After getting out of the true temple, An Yueyao came to the other side of the temple door, and there, you can see a golden bell hanging high, the body of the bell is orange and yellow, and fish, birds, flowers and insects are painted on it, and the mountains and rivers are sun. and moon and many other sights. An Yueyao didn't stop, and strode directly to the golden bell.


The vitality and blood are running, and the spirit is tumbling, you can see An Yueyao form seal with both hands, and then bulge up all the essence, qi and spirit, facing the front The golden bell is just a hard shot!


In an instant, the clock wave is mighty, mixed with An Yueyao's divine intent, spreading Lu Xingzhou's decree, centered on the main peak of Floating Clouds towards the surrounding 36th layer Heaven, three hundred and sixty-five floating islands spread. At this moment, I don't know how many people looked up in the direction of the main peak of floating clouds.

No verbal description is required.

The message conveyed by Divine Will is the clearest and the most time-saving. No matter who Zhong Bo has passed, he understands what will happen next.

"Sect Founder wants to ascend to the world..."

"Ashen Mystery upper bound, there are countless inheritances above Martial Saint, Human Immortal is looking forward to... ."

"What a mighty power."

"Jade Jingguan, merits in the future!"

Sounds of praise, exclamation, anticipation, countless Thoughts spread in the boundless space, and Lu Xingzhou lived in the Supreme Palace, with the gods on top obviously turned outside, and he was bathed in the countless waves of thoughts. Although he was in a cage of red dust, he had a special charm that made people linger.

It's almost like-----

"The center of the world."

Lu Xingzhou quietly comprehends this kind of realm and cuts himself. After Six Souls, his spirit, energy, and blood were improving almost all the time, as if there was no end to it.

And with the improvement of his divine will,

His comprehension of his own Taoism is constantly increasing. At this moment, the Qingyun Huagai that surrounds the main peak of Floating Clouds is his own realm. Really manifest.

Yuan Shiqingyun.

Myriad forms One yuan, the beginning of all things, this Qingyun condenses the entire Zhenghuang Tianyi realm, the Central Plains, the four wilds, all the causes and effects of the common people, and as the ruler of the Jade Jingguan, the Great Zhou Dynasty Court’s The Imperial Preceptor, almost the entire Human Immortal Realm's fortunes converged in moved towards Lu Xingzhou, with him as the center.

Although he is in a red cage.

But when you raise your hands and feet, you can wave this a side World. While the divine will stretched out, Lu Xingzhou even touched the big net of the sky above the sky.

There is a word that can describe this state:

"He Dao."

My Dao and Heavenly Dao are in harmony, and my mind is Will of Heaven. If you can take this path to the extreme and get the full blessing of a side world and even Tianshu, Lu Xingzhou is even confident that he can compete with Yin God True Person now, and will never lose even if he can't win.

Then the question comes -----

"Is the Yang God of Ashen Mystery Boundary like me?"

If that's the case,

We have reached the Yang God realm, and they are only one step away from the legendary Earth Immortal. After joining Ashen Mystery, can we mention on equal terms with Earth Immortal?

"It's not impossible..."

Even the probability is very large.

If this is the case, the so-called Yang God Supreme, the strength may far exceed the estimation and prediction of the cultivator below Yang God, it is far from that simple level.

Thinking about this, Lu Xingzhou couldn’t help shook the head:

"Thinking too much."

After closing my eyes for a while and meditating, when I open my eyes again , Lu Xingzhou has wiped away the spirit dust, his mind is clear, his mind is transparent, and his popularity is also high, but the road is under his feet. As long as he moves forward step by step, he believes that one day, he can stand shoulder to shoulder with those great abilities. Stand!

"The hour has come."

"Lao Xiao."


Lu Xingzhou put his sleeves up , And the voices of Xiao Yuyu and You Xianke also came at the right time, and then Lu Xingzhou took out the catch token that King Taiyu gave him.

There is a vacancy on the talisman.

According to King Taiyu, it was the name of the outer state after his family was merged into Ashen Mystery.

How to call it?

Lu Xingzhou did not hesitate. He had already discussed this matter with Xiao Yuyu and You Xianke, so he pointed out and left his name:

" Divine Province!"

As soon as the name was taboo, the quotation sign slipped into the void in an instant.

In the next moment, I saw the Void Sea outside the boundary. A great light suddenly lit up in the extreme distance and depth, crossing the Void Sea all the way, and falling on the Great Wall outside the boundary. Not only that, but also The entire Human Immortal Realm behind it is shrouded together, one after another, with magnificent weather, like a golden bridge!

"It's now!"

Lu Xingzhou's pupils shrank suddenly, and immediately pinched the secret technique. Amidst the turmoil of God's will, when Yuan Shiqingyun rolled, it spread suddenly, spreading the entire Great Wall outside the world. pack.

"hong long!"

Qingyun produces three lights,

Three lights are four images,

Four images play gossip,


Bagua sets the universe!

I saw the cloud pillar transformed by Yuan Shiqingyun traverse Heaven and Earth, dividing the outer Great Wall into 36th layers, which is consistent with the Human Immortal Realm, and forcibly stabilized the turbulence of the boundary caused by the introduction of the talisman. It also blocked all the chaos outside the boundary, including the countless star skeletal bodies in the virtual sea.

Almost at the same time, in Great Zhou Profound Capital City.

"Old Xiao, do it."

"Already prepared."

Jixia Academy, You Xianke and Xiao Yuyu stand side by side, and have long since retired In the Imperial College Grand Chancellor, Tao Xinzheng is deeply sighed:

"Work hard..."

Lu Xingzhou blocked the chaos outside the world with great divine ability , But when the world is moving, it will also cause changes such as the Earth Dragon to turn over and the sky wall to break, and this requires them to be responsible for maintaining stability. This is also three months, Xiao Yuyu and You Xianke have been in the world. Things to do.

"hong long!"

There is another loud noise. Under the shining of the Profound Light, Lu Xingzhou only feels that he is walking on a golden bridge, all around is gorgeous Starlight.

It’s just those starlights that seem to be bright,

After the real approach, only a broken star remains, without any vitality, and its dazzling rays of light formed a great contrast. After that, I don’t know how long it took. At the end of the Jinqiao, finally, a group of light that was so brilliant that you couldn’t look directly at it came into view.

That is a big star.

Different from the star skeletal, the rays of light it emits carry an incomparable vigor, but whenever the rays of light pass by, all the surrounding starlights are eclipsed.

Ashen Mystery Boundary!

Just bathing in the starlight radiating from the Ashen Mystery Boundary has made countless people in the Great Wall feel that their divine ability is smooth, and their vitality is vigorous. Many of them are at the critical point of their own cultivation base. The martial artist even sat cross-legged on the spot and began to break through the realm, which made people stunned.

But at this moment----

"hong long!"

The originally stable connection bridge in this brief moment suddenly seemed to be severely damaged. The hit is normal, and not once, but five times in a row! Once is more important than once!

This is the golden bridge that Sage Sovereign condensed with.

The only one who dares to destroy is Yang God!

And five times in a row...

"Passion Boundary Heaven!!!"

The next moment,

The golden bridge that is firmly connected to the Ashen Mystery Boundary, the last corner of its end, suddenly collapsed at this moment! In the same place, a huge gap in the profound hole was left, and the shelter of the golden bridge was lost. Once caught in it, it is equivalent to being lost in this boundless sea of ​​void!

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