This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 15: into this book

"Welcome all players to [God's Summit] for a fierce rank competition."

"The dungeon has been constructed, please prepare ten players."

"Dungeon mode: 5v5 confrontation in the rank competition."

"Dan level: Bronze level."

"Dungeon Type: Modern Dungeon."

"Copy number: 7331252."

"Secondary entry for copies: fairy tales."

"Dungeon Strength: Level 5."

"Dungeon BP value: 100."

fairy tale? !

Epidemic prevention was slightly stunned.

He only got the fairy tale entry not long ago, but he didn't expect to encounter it so soon.

A copy of a medieval fairy tale...

The strength of the fifth-level dungeon is also very concerning.

A copy of this strength still has a high upper limit of power, but it will be hidden in the copy and needs to be excavated.

"Fairy tale! Fairy tale! Fairy tale!"

"I hit it, I hit it, I finally got a good entry!"

"Small things are so weird, the mere second-level entry of fairy tales will make you rookies happy like this."


As soon as the dungeon information came out, the teammates who pretended to be mute suddenly resumed their ability to speak.

Too real and uncomfortable.

The ruthless teammates who said they would never say anything.

Although Fang Yi didn't like talking to unfamiliar teammates in the previous rankings, after all, sometimes he would cut off teammates in order to facilitate customs clearance.

But as the rank gets higher and higher, he becomes more and more squeamish.

There was no way. At that time, there were only such a group of high-ranking people.

They are all acquaintances. Even if you don't speak, you can guess which one is pretending to be dumb by looking at your friend list.

It would be embarrassing to be exposed on the spot. Why don't you just make fun of it.

Later, more and more new districts were opened, and the number of high-end games in the first district also increased steadily, and people came and went. It was impossible to identify who the teammates or opponents were in this way.

Therefore, it has also become a complicated situation. There are those who like to talk and those who are taciturn, those who like to be in command and those who are alone, and they can't get along.

As for Fang Yi, because he has developed a habit, he didn't deliberately pretend to be silent anymore, and acted according to his needs.

Ignoring these people, Fang Yi silently stuffed all the skills and items into it.

Anyway, his current BP value can't reach 100 at all, so there is no need to choose between skills and items.

The other four teammates are estimated to be in the same situation as Fang Yi, or even easier than Fang Yi.

Because according to the level of ordinary players, at this stage, the number of skills is not expected to be more than Fang Yi, and the skill level is also very different.

Not to mention items, the [Dark Scale Armor] with a high armor value of 12 points is beyond the reach of ordinary players.

So they all solved the bp value problem at once, and they may not even have a deep understanding of the role of the bp value.

Anyway, at this stage, it is very difficult to use.

But as the character is gradually cultivated, the skills become more and more complex, and the bp value needs to be chosen according to its own characteristics and the focus of the dungeon.

At that stage, the player's personal ability will be tested very much.

Personal items, broken chain sword, dark scale armor...

Personal pet: Ball.

Personal Skills: Door to the Void Realm, Forbearance, Drunkenness, Feign Death...

Various items and skills take up a total of 55 BP.

Compared with the previous dungeon, the BP occupancy value is a little higher.

Because Fang Yi has upgraded his skills and acquired new equipment at the same time, it takes up a higher BP value.

Originally, it would have been higher, but since I sold the obsolete item like the Moonlight Jade, the burden was reduced.

The primary LP order and the team building material [Xinxin's Fire] are both 0 BP, and they are also brought with them.

After everything was done, Fang Yi looked at the four teammates.

These four have big hearts, and they have already chatted.

The content of the chat is all gossip on the forum, so there are also common topics.

Fortunately, I didn't mention the matter between myself and Xian Sanbu, otherwise it would still be a little embarrassing.

Don't look at how these four people are enjoying themselves now.

That's because the dungeon qualifying competition has not officially started yet, so there's nothing to do, except chat.

After the game starts, it's entirely possible that it's another picture of ghosts and monsters.

As the captain of the black team, these four are nominally his own team members.

But in solo queue, who cares about the captain's life or death?

In addition to the death of the leader, when random negative debufs are added to them, there will be a sense of presence.

At other times, they don't take the captain as a person at all, and even their teammates are not human except themselves!

