This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 83: Open (Two/Thursday)

? "You mean..."

"It seems that the princess has already guessed it. After the end of the day, I was imprisoned here. I have been in this cell for a long time, and I have met many reliable 'new friends', they can all become our broken empire and rise again. important bargaining chip.”

Luo Lao smiled slightly, and on the last word "new friend", he emphasized his tone.

After hesitating for a while, Princess Bilan gritted her teeth slightly and made a decisive decision.

"Everyone obeyed and threw all the keys they took to me."

Others who were fighting listened to the order and threw the keys in the past.

Seeing this scene, the prisoners in Cell No. 3 became excited.

"Old man Luo! Me, save me! No matter what princess it is, or a broken empire, I am willing to serve you all!"

"Don't listen to him, who doesn't know the reputation of the rabbit lunatic! Old man Luo, save me, don't you still know who I am after so many years of friendship among our inmates?"

"Old Luo, don't be confused! What do you do to save them? Can they be stronger than me? If you want to do big things, how can you do without strong strength! Let me out and let me wish you a helping hand!"

However, no matter how they talk, Luo Lao's decision will not change.

He only released familiar, reliable prisoners who could be used for himself.

As for those prisoners who are powerful but unstable in temperament, they are automatically ignored.

After a while, the team immediately grew, and its comprehensive strength doubled several times, and it could completely overwhelm the rabbit elf guards in the prison area.

"Prove your loyalty, let's start with these rabbit elf guards."

With Lao Lao's order, these vicious and vicious people rushed towards the guard of the rabbit elves.

The three or five removals solved the troubles that the prisoners in the first two cells could not solve for a long time.

The rest is one-sided slaughter and abuse.

Although the picture is a bit **** and cruel, this appetizer is really insignificant compared to what the rabbit elves did to humans.

The young man in the wasteland was very envious as he watched the team grow rapidly.

Obviously, an hour ago, he and the beautiful player performed a dangerous investigation mission in the floating city.

As a result, beautiful players now have an NPC team of their own, and their overall strength has skyrocketed several times.

In comparison, he is so useless...

With Lao Lao as the middleman, Princess Bilan would be assured enough of this team.

With a wave of his hand, he was about to lead the team to leave.

Luo Lao suddenly made a sound, pointed to the giant steel gate behind him, and said solemnly: "Wait! Princess Princess, there is one more person who needs to be recruited into the team."

At this moment, except for the young man in the wasteland, everyone was shocked.

They looked at the giant steel gate that seemed to cut off the world with complicated expressions, and finally looked at the blue princess together.

The blue princess fell into silence, seemingly engaged in a fierce ideological battle.

"Princess, I have seen your key before. It is not easy to get this key. You have tried everything to get it, and you must have such a plan in your heart... Now we need her power!"


"Princess, the overall situation is the most important thing. Personal grievances can be discussed later! It's been so long, it's time to let it go."


The blue princess closed her eyes and recalled the past.

That year, she followed her father and mother to the Red King's territory together.

When they meet a young girl by chance, the two girls get to know each other and even sleep in the same bed.

When I saw the Red King behind, I realized that the person beside the pillow turned out to be the legendary incomprehensible beast.

All of this is a beautiful development.

However, it came to an end because of the violent murderous desire that the Red King would attack from time to time.

That day, the queen mother died at the hands of the Red King.

That day, half of her face was destroyed.

On that day, the Broken Empire and the Red King Barbarian Territory were completely opposed.

Since then, she has never paid attention to the affairs of the Red King Barbarian Territory.

It was not until the end of the world that I heard that the [Rabbit Temple] paid a great price, subdued the Red King, and was secretly imprisoned.

It was also because of this battle that the [Rabbit Temple] suffered heavy losses, and a large number of people returned to their original planes. As a result, the Rabbit Elf's rule in the Broken Continent was not as unbreakable as it was at the beginning.

For the blue princess.

The Rabbit Spirit represents the revenge of killing the father.

The Red King represents the revenge of killing his mother.

This hatred has no solution.

But when the general trend of human beings has weakened to such a point, she seems to have no choice but to put aside her past prejudices and see her former love again after ten years.

Opening her eyes, a firm look flashed across Princess Blue's eyes.

"Okay, I'll let her out. But if she doesn't want to join, we'll make a clean break with her and never get involved."

Luo Lao immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He naturally knew the old affairs between Princess Bilan and the Red King, and he didn't want to abandon the old hatred. As long as he could draw them into the team and cooperate, it would be enough.

After all, with the current strength of the team, there is really little hope of trying to build momentum for Princess Blue and help her regain the throne.

And once the Red King joins, the situation will change immediately!

The strength of the Red King represents the peak force of the Shattered Continent!

Under the call of the Red King, all human forces will take the initiative to gather here.

This kind of appeal is not comparable to the royal family name of Prince Kao!

Luo Lao lacked correct judgment on the influence of the floating city, but he was full of confidence in the appeal of the Red King.

As long as the Red King is alive, there will be a hundred responses!

Although the wasteland youth was not quite sure what was going to happen, it sounded like a big event was going to happen.

The only thing I doubt is... This female player is so deeply involved in the drama, and her acting skills are compelling!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Princess Bilan crossed over Lao Lao and the wasteland youth, stood in front of the giant steel gate again, and took out the key engraved with the static pattern.

But at this moment, a loud noise came from behind.

"Sure enough, there is movement down there! The prisoners inside have all been released!"

" go back and report to the other captains, and ask them to send people to increase staff immediately!"

The actions of Princess Blue and the others have dragged on for too long.

The commotion was not small.

The Rabbit Elf patrol above finally found the abnormality and sent someone to check it below.

Lao Lao gave the others a look. The group of vicious criminals who had just been released immediately walked towards the source of the sound with a grin.

After a while, there were screams and calls for help.

But it has been exposed in the end, and I can't stay here for long.


Looking back, the giant steel gate has been slowly opened after a long absence under the impetus of Princess Blue.

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