This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 89: Traitors and Civil Unrest (4/4)

? It's not because of the strength of the youth in the wasteland, but simply because the defense effect of [Various Color Cover] is very good, and it can be used as a shield for the team to absorb the first wave of damage.

However, she didn't know that the skill of [Different Color Cover] was a face-seeking skill.

Only the Emperor of Europe is qualified to enjoy the protection of such skills forever. When the non-chiefs use it, it is purely courting death. The attack flies over and guarantees death in one second.

Therefore, the young people in the wasteland are now panicking in their hearts.

However, as Princess Blue's brows were slightly wrinkled, she was directly gagged with a swag.


Is there any more humanity? !

Isn't it just bragging that I wanted to lie to her about her contact information...

Don't take it seriously!

The success rate of skills is not 100%, I was wrong, I admit that I was bragging, okay!

The young man in the wasteland wanted to run away, but looking at the vicious eyes of the guy behind him, he probably would have been hacked to death by a random knife before he even ran out a few steps.

At this moment, there is only boundless remorse in the hearts of the wasteland youth.

The ancients never lied to me.

Lick the dog to the end with nothing!


dong dong...

The blue princess has just arranged the formation.

Small black dots appeared densely in the distance, and the ground shook slightly as the black dots approached.

Just relying on the road has such an effect...

Everyone's hearts were raised.

The prisoners were also very confused.

They've been held in underground cells, wondering what they'll do if they're free.

But I didn't expect that just after breaking out of prison, I would suffer such a big baptism.

In this scene, it is estimated that all the rabbit elves in the entire Gravity City are here.

The long knife girl didn't think so much.

In the face of battle, she was never in vain.

Perhaps, compared to other ways.

She prefers to use simple and rude battles to solve problems.

Rather than worrying about the upcoming battle, the Long Knife Woman is more concerned about two other things.

First, the girl who has a relationship with his character actually asked him to be called Princess Princess, and called him all the way... This NPC is afraid that there is a psychological problem, so he must guard against it, maybe he is a psychopath, he must be right Do it yourself.

Second, the people in the team will use a kind of [Magic Nuclear Power] magic when fighting. But I don't seem to know this kind of thing at all. Although I sense something, I can't use it. What's missing from this...

This kind of question is inconvenient for the long knife girl to ask others, it is easy to reveal the player's identity, and she can't speak, so she will ignore it for the time being.

The bunny elf army is getting closer and closer, and Princess Blue has also pointed out the direction to break through in the team.

But as the encirclement gradually approached, Princess Bilan's face turned gloomy again.

Because she found that the encircling circle is not only one layer.

When the encircling circle at the front gradually approached, a circle of small black dots appeared in the distance, shrinking.

"Red King..."

The captain of the patrol bureau, who rushed at the front of the team, looked at the girl with a long knife with lingering fears.

The thin body and broken limbs did not affect the horror of this beast in the slightest.

As the person in power who kept the keys to the Iron Gate, he had close contact with the Red King.

That terrifying wild breath, just staying together is enough to suffocate.

In the first few years, the commander-in-chief did bite the bullet and came to see the Red King once a month.

Later, with the withdrawal of the main force of the [Rabbit Temple], he became tired and did not visit it once for three months, half a year, or even a year.

The last time I saw the Red King was a year ago.

For some reason, compared to a year ago, the Red King's savage aura has weakened a lot, and it seems to be a lot more peaceful.

But when he thought of the feeling of being with this beast up close, he still felt chills down his spine and broke out in a cold sweat.

If it wasn't for the request of [Rabbit Temple], he really wanted to execute this terrifying beast.

Once this scourge goes out, the consequences are almost unimaginable.

Therefore, after realizing that the Red King had escaped from prison, the commander-in-chief immediately assembled all his forces to carry out the most violent crackdown.

There is still a chance to make up for it!

More than ten years of forbidden magic environment, imprisoned life.

Constantly weakening the strength of the Red King.

Although it is only a temporary weakening, only by re-contacting the demonic environment can gradually regain its strength over time.

But this recovery also takes time to accumulate.

And this time difference is the biggest opportunity for self-redemption at present.

Before the Red King regained his strength, he directly used his strongest strength to forcibly capture her back and detain her back to the Steel Gate.

Then even if [Rabbit Temple] knew what happened to Gravity City, it would turn a blind eye and let it go.

Even if it is done properly, this kind of thing will not necessarily go to the [Rabbit Temple] side!

"She must be taken back to her cell!"

Under the command of the commander-in-chief, the rabbit elves in the first circle turned on the sprint mode in unison.

The violent airflow cooperates with each other to form a fierce air wall that is airtight and ventilated.

Anything in front of the air wall will be instantly cut into pieces.

The lawn was shaved on the spot.

The finely divided sand and gravel flew around and were cut into powder.

With a violent aura, the entire encirclement shrank inwards, almost pushing and compressing the activity space of Princess Blue and the others.

"Chongchong! There's no time to hesitate!"

Princess Bilan thought that there was only one layer of the encirclement, but it turned out that the number of rabbit elves was so large that they could form a double encirclement, or even triple or quadruple!

The initial breakout plan was a misstep, so naturally I could only bite the bullet.

Everyone turned their backs to the commander-in-chief and fled in the other direction.

Started with the wasteland youth, forcibly pushed him forward.


Do not!

don't want!

Are you crazy!

It will really kill people!

The actions of the team completely terrified the wasteland youth.

How can there be such a fool!

How can you say that you are so active in licking, but you end up killing the donkey? !

If you don't bring such a ruthless hand to such a degree, are you a mother mantis!

The female mantis knows to give the male mantis a little head first, you will die if you come up!

The wasteland youth burst into tears and could only shout in his heart.

"Different hood!"

Give some big brother!

The mask appeared on the wasteland youth.

With the alternation of the seven colors, the five colors were immediately removed, and only two colors were left flashing alternately.

God will not kill me!

The youth in the wasteland was refreshed, and the whole person almost jumped up with excitement.

If the two colors alternate, it is a phenomenon with the highest success rate in the entire skill set.

Escape from the dead!

God help me!

The wasteland youth almost jumped up with excitement.

However, with the next step, his expression instantly froze, and his pupils suddenly enlarged.

Because under his expectant eyes, the different-color hood left two colors, blue and yellow.

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