha wanted Lingdian to strengthen some basic attributes, but Lingdian just shook his head and said: "I am a professional killer, and I can best understand the necessity of this mental power controller. If what Yang Yun said is true, then the mental power scan will not affect me." The sniper positioning is also of great help. Don’t be polite to me, I can still afford these thousand points.”

Seeing Ling Dian's persistence, Zheng Zha no longer forced himself. As the reward points and side plots were deducted, the two of them heard the stiff voice of the Lord God at the same time: "Confirm the redemption. Until the next horror movie is completed, no more enhanced redemption can be given to others."

I saw a beam of light falling from the sky, completely enveloping Zhan Lan in it. However, this beam of light went away just as quickly as it came, and disappeared after dozens of seconds. Zhan Lan lay on the ground panting, as if he had been fished out of the water.

"are you OK?"

Zheng Zha quickly helped her up, but when he felt the softness of Zhan Lan's skin, he regretted doing so.

Zhan Lan kept his eyes closed and panted violently. After a long time, he smiled and said: "Much better, thank you... This skill is great. As long as I spread out my mental power, I can feel the surrounding area within about 20 kilometers." You can also focus on only one direction within two hundred kilometers. I have never felt like this before, it is really a completely different feeling."

Zheng Zha was overjoyed and just about to say something, Zhan Lan said again: "So Zheng Zha, your mental power fluctuates like this, I will definitely remember it..."

These words made Zheng Zha choke on his breath, and he could no longer say the words of congratulations that he should have said. Fortunately, Yang Yun came to the rescue in time: "Your mental power in the six dimensions should be about two hundred, so it means that with one The basic range of mental power detection is ten kilometers, and the straight-line distance is about ten times. If you want to scan carefully and feel the target's movements, then the range will be reduced to one-tenth... This is Chu Xuan's talk about mental power scanning. The summarized data can be used as a reference.”

"So next, Zhan Lan, you must continue to train your mental power scanning to improve the accuracy and breadth, just like I train my life energy. This will improve your own proficiency in mental power scanning, and it can also provide feedback. Your mental attributes, this is a virtuous cycle, in Zhang Jie’s words, a win-win situation.”

After saying that, Yang Yun looked at Zhang Jie with a natural smile, and Zhang Jie also touched his head and laughed loudly: "I remember this is what I said at the end of Resident Evil. It's a shame that you still remember after so long... I really have you. Yes, Yang Yun."

"Although it's not as good as Chu Xuan, my memory is pretty good."

After Yang Yun responded with a smile, he continued: "The radar is already there, so the next step is to contact. Zhan Lan, this is the B-level skill I will help you redeem next..."

"Psychic link!"

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