This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 17: It's useless to be cute

There are several species of vegetation here.

Now that he has a choice, Fang Yi doesn't gobble everything he eats like he did before.

I picked a grass with a better taste and put it in my mouth, reluctantly adding some strength.

Don't be afraid of poison, just do whatever you want!

Compared with the poison of the players, the poison of these weeds and poisonous scorpions is obviously nothing, and the powerful liver can completely cope with it.

But it's still uncomfortable to eat like this.

You have to go back to the escape pod first and get the tools.

It's better to dismantle the escape pod and start a fire or something.

It takes so long to come back.

If this is really going to the beach, it is estimated that it is on the way.

Entering the desert unprepared like Wang Xiyi is really courting death.

It's a small crisis that comes with the character.

After all, there are character memories as hints, plus the compass, and the lack of any food reserves on the body, it is obvious that there is more hope of survival if you go back.

Of course, if Zhentou Tie goes towards the seaside, there might be some opportunities.

When I'm ready, I'll definitely go there.

If the body is in normal condition and there is sufficient food and water, Fang Yi will be able to travel with all his strength with confidence.

In the situation like before, if you really want to use "Ling Di Jue" with Qinggong to travel, you will run out of physical strength if you can't walk much distance. Instead, it is better to walk slowly and go far.

Persistence is king.

The explosive movement speed provided by the skill is biased towards combat.

On the road normally, a mount is the best choice.

Fang Yi has only 11 routes, so he naturally walks on two legs.

This sparse green area is like a dividing line.

Go further back and the green starts to get more and more.

In addition to vegetation, stout trees are beginning to appear.

From a distance, it should have the scale of a small forest.

"Love is a light, so wonderful..."

Humming a little tune, Fang Yi felt that all he could see was food.

On top of that, five minutes later, he still saw a creek on the way!

The water flow was very weak, almost blending with the muddy soil.

No doubt the water is dirty.

However, Fang Yi doesn't care!

Drink and you're done!

He didn't even look closely to see if there were any bugs in it.

Just treat it as a snack, it's all nutritious!

Pick up the wet soil with your hands, do a simple filtration, and pour all the remaining water into your mouth.

The dry throat suddenly came to life, and even the spirit was lifted a lot.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, and the feeling is more sensitive, so the cold wind is whizzing, and it is uncomfortable.

I tried to sense the [Nether Ghost Accumulation Qi], and sure enough, I could barely absorb a little bit, but it was still very weak, and I could hardly count on it.

"This position seems to be not far from the crash point of the escape pod."

Squinting his eyes and discerning the downward direction, Fang Yi slightly adjusted the lower position.

As an adult, at night, there is basically no way to hurry.

However, Fang Yi's night vision ability was stronger than ordinary people's hearing, which provided a guarantee for night action.

Coupled with the blessing of its own force value, it is to eat whatever it encounters, not to worry about animal attacks.

Swish, swish.

Fang Yi just thought of this, when a sound suddenly came from the grass next to him.


Fang Yi's eyes twinkled, brighter than the hunter in the grass!

The character Wang Xiyi has no ability to Fang Yi.

An ordinary person, incapable of hunting, without weapons to defend himself.

Alone in the forest, it is difficult to even protect oneself, and any animal is a threat to death.

Even if it sounds ugly, it may not be possible to make a fire.

But for Fang Yi, the forest is his home, and he can eat whatever he wants, as long as he can meet it.

I used to eat scorpions and cacti before.

That's because you don't know what's going on behind the scenes, you have no choice.

Now that you are in the small forest, and the supplies are abundant, there is no need to treat yourself so badly.

With a vigorous walk, Fang Yi rushed into the grass!

roar... roar? !

Cheetah was startled by Fang Yi's sudden acceleration, and his entire body trembled.

When I think about it again, Fang Yi has already caught the neck of fate!

A sword pierced through the skull, and the cheetah snorted a few times, but was silent.

"It's useless for a big cat to be cute, it's up to you!"

Shaking off the blood stuck to his hands, Fang Yi carried the cheetah's body and continued to walk forward.

Ten minutes later, he saw the broken escape pod.

The shape is oval, the shell is metal, and it is bumpy.

In the distance, there is a long trace, and it can be seen that the landing of the escape pod was not perfect.

Open the escape pod and simply search.

Sure enough, I found the kit.

But the situation inside is not ideal.

Broken daggers, empty lighters, large scissors, radios, broken communicators…

I took out the radio and tried listening to a few channels.

Fortunately, there is a response.

The content inside is also interesting.

"Snow Country will no longer accept any refugees, and will not accept any freezing requirements! Anyone who approaches the Snow Country will be shot! This is not an ordinary warning. Don't challenge our bottom line and challenge the last of humanity!"

"The moth pirate group has expanded its income, and any refugees who are interested can come to the underground city to discuss in detail!"

"The Yan Kingdom's body immortality project has stopped being provided to the outside world! No one is allowed to step into the Yan Kingdom's Otherwise, the clone army will be covered by firepower! In addition, any interested customers, please be patient. Impatient, when the crisis is over, our country will reopen! At that time, you are welcome to come and buy our technology!"

"The lucky ones of the earth, in three days, the moon will be smashed by the barrier, and the age of darkness is about to come! At that time, the underground city will also close the passage, your chances are running out! Fifty thousand federal coins or equivalents, all It can be used as a ticket, and you are welcome to join the underground city!"

Other than that, the news of the underground city really surprised Fang Yi.

Three days is too urgent.

Three days later, the moon will be shattered into pieces, and at night, the earth will be plunged into darkness.

The so-called age of darkness should refer to this.

In theory, if there are stars, even if there is no moon, there will be light at night.

The problem is that the cube smashes all the planets in the solar system from the outside to the inside.

As for the outside of the solar system... You can guess just by listening to the phrase "experimental species is about to leave the blockade zone" in the background of the world, that is all set by others, and it is not even sure if there is an actual planet there.

three days.

Fang Yi scratched his head with a headache.

He was in the isolated island, the underground city, and the Snow Kingdom, and he didn't know where he was. The time was so urgent, and the questions were placed in front of him one by one.

The Snow Kingdom and the Flame Kingdom don't have to think about it.

Radio broadcasts are already clear.

Close the country and reject any outsiders.

The only open income is the underground city.

But the underground city requires ticket money, and Fang Yi doesn't know what the concept of 50,000 federal coins is, so it won't be too cheap.


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