Northern Plains, on the battlefield.

“hong long! ”

Along with a loud noise, a white clothed shadow floats by, and a thin hand like a jade gently presses a Barbarian Race patriarch The top of the head.


The sound of mournful scream became the last echo of the other party. Although he has displayed the divine ability and traced back to the divine beast body, An Yueyao's palm was in his eyes, but it still seemed unstoppable, as if the sky had fallen, and there was no room for resistance at all!


After a muffled sound, An Yueyao silhouette floated by, leaving only a headless corpse on the spot, attracting a lot of clansman to be hasty. Opened the distance.

"What's the matter with that woman!"

"Where did she come out from!?"

"It seems to be from the mind On the other side of the battlefield, it should have just been a breakthrough..."

"This TM was just a breakthrough?"

"Lu Wu patriarch was killed by her!"

For a while, no one in the entire Human Immortal level dared to fight An Yueyao hard, making that white clothed more prominent in the bloody battlefield, like a lotus flower that came out of silt but not stained, just there. With an attitude of disdain for the crowd, An Yueyao's state is actually not very good.

"...Heaven Turning Seal still consumes too much."

"You can use it up to two more times."

".. .. Tsk!"

An Yueyao is actually not strong enough to instakill Human Immortal with one move, after all, even Lu Xingzhou at the beginning did not do such a thing.

In fact, this is just a visual misjudgment.

It is also the magic of Heaven Turning Seal.

An Yueyao advocates strength and believes only in himself for half of his cultivation. The Heaven Turning Seal is naturally the same. There is no bells and whistles. Once this is printed, the competition is the strength of both parties. If you are strong, you can easily block it. If you are weak, you will die with one seal. There is no compromise.

In other words: this is a divine ability that can magnify the difference between strengths and weaknesses to the extreme. It can distinguish the victory or defeat that would otherwise require thousands of tricks.

Solve in one move.

It's scary, but it consumes a lot of money.

"...but fortunately, others don't know my details, and most of them are afraid of my divine ability, so they are hiding from me. This way, it should be able to suspend the situation."

"It’s just a symptom, not a cure."

"How to break the situation..."

An Yueyao swept his eyes sharply across the crowd, suddenly frowning. , Looked towards the snowy ground below, where she just heard some familiar aura.

It's just that the breath faded in a flash, she couldn't grasp her Human Immortal level divine will.

What's the matter?

What is that?


Meanwhile, Northern Plains is underground.

"wow hahaha! The plan went well! Boss! We are about to succeed!"

"Go ahead!"

"What is international tactics!"

Even if it is Human Immortal, it is extremely deep underground that is difficult to find without deliberate exploration. At this moment, there is a yellow light flying fast.

Escaping Earth Dragon.

"This thing is not found in the Sect treasure house. Only after the Favourability of Yue Wancheng is brushed to a certain level, can you get the corresponding information. The lesser dragon species that can escape, in order to make it Help, I took care of it for three full months, and I carried it on my back!"

"Brother, you are really awesome."

"Right, Why did you get the Yue Wancheng favourability?"

"Sneak attack."

"What do you mean?"

"Literally. I think people Maybe it’s just like this. Every time I finish a sneak attack, Yue Wancheng will look at me with a mentally handicapped look, and then as long as Abba Abba just say a few words, he will take care of you in every possible way. This is my unique skill. Most people, I don’t tell him."


With the help of Escaping Earth Dragon, Sin, no prize for demolition, profession mechanic, I demolish me, demolish fuck, five profession players, just squeezed into the belly of an Escaping Earth Dragon, top secretly quickly moved towards Northern Plains and flew deep into the Northern Plains.

At the same time, the real insiders of Guild of the Demolition Office finally broke the news.

"I didn't want to talk about it, but now things are getting bigger and bigger, and the more talk is getting more outrageous, so I can't help it anymore. Do you know Escaping Earth Dragon?"

"Look if you don't have one."

【Screenshot of Escaping Earth Dragon's information. 】

"See it? This is the higher level of Guild of our demolition office. Profession technicians discovered the lesser dragon alien species that can escape! What do you think the seniors are doing?"

"They went to Northern Plains!"

"With this Escaping Earth Dragon, they can infiltrate the Northern Plains directly and execute the beheading action! Directly destroy the altar! Do you understand?"

"As for Guild Master, he doesn't want to come back, but he can't come back!"

"He is trapped in that new map."

"Do you understand?"

A post immediately ignited public opinion. The real fans of the demolition office who were originally overwhelmed by the demolition office rushed out in an instant, springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain. The poster reprimanding the demolition office's landlord was also dug out of the dark history of being a navy with rhythm.

The direction of public opinion suddenly reversed.

In this case, the player made a third post:

"Demolition and Relocation Joined the Battlefield for Free"

"On the topic What I need to correct is that I said that I was an old fan of the demolition office for ten years because the Boss of the demolition office also worked as a Guild before the establishment of the demolition office, but it was scattered after two years, while the demolition office was the same. I was a fan at that time."

"The original Guild was two years, the demolition office was eight years, and it adds up to ten years of fans."

"So don't get me wrong. "

"Then, I was very pleased with the response of Guild's internal staff in the Demolition Office, because it shows that I didn't follow the wrong person. I was too radical before, but as a fan of hate iron for not becoming steel , But I still want to say to the demolition free of charge that being trapped in the new map is not your excuse."

"Perhaps the so-called internal response is your instruction, but I don’t mind if you dare not respond to me personally. I just want you to think clearly about one thing."

"As a Guild Master, you should lead by example."

"Just like my title says."

" p>

"Join the battlefield."

"Don't let me, let the fans of the demolition office disappointed."

-----this time,

The reply below the post is completely different.

The scolders began to obviously outnumber those who agreed. Many people bluntly said that they were deliberately ambiguous and pretended to be a Chinese customer, and some people thought it was right. More people are eating melons, and others have started to compare the headings of the three posts they published, and then listed them in the comment area for people to appreciate.

As the central point of the scolding war,

The Guild Master of the demolition office, at this time, the demolition free of charge has re-opened the team voice, step by step touched the Savage-Wilderness Boundary. On the cliff of the valley.

In the mountain within the valley, there is also a Barbarian Race stationed in the mountain. In the middle of the two tribes, there is a huge altar with three flags fluttering in the wind.

However, except for the central flag, which is still intact, the flags on the left and right sides have been cracked, and the aura patterns on it have also disappeared.

Only thinking about the demolition free of charge, I figured out the truth:

"It should be the Western Territory and Southern Barbarian who won the battle. There was feedback. In other words, the central banner corresponds to Northern Plains."

"Just destroy it."

"I'll do a great job!"

Thinking of this, the demolition suddenly grinned, and then took out the own marching beans from his arms and threw them into the valley.

"hong long!"

Along with a dazzling bright light, the marching beans split, and the army that has accumulated for a long time without compensation for demolition rushed out of the rays of light. !


"Enemy attack?!"

"How could there be tribes staying here at this time? It should have been... .. Damn! Stop them right away!"


In a flash, the entire valley fell into a huge chaos.

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