This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 44: unexpected ending

"In the…"

Xiaowen swayed unconsciously, his voice as thin as mosquitoes.

Because of the serious aging of the body, the eyeballs swayed and rolled down.

The almost dry body suddenly clenched fists with both hands.


The slight cracking sound of the bottle suddenly sounded, and the white liquid that symbolized the death of the white thread Gu worm flowed out of the fist.

"In... in my bgm, no one can beat me!"

A heavy punch from the left and the right aimed at Xiao Shi's head, and attacked him hard!

"Black Magnetic Mirror Wall!"

Two jet-black mirrors appeared on the left and right sides of Xiao Shi's head.



The mirror shattered, and Xiao Shi caused a critical strike on the spot.

The body is like a corpse, bouncing up high.

His head was in a trance, and blood flowed from both sides of his ears.


At the same time, the two flying bullets accurately exploded Xiaowen's head, and precisely avoided Xiaoshi's body.

"Dungeon Announcement: Captain of the White Team [Poetic and Picturesque] Killed the Player of the Black Team [Destroyer of the World]!"

In a trance, Xiao Shi seemed to have heard the announcement of the copy, and felt numbness, weakness, and even soreness, which was unbearable.

This is a sign of... poisoning.

Those two punches, although they didn't kill her on the spot, were just a slow death.

It turned out... to fall here.

Before he even met Dongmen Zui, he died at the hands of his teammates...

Xiaoshi thought about the three teammates who were drunk in the east gate.

The woman with the long sword, the old man in the middle school, and the three steps of the poisonous concubine.

None of these three are weak.

And thinking about it carefully, except for the woman with a long knife who is a steady eater, she has no absolute certainty to win the other two.

Although Xian Sanbu advocated avoiding war, the name of the poisonous concubine was not a false name for Lang.

Be able to make a name for yourself in the region, become a famous master, and there is no weak.

Once you fight to the death, not to mention the loss of both sides, it is still necessary to be delaminated.

As for the old man in the middle school, it was even more exaggerated. The actual combat experience and combat level were faintly higher than hers.

It's just that there is a problem with his brain, he obviously doesn't have the ability to avoid fatal injuries, so he still chooses to fight head-on.

"Ha ha…"

Xiao Shi gasped violently and felt her body go cold.

That's poison... not right!

It's really getting colder and colder.

"What, what's the situation?"

Although he carried it hard, he sent several precious antidote to his mouth.

But the effect is really weak, the main middle-second old man's punch is too serious.

It is impossible to survive without a doctor's surgical treatment or a priest's advanced healing techniques.

Reluctantly propped up his body, he stood on the top of the palace and looked into the distance.

A gust of cold wind blows.

Suddenly like a spring breeze!

Accompanied by this cold wind, a shallow layer of frost condensed everywhere as far as the eye could see.

Look deeper.

The degree of frost condensation is thicker.

And the source of this ice block, the end of that direction is... Snow Country!

"Poetic, is this your last resort?!"

Xian Sanbu, who was protecting the long-knife girl, had a vigilant expression on her face, but she did not leave.

As a poison master, how could she not see that Xiao Shi's poison is deep and exhausted!

Ignoring the three steps of Xian San, Xiao Shi muttered to himself.

"Last resort? This sign... I'm afraid it's just the beginning of the guy..."

Such a large handwriting made her doubt again in her heart.

That Dongmen it him?

Squinting carefully towards the direction of the snow country.

Xiao Shi's pupils shrank suddenly.

clap clap clap...

Because, when she saw the sky in the direction of the Snow Country, she actually cast a sturdy beam of light that reached the sky!

Before Xiao Shi understood what this meant, a metal door slowly appeared behind the beam!

From this distance, the metal gate is not big, almost just a small black spot.

But for some reason, as long as you pay close attention to observe, any details of the metal door can automatically emerge in your mind.

However, except for the metal door, everything else is the same as normal.

Very evil.



Rumble rumble!

I don't know what happened, the metal door slowly opened.

At her feet, under the palace, within the flame country, even the snow country, the entire earth!

All the cold air that was just sprayed out, all shrank back!

Flock frantically to Snow Country, to... Metal Gates!

The vision of heaven and earth made Xiao Shi completely stunned.

Isn't this copy the fourth-level strength? How has it changed so much?


Click, click, click!

As Xiao Shi pondered, the ground below had completely faded away from the frost.

Suddenly, huge cracks appeared, like an earthquake, rapidly spreading in all directions.

Looking around, the entire palace, the entire Yan Kingdom, is spreading this crazy crack phenomenon, as if to swallow the whole world.

At this moment, the magic circle on the back of Xiao Shi's hands suddenly emitted a violent light.

Seems to react to something, getting stronger and stronger, and then...


Two blood flowers were splashed directly from the back of both hands.

The magic circle was directly dumbfounded.

For example, the energy encountered exceeded expectations, overloaded, unable to withstand the pressure, and burst the watch on the spot.

what? !

What's in the cracks...

"Dungeon Announcement: Black Team Captain [East Gate Drunk] Killed Black Team Teammates [Silent and Unintentional]!"

What? !

Xiao Shi was stunned on the spot.

what happened? !

Suddenly turning back, Kong shrank suddenly.

I saw Xian Sanbu's face was pale, and he was leaning against the wall in horror.

And the long knife **** the ground was completely silent.

It was at this moment that Xiao Shi felt that his neck was grabbed by something invisible and suddenly tightened!


Just struggle for a second.


The neck was directly twisted and broken by the invisible thing.

"Dungeon Announcement: Black Team Captain [East Gate Drunk] kills White Team Captain [Poetic and Picturesque]!"

Xian Sanbu looked at the two copies of the announcement and let out a long, sharp scream of terror.

"Dongmen Zui, stop for me!"


"Dungeon Announcement: Black Team Captain [East Gate Drunk] killed Black Team member [Pity Heart]!"

Snow country, royal palace, top.

Fang Yi stood on the top of the Snow Country, looking awkwardly at the three dungeon announcements that popped up at the end.

"I... want to do something very bad."

At the expense of Snow Country's charged nuclear crystals, Fang Yi activated Snow Country's ultimate secret method - Frozen Crystals!

Frost energy burst.

The temperature dropped rapidly.

With the Snow Country as the center, the frost spread completely.

The snow country received the strongest influence, and it directly became the world of ice and snow.

Farther away, there is a stepped attenuation.

When it reaches the opposing Yan Kingdom, it is estimated that the temperature will drop and a shallow ice wind will be set off.

At the cost of the frozen crystal, Fang Yi summoned the gate of the virtual world.

Then it evolved into the current scale the whole earth is crumbling like crazy.

But Fang Yi had faintly noticed it.

It's not as simple as a fissure.

It was some kind of imaginary creature that got into the ground.

In order to absorb underground resources such as soil, they multiply wildly and move quickly.

It eventually led to the phenomenon of ground fissure, and this kind of imaginary creature was multiplied on a large scale.


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