This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 87: Bloated Evil Consequences (2/4)

? Surprise in the lady, and did not find out.

Her trusted husband, after a brief period of daze, his expression gradually became gloomy and cold, and he didn't listen to her at all.

"It's really good."


A bang.

The running lady was directly exploded into a pool of blood clots, staining the floor red.

Blood smeared their faces.

"Let someone come in and clean up, you and I will go back to the patrol station immediately, bring everyone and horses, go to the underground cell, and suppress the fugitives!"

The commander-in-chief glanced at the corpse.

Although there is no key to the door of steel on the corpse, the key must have been taken away by this cheap rabbit at first, otherwise it will definitely trigger the mechanism.

Now that the Red King has been released, it doesn't matter who has the key now.

With a blank expression, he wiped his face with the forelegs of the rabbit, and the commander-in-chief walked out.

Left in the room, the captain of the first team who fought illustriously.

Looking at the **** mess on the ground, I shivered for a while.

The captain of the first team took a deep breath and let the guards outside come in to deal with it, and followed the captain to the patrol station.

ten minutes later.

All the patrol bureau teams that were originally sent out to clean up pet people returned to the patrol bureau on standby.

Under the command of the commander-in-chief, all the forces of the Gravity City Patrol Bureau, more than 300 teams, gathered together, set up a battle, and rushed towards the dungeon.

This bunny elf army, mighty and mighty, cut through the quiet night in Gravity City on weekdays.

Many Rabbit Elf residents were awakened one after another and leaned out the window to check the situation.

Seeing such a huge army, a feeling of rain and wind filling the building rose from my heart.

"Tonight's Gravity City, there should be something extraordinary happening..."

Such a huge action naturally also alarmed the floating city at an altitude of 10,000 meters in Gravity City!

Pull one hair and move the whole body.

Due to the escape from the underground cell, the forces entrenched in Gravity City were all pulled in, and things seemed to be getting out of hand.

The floating city, the royal palace.

The leaders of the four major groups below, the core members, the senior members of the royal family... and so on, were all discussing fiercely.

The palace used as a meeting room is completely like a vegetable market, chaotic.

Everyone is expressing opinions, and everyone is using reason and voice to convince others what to do now.

But in this chaotic situation, no one can convince anyone, there are only endless quarrels and constant repetition.


There was a loud shout on the throne, and as for these messy sounds, it gradually decreased until it became silent.

Everyone's attention fell on Prince Kao on the throne.

"Things have happened, what we have to do is how to stop the loss, not to have endless quarrels here!"

The re-established four major groups have largely shared the management pressure of Prince Kao on weekdays.

But at the same time, the organization's huge, bloated and other problems have gradually been exposed.

Such an important moment, such a precious time, is not used at all to discuss how things happened, but how to solve the problem!

When all the dust settles, there will naturally be time to go back and discuss what happened in Gravity City tonight, and who might be a traitor.

But now, everyone's focus must be on how to maximize the interests of the floating city in this situation.

The leader of the light industry team stepped forward at this time.

"Prince Kao, I don't think it's right.

According to the latest news, someone below has already taken one step ahead of us, found the underground cell, and carried out a prison robbery.

Coincidentally, the location of the underground cell happened to be in one of the multiple locations we predicted.

There is no doubt that this must be a traitor from within.

If we don’t find out the traitors inside first, no matter what we do, we will be foresighted by the enemy, and we will always be at a disadvantage. On the contrary, the floating city will be disadvantaged! "


The head of the logistics team on the side snorted coldly.

"The people in charge of sneaking into Gravity City are the people from your light industry team. Those who have the opportunity to commit crimes are also people from your light industry team. Now, you have to jump out to prove your innocence and investigate the traitors? I think it's the thief calling to catch the thief, right? !"

"The logistics team, I haven't named my name yet. What are you trying to do when you jumped out in a hurry? Could it be... Are you afraid that I will expose the identity of the traitor?"

"You! Blood spurting!"

The head of the logistics team glared angrily, then turned towards the prince angrily, half kneeling on the ground.

"Prince Kao, our logistics team is loyal to the royal family, and even most of the core members are from the blood of the royal family, how could it be sentenced to the floating city?

On the contrary, they are from the light industry group. They go out to meet rabbit elves every day, and maybe they will have a relationship with others at some time.

I want to say, traitors or something can be investigated later, but the most suspected light industry group should be arrested first and put in jail, and then interrogation and investigation will be conducted after the matter is over! "

"It's not bad that you are in charge of logistics, you are the same person. When you slander, you can't hide your words. Without the contribution of our light industry team, if you act in the future, it will be tantamount to breaking your arm! Is this what Prince Kao wants to see? I think this is what the traitor wants to see!"

Saying that, the leader of the light industry team pointed to the logistics team and shouted: "The logistics team, you still said that you are not a traitor? Prince Kao, the matter is clear, please imprison these traitors of the logistics team first, and then send Discuss how to act, otherwise all actions are under the enemy's sight, how can it be done?"

"You! You fart!"

"Vulgar language! The more angry you are, the more proof..."

Another round of endless bickering began.

Prince Khal felt his head as big as a bucket.

Traitor or something, it's just a hypothesis.

As a result, internal contradictions have been thoroughly stimulated.

In the past, the floating city was growing day by day, and the problem has been suppressed.

But in fact, the competitive relationship between the groups has gradually evolved into a deteriorating antagonistic relationship. Prince Kao has witnessed all the is a right-hand man, and he can't really cut off his arm, so Just suppress, never divert.

A few days ago, there were casualties due to the fighting. It was a member of the light industry team who was wearing a strange dress, and was finally shielded by the leader of the light industry team.

Now the location of the underground cell is exposed, and the person in charge of investigating that area happens to be the member of the light industry team dressed in weird clothes.

To say that there is no doubt about the tricks here, it must be false.

Just for the sake of the overall situation, Prince Kao kept one eye open and one eye closed, without looking into it.

Who would have thought that the conflicts between the various groups have become so intense now.

Looking at the screen displayed by the water curtain, the members of the patrol bureau had already poured in from all directions, forming a siege centered on the exit of the underground cell.

The siege is gradually shrinking, and if you don't make a decision, I'm afraid you won't even have the chance to drink the last sip of soup.

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