"Silence, this captain is pretending!"

"Wrong! That's boring!"

"Just be the captain, change your position! Give me the captain position."

"Shut up, it's about to start."

…and many more! Why did the wind turn to me?

What about gossip? Are you done gossiping?

As for giving up the captaincy to someone else? dreaming too!

Randomly arrive at the position based on strength, why let it? nonexistent.

The huge golden hourglass that heralded the countdown to the dungeon had already appeared in the air.

Quietly waiting for the hourglass to finish, the four teammates finally quieted down.

The hourglass shattered, and a black hole appeared.

All objects are pulled into pieces and sucked into the black hole.

The fairy tale copy has officially started!

In the endless dark tunnel, a ray of light finally slowly emerged ahead.

When the light completely enveloped Fang Yi, his body immediately felt a very strong sultry feeling.

It's like being in a huge furnace, sultry and almost suffocating.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A harsh sound that seemed to be paralyzed at any time, the old machine 0 barely functioning, exploded in the ear, like the sound of thunder.

Dry mouth, dizziness.

When Fang Yi completely entered the copy, it was such a state.

This... what the **** is this situation?

Reluctantly opened her closed eyes...


A large cloud of hot steam immediately rose slowly from below the line of sight, almost stunned Fang Yi.

dong dong dong!

All around are the sounds of machines operating, but they are not the kind of automatic machines of modern and future copies, but some kind of large-scale steel smelting machine based on the principle of steam engines.

From his position, look down.

What I saw was a cloud of fiery red molten iron, bubbling one by one.

Just by looking at it with the naked eye, you can see that its temperature is so high that it can melt people into **** in a short period of time!

The most terrifying thing is that such a dangerous place, like a scenic area, has no protective measures at all.

Around the Iron Pool, a group of people wore dirty work uniforms, like walking dead, doing repetitive work lifelessly.

From the small print on the uniform, Fang Yi knew that this place was a factory called No. 2 Melting Iron Factory.

Looking up, the opposite Fang Yi was almost full of people, all of whom were workers in the factory, doing simple work with clear division of labor.

Black Heart Factory? What about fairy tales?

"Dungeon Announcement: This dungeon has officially started, and this dungeon does not provide [Dungeon Background Introduction]. At the same time, due to the particularity of the dungeon, all players temporarily increase the special parameter [Dungeon Exploration]."

"Dungeon exploration degree: First, the player's personal exploration of the dungeon. Second, unknown."

"Dungeon Exploration Description: When the [Dungeon Ending Event] occurs, the system will determine the outcome based on the [Dungeon Exploration] of the existing players in the dungeon. The player with the highest [Dungeon Exploration], the team he is in, will get the dungeon. Victory. If there is no [Dungeon Ending Event] in the dungeon, the outcome of the dungeon will be determined according to the winning or losing conditions of the regular ranking.”

Fang Yi: ? ? ?

What are you doing, don't do anything.

There is no dungeon background introduction, and then there is a [Dungeon Exploration Degree].

The most important thing is... there is actually a [Dungeon Ending Event]...

Isn't this forcing players to start fighting as soon as possible? Before the [Dungeon Ending Event] appears, decide the winner.

If this is the case, the size of the map should not be too large. In this way, the exploration progress of the [Dungeon Exploration Degree] will be much faster, increasing the sense of urgency...

Do not!

It is too early to draw conclusions.

Fang Yi pondered for a while, carefully analyzed the information, and did not act rashly.

If it is as I guessed, then the battle on the minimap will be very fierce.

If you expose yourself too early, you are very likely to be attacked and plotted against.

Just when Fang Yi was thinking of this, the system tone sounded again.

"System prompt: Please listen carefully to the [Character Introduction]."

"Shiwai Town, Taoyuan Middle School, the monitor of the first class of high school, Xia Yi. Today, I finally got my wish to follow the class teacher, and together with my classmates, we visited the town's greatest building complex, the industrial zone!"

"This is the holy place he has always longed for, and it is also the career he wants to devote himself to in the future - to become a screw in the industrial area, to devote himself to great science, and to add a meager power to Shiwai Town..."

The system prompt tone gradually fades away, which means that the character introduction has ended.

At the same time, some simple information about the character poured into my mind.

