This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 92: Ability (3/2)

?Different from before, this time, the woman with a long knife was simply unable to move because of her physical weakness, rather than wanting to turn on the rolling mode.

Princess Bilan, who had just rushed over, was stunned for a moment. The girl with a long knife suddenly fell down, her face was pale with fright, and she hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her.

"Red!? What's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

After careful inspection, Princess Bilan breathed a sigh of relief.

Because she found that the long knife girl just released all the magic nuclear power that she had just absorbed in her body at once.

I haven't exercised for a long time, and I haven't felt the magic of the body.

After going through such an intense release process, I was dragged down all of a sudden, and I needed a good rest before I could recover.

It's not a big deal, but in this situation, the long-knife woman lost her combat effectiveness, and the situation was still very bad.

"She's fine, she just needs to rest... We must get out quickly! It's not advisable to stay here for a long time!"

The scarlet light of the long knife woman opened an irregular crack to the sky for them.

Follow this crack, and then simply expand it with magic surprises, and you can quickly clear a passage that allows a single person to pass.

After receiving the order, and with the hope of escaping, everyone worked harder and began to expand the cracks and climb up.


A loud bang resounded on the surface of the floating city after it ravaged.

A small mountain with a height of 100 meters was cut into pieces by the violent flow of air blades.

The captain of the patrol bureau and the team members who had been with him before the floating city fell to the ground stepped out of the debris in the sky together.

Rabbit elves headed towards the scene after falling to the ground.

The land covered by the floating city, as well as the large area spread around it, trembled with a tragic blow.

The entire scene, as if it had just experienced a major earthquake, was in a mess.

Even the nearest city wall was smashed into a huge gap by the gravel, and most of the surrounding houses collapsed, and the corpses of the rabbit elves were scattered all over the place.

There are more rabbit elves, because they were too late to dodge, they were directly crushed to death under the giant gravel, and they didn't know whether to live or die.

The entire army of the patrol bureau was divided into pieces because of the fall of the floating city.

Moreover, in order to round up the escaped Red King, the team had been dispersed at the beginning.

Otherwise, everyone gathers together, even if the floating city falls, it will never end up like this, making the situation so passive and embarrassing!

Anger rushed to his forehead, and he looked up at the center where the floating city fell.

The area of ​​the entire floating city has shrunk by a full quarter compared to what I saw just now!

Except for the core area, the land around the floating city was directly cracked into countless stones because of the impact.

The big ones are the size of mountain peaks.

Small ones are several meters long and wide.

If it is finely broken down, the broken stones alone are enough to make people deadly.

The only thing that is still complete is the core area of ​​​​the floating city where the mask is opened in advance before the fall.

Under the watchful eye of the captain, groups of humans walked out of the core area and looked around.

The leader is the Prince Kao who has been wanted all these years!

The former prince of the Broken Empire, if there is no plane invasion of the Rabbit Spirit, the next emperor will be him.

"Kaoh, I didn't think you would dare to show up."

The commander-in-chief stared at Prince Kao coldly, and the rabbit elves behind him all gathered together, ready to fight at any time.

"I didn't want to make trouble to this extent, but the development of the situation was beyond my control, and I had to take extreme measures."

Prince Khao spoke slowly but firmly, with an unquestioning attitude.

The loss of the floating city was more serious than expected.

At first glance, this move fell to the ground, and it won a big victory, and the effect was outstanding.

But in fact, their floating city only hurt the troops of the innermost two circles of patrol bureaus, and affected the third circle of patrol bureaus.

As for the fourth-round patrol team, it was not affected at all.

Not to mention that the Patrol Bureau actually has a fifth-circle blockade team assigned to four city gates, just in case.

So from the damage point of view, everyone is half a catty, and even the Floating Void City suffered more heavy losses.

It's just that in the injured third lap patrol team, and the fourth and fifth laps, when they haven't come to support, they have the absolute upper hand in the floating city.

If you take advantage of this time difference, you can do a lot of things.

There was no hesitation.

Prince Kao took the four groups, and they all jumped down from the floating city.

"Search! Find the Red King and bring her back to the floating city... If you see a man with earrings, bring her back to me too."

An order was given to the personal guard team, and the latter immediately took people out.

Although the voices were suppressed very low when they issued the order, the patrol bureau did not hear the content.

But seeing the opposing team shunted out a group of people, I immediately guessed what they wanted to do.

Red King!

This is the center of the whole thing!

Prince Kao... This floating city has been dormant for so many years, so long, and now suddenly appears, he will not hesitate to cut off his arm, but also to take the short-term advantage of the scene and control the situation.

The picture must be not small.

Combined with the previous jailbreak, you don't have to think about it, it must be aimed at the Red King.

It's just that the captain of the patrol bureau didn't expect that Prince Kao would be so ruthless, and he didn't care about his own people below, and directly dropped the floating city.

Under this kind of offensive, the Red King who hasn't recovered from the city really can't die.

But the young man he sent into Gravity City to rob prison, and the prisoner he rescued specially, are probably doomed.

Ruthless and unscrupulous, he will do anything to achieve his goals.

The commander-in-chief's cognition of Prince Kao is no longer just from the description of the wanted order and documents, but it is so superficial and has a deeper understanding.

If it weren't for the lack of manpower around him, he would never allow Prince Kao to divide his manpower to find the whereabouts of the Red King.

But now, he can only restrain his anger and lead the team to gradually retreat with vigilance.

"Captain of Gravity I've wanted to meet you for a long time. A person who can be entrusted with an important task by [Rabbit Temple] and can take care of the [Red King] task for so many years, regardless of courage or The means, I admire very much.”

Prince Kao said flattering words, and the men behind him spread out in tacit understanding, blocking the commander-in-chief and their back road, and surrounded them in groups.

Cold sweat ran across the captain's cheeks.

These hundreds of rabbit elves suddenly fell into a dangerous situation.

They used to surround and escape the humans, but they never thought that one day, they would be surrounded by humans.

"Prince Kao, what do you want? If you kill me, you won't be able to escape."

The commander-in-chief said as calmly as possible.

In terms of strength, among the captains of many cities, they are only at the upper-middle level.

For example, the black base of Ping Qingcheng is the real top level.

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