After blowing the wind of time it takes to burn a stick of incense at the foot of the mountain, Lu Xingzhou finally recovered almost.

The fierce heartbeat gradually eased, and the turbulent blood gradually calmed down, at least without panting, which allowed Lu Xingzhou to regain his mobility.

"The 3rd beam of light stayed in the direction of Elder Peak and did not come out."

"It should be in separation."

Lu Xingzhou glanced at Floating Clouds Mountain, dismissed the idea of ​​meeting the owner of the 3rd beam of light, and then took a step forward and moved towards the area with the densest beam of light. At least 90% of the beam of light of Floating Clouds Mountain came from there. Although it is not as dazzling as Pei Xuzhen and Yue Wancheng,

But quantitative changes cause qualitative changes.

The power of a power is definitely not limited to the power of one person, and only the power of a group of people can truly make a power go to glory.

And a little bit Lu Xingzhou is very confused.

Either in Pei Xuzhen or Yue Wancheng’s life history, Defying Heavens Monastery was eventually destroyed, but the problem is that Defying Heavens Monastery has so many beams of light at this time, and their owners are even more Not up to Pei Xuzhen and Yue Wancheng, at least they are a giant among men and are the backbone of Sect.

In this case, how was Defying Heavens Monastery destroyed? With so many light beams of luck, they are already the face of Wyvern Knight, have they all been killed?

Impossible, right?

With this idea, Lu Xingzhou walked all the way through Floating Clouds Mountain, and finally walked through a small forest before reaching the valley of the beam of light.

In the valley, Lu Xingzhou unexpectedly met an acquaintance.

"Elder Liu?"

"Ancestral Master!?"

With a glance, it was Elder Liu who had left with many dísciples, and Elder Liu also showed a look of surprise immediately after seeing Lu Xingzhou, and then hurriedly stepped forward: "I have seen Ancestral Master!"

"Free gift."

Lu Xingzhou put it on. Waved his hand: "I have been seclusion for too long, and there are many places in the clan that have been taken care of, so I walked around...what is this place?"

"Go back to Ancestral Master, this is Welcome New Students Valley."

"Welcoming New Students Valley ....?"


Elder Liu nodded: "It was forty years ago , Created by the previous generation of Sect Master, the newly introduced dísciples are sent directly to Elder to make dísciples, but in this way, the quality of the dísciple will be even. It is inevitable that Elder will be dissatisfied. That’s why we have this Welcome New Students Valley."

"Any new dísciple will be assessed in Welcome New Students Valley."

"During the assessment process, there will be old dísciples from all peaks to take care of it. On the one hand, it is to protect the safety of these new dísciples. On the other hand, it is also to choose a dísciple of good character for his own Elder. It is just that in recent years, the dísciple that you want to see is far from what it used to be that many..."

"so that's how it is."

After Elder Liu explained it, Lu Xingzhou can also understand it, which means that the hordes of beams of light in the valley at this time In fact, it is a large number of dísciples who have just joined Defying Heavens Monastery. But Defying Heavens Monastery is so lucky, all recruits are geniuses? How many years does it not open, but three years after opening?

"Mind if I go in and have a look?"

Elder Liu hearing this quickly waved: "Of course I don't mind! Ancestral Master please!"

"Thank you. "

After facing Elder Liu nodded politely, Lu Xingzhou followed a somewhat flattered, floating Elder Liu into the Welcome New Students Valley behind him.

But the moment he walked into Welcome New Students Valley.

Mutation suddenly grows.

Lu Xingzhou's field of vision was supposed to be one after another clear beam of light. In this brief moment, it suddenly changed, connected like a cobweb, clumped together, and finally turned into a white li. The golden auspicious clouds enveloped the entire Welcome New Students Valley and caught Lu Xingzhou off guard.

Immediately in the clouds covering the heavens, shielding the sun, Lu Xingzhou saw a line of characters the size of a mountain.

[Dear players, welcome to "Immortal Road"! ]

[Current Expansion Pack -----"Human Immortal Realm" has been opened. ]

[Player character creation ------ success. ]

[I wish you a happy play. 】

Mountain-like characters undulated in the sea of ​​clouds, and finally collapsed and re-emerged on Gui Yunhai. Then, from the sea of ​​clouds, one after another beam of light fell into the building of the Welcome New Students Valley, And the whole process was naturally seen thoroughly by Lu Xingzhou, who has a special vision.

Lu Xingzhou looks silly.

my god.

It's a reincarnator and a good-for-nothing flow. Now even the fourth calamity has appeared. Or you can just add an Infinite Flow reincarnator!

Does this Sect want to defying heavens?


[Nickname: Anger Filled Court]

[Gender: Male]

[Cultivation base: Body Refinement Realm (click to examine experience bar)]

[Place of birth: Great Zhou Dynasty Defying Heavens Monastery]

[Introduction: The world's general trend, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Since Great Zhou dominated Central Plains for a hundred years, Defying Heavens Monastery, which has made great contributions, has gradually become the confidant of the Emperor of Great Zhou. A catastrophe is about to come. As Defying Heavens Monastery dísciple, where will you go? 】

With a burst of mechanical sound, Anger Filled Court successfully logged in.

The slightly dim room, the clear player panel next to it, and the five senses that are exactly similar to those in reality, all made Anger Filled Court feel sincerely surprised.

"No wonder "Immortal Road" is a great accomplishment of virtual reality technology since the 21st century."

"This is too real."


Out of the room, Anger Filled Court quickly saw the surrounding environment. This seems to be a valley that is neither too big nor too small. There are many different types in the valley. Various rooms, and at the door of different rooms, different players also walked out like him, with nicknames on their heads.

And these players are already consciously chatting with each other.

"Beep-----Okay, I really can't say bad words." A player smacked his tongue.

"You only know now." Another player smiled and vomited.

"Wait, since the ban mechanism has been triggered, did you curse someone just now?" Another player reminded him.

"Fuck! You just scolded Lao Tzu!?" The previous player suddenly realized.

So they fought together.

Such chaos abounds in the entire valley, but Anger Filled Court is a single sign-in this time, and the standing position is relatively biased, so no one came to talk to him, only one end. The black line watched other players wrestling there, and then thought about what to do.

But thanks to this, there is no interference from other players to attract attention, and Anger Filled Court has become one of the few players who found anomalies at the entrance of the valley.

"There should be the seems someone is coming?"

"Two people?"


Anger Filled Court Looking around, you can see at the entrance of the valley, two silhouettes one after the other walked in. The former is about fifty years old, complexion ashen, so angered that the eyes seem about to pop out, and the latter one is over seventy years old, hair grey-white, and his expression is particularly weird.

Because of the distance, Anger Filled Court barely heard the conversation between the two.

"Ancestral Master.... It is a dísciple that can help you laugh."

"It doesn't hurt."

Ancestral Master? Anger Filled Court hearing this suddenly moved in my heart.

And his gaze immediately passed the fifty-something NPC, falling on the gray-headed, crouching old man's body, and then his small hand twitched.

[do you wish to examine character information? 】

"Yes!" Anger Filled Court without the slightest hesitation clicked to confirm.

[Start to view.

[Detection failed. 】

Anger Filled Court: "???"

fuck! Can this game fail to view NPC information? ?

I didn't wait for Anger Filled Court to react, I saw that the old man suddenly jumped at the corner of his eyes, and immediately turned his gaze, he was actually moved towards himself and looked in this direction!

[Congratulations to the player "Anger Filled Court", you have successfully attracted the attention of Hidden NPC "Lu Xingzhou". ]

The eyes of the two interacted in the next second.

Anger Filled Court feels that he might have a major event.

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