For example, where do you live, how is your relationship with your classmates, and you lost your schoolbag in the factory and are looking for it, etc.

When he came back to his senses, Fang Yi felt a little helpless.

The role introduction is too simple... Well, I understand everything that I should know. If you want to know more, you can only take the risk to inquire.

"Xia Yi! Stop looking, your schoolbag is with me. Also, Teacher Yan is calling you."

After the system sound fell for a while, a crisp female voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Looking back, she was a high school girl with a black face, holding a dirty rag bag in her hand, which should be Fang Yi.

"Xiao Hei, it turns out that you took my schoolbag."

Naturally, Fang Yi took the schoolbag in the hand of the black charcoal girl, and Fang Yi whispered in a slightly complaining tone.

It's as if I couldn't visit the whole factory completely because I lost my schoolbag, so I'm feeling more irritable now.

"I... I just got it wrong... Yes, yes, Mr. Yan is waiting for you at the door, you should go and report."

Fang Yi responded, and reluctantly looked back at the factory again, and then trotted to the factory door. By the way, he opened his schoolbag and looked at the contents as if he were checking the items.

The play needs to be a complete set. Since the identity needs to be well hidden, some details still need to be fulfilled.

At the entrance of the factory, Mr. Yan was already impatiently waiting.

With a wrinkled face, nearly sixty years of age, and in the midst of menopause, her temper can be described as very short-tempered.

Seeing Fang Yi coming down, Teacher Yan scolded him when he caught him.

His voice was so loud that it faintly drowned out the sound of the machinery in the factory.

"Like running around? Ah! Make trouble for me? Ah! Do you think you can ignore the teacher's words when you are the monitor? In this morning's class, I could see that you were absent-minded, so give me an answer immediately. There are several types of water vapor! I just taught it this morning, so you don't know it!"

There are several categories of water vapor, depending on what context the copy is.

Fortunately, Fang Yi glanced at the book "Basic Principles of Steam" when he checked the contents of his schoolbag earlier.

Straightening up, Fang Yi answered loudly, "Answer, teacher, steam is divided into two types: saturated steam and superheated steam!"

"What's the difference between the two!"

"Compared with saturated steam, superheated steam has higher temperature, higher heat and larger specific volume!"

"Humph! It's a little clever, I'm going to ask something difficult. I'll see if you've reviewed the content at the back of the textbook."

"Please ask the teacher a question!"

"What type of steam is used in the industrial area of ​​our entire town?"

"superheated steam!"

"How is water vapor formed?"

"Heating water, when the temperature reaches a certain level, the water will turn into water vapor!"

"What's the difference between positive pressure steam and negative pressure steam? Besides direct heating, what other special methods are there for the heating process of steam?"

Next, Mr. Yan asked a lot about the principle of steam.

Fang Yi was able to answer fluently at first, but on some 'difficult' questions, he would hesitate for a while before answering in an uncertain tone.

Some are right, some are wrong. Generally speaking, they are much stronger than the group of students in the class.

Therefore, Teacher Yan's temper has also restrained a little, and it is not so hot.

"Very good! Except for some advanced questions, the others are well answered. Remember, science is the truth of the world and the primary productive force. We are isolated from the world and want to develop ~You must be self-reliant and vigorously develop "Steam Science"! "Basic Principles of Steam" is just the beginning, and I will gradually explain the principles of "Steam Engine" to you later."

"Steam engine?!"

Fang Yi was 'flattered' and shouted in surprise, "Thank you, Teacher Yan!"

"Well, it's getting late today, you should go back first."

"Yes! Teacher Yan, see you tomorrow!"

After dealing with this difficult teacher Yan, Fang Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

With other players, it is estimated that they may not be able to answer your questions.

But for Fang Yi, it was not difficult.

He has experienced a lot of dungeons related to Steam.

Therefore, I still have some understanding of the content of the steam engine.

Leaving the factory, Fang Yi looked back and saw that the factories were built almost in the same mold as the No. 2 Melting Iron Factory, standing in the industrial zone.

Rows of black chimneys dye the entire sky almost black, like the end of the world.

This picture is somewhat similar to the environmental pollution that has erupted in reality.

It is estimated that the game company also found inspiration from the several times of environmental pollution in reality, and designed such a picture.


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