This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 51: Preparation before running (2/4)


The other person was instantly shocked, knowing what his companion meant, and quickly said: "Lord Building Manager, the jailer who was in charge of guarding the inner cell just walked out with a building manager. We thought that the building manager was the same as you, but only To check the prisoner's condition..."

The building manager's face changed.

He threw the two of them on the ground and rushed in the direction from which they came!

He had an impression of what the two jailers said!

When he entered the cell just now, he saw a rosacea-snoted jailer and walked out through the cell door with a building supervisor.

He didn't know the building manager, and considering what the second-floor director wanted him to do, he didn't go out to meet them, but waited until the two left before entering the cell.

"It's him... It must be that Molouguan!"

Get out of the cell and go outside.

Looking around, no one could be seen at all.

"If the head of the building knows about this..."

The building manager's face sank, jumped to the roof, and went out along the road to explore.

In the dead of night, the sight is blocked, and the hope of finding someone is very low.

He tried hard to find for a few minutes, and asked some members of the patrolling execution team, and finally decided to go back and report the current situation to the head of the third floor.

But when he crossed the first floor to the exit of the second floor, he bumped into a person.

A person he doesn't want, even doesn't want to see.


When the movement froze, the building manager stopped.

"I've seen the head of the first floor!"

The head of the first floor frowned slightly, staring at the person in front of him.

"You are the floor manager on the second floor, why are you here?"


He hesitated, and finally said, "Because I found out that the manager of the building had escaped and escaped, and now I'm going back to report to the master on the second floor."


The head of the first floor changed his face, his thoughts changed, and finally said: "You don't have to report to the head of the second floor, stay with me, I will handle this matter myself."


"Do you have any other questions?"

The threat is very obvious.

The building manager shook his head: "No problem."

ten minutes later.

On the first floor of the entire underground village, the building management and the execution team frequently appeared, carrying out a large-scale search operation.

Old Mozi Workshop.

Fang Yi lowered his body, looked at the light source outside, and passed through the street every once in a while, his expression darkening.

How was it discovered so quickly? No one found out before he left.

Fang Yi thought that this time difference would be enough to escape the underground village.

But now, seems to be stuck.

In the shadow behind Fang Yi, both the rosacea jailer and the old Mozi were **** with five flowers, unable to speak or act at all.

"You have to find a way to escape, otherwise time will continue to drag on, and it will only be a matter of time to be discovered."

The entrance and exit of the underground village are divided into two modes.

In the first ancient formation, the entrance and exit originally existed.

The second is the entrance and exit that was later expanded on the ancient formation method.

The secret entrance controlled by the building management is the first type.

The ordinary executive team controls the second type.

The second kind of secret order entrance, that is, the entrance and exit that was expanded later, can be completely blocked by the internal operation of the underground village.

But the first type of secret entrance, that is, the secret entrance controlled by the building management, is somewhat different.

Some are always open and can move freely as long as they know the secret order.

The secret order for this kind of entrance will only be told to those who are absolutely loyal.

In addition, there are some statements that can only be blocked externally and cannot be blocked internally.

To put it simply, I want to go out from the underground village, and I can go out at any time.

But if you want to come in, you need permission from the underground village.

The password entry that Fang Yi knew before belongs to the latter.

If he wants to escape, he only needs to rush to the secret order position, and then he can escape to the rabbit elf society and escape.

But even in normal times, these entrances and exits will be guarded by building management, responsible for entry and exit registration.

In the current situation, it is estimated that the location of the entrance and exit has been heavily guarded.

It is very difficult to break through.

After thinking about it, Fang Yi took a look and returned to the house.

He dragged Old Mozi up and took him to the next room.

He loosened the stinky socks stuck in his mouth, Fang Yi grabbed his neck with his hands.

"I ask, you answer. If you dare to scream, you will die."

Old Mozi nodded frantically!

He has only one relationship with Fang Yi.

He almost thought that Fang Yi was the subordinate of the boss of the committee, and thought it was his own.

As a result, Xiao Yingzi died and Fang Yi was detained during a trip out.

He also thought that the boss's undercover plan was exposed and he was going to be finished.

As a result, nothing happened at all except the boss came over to ask about the situation.

Just when he thought it was safe, Fang Yi broke into the house at night, which turned into this situation.

"You, what do you want to ask?"

Old Mozi still cherished his life very much, and asked in a low voice.

"You have opened the store for so long, you must have some special collectibles, bring them out to me."

Fang Yi can search by himself, but the real good things may not necessarily be found.

It's better to threaten his life and let this guy spit out something on his own.

"Then, will you let me go?"

Lao Mozi asked with a trembling What do I want your life for? Don't talk nonsense, take out anything good. "

"Okay, okay."

Robbery is better than death.

Old Mozi wanted to live a few more years.

He took out a bunch of things that were hidden in the room, and gently placed them on the ground.

In one of the boxes, there was actually a piece of weathered bacon, which should be the high-grade rabbit meat that Lao Mozi kept and could not bear to eat.

Fang Yi picked it up and took a bite, then put it down again.

The improvement effect is there, but if you eat all of this meat, there is no way to immediately increase your combat power.

One-handed to the ground.

"Summon Ball."


Ball-like **** of yarn emerged from the smoke.

Feed the rabbit bacon to Qiu Qiu, and don't stop until his belly is round.

Fang Yi stared at Qiuqiu's panel and suddenly smiled.

"Pet nickname: Ball."

"Pet species: floss coccidia."

"Pet Potential: Green Quality."

"Pet description: Weak creatures in the virtual world with a timid temperament. When summoned, they will automatically attach themselves to the master with the presence of the virtual world. By feeding, they can appear with different characteristics. They do not adapt to the environment outside the virtual world and need to Absorb the breath of the imaginary world regularly, otherwise it will die naturally within a certain period of time."

"Pet Skills: Twisted Screaming, Devouring Transformation, Aether, Air Blade Flow (temporary)."

"Air blade flow (temporary): A dense air flow like a sharp blade emerges around it, which has the effect of integrating attack and defense. It will disappear automatically after three hours."

The phagocytosis transformation was successful.

Fang Yi did not expect to directly convert the unique ability of the Rabbit Elf Qi Blade Flow.


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