This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 94: Breaking the Formation (2/5)

The chief of the patrol bureau was trembling all over, his hands and feet were completely cold.

Even if you fought with Prince Kao just now, life and death are on the line.

He didn't have this kind of chilling and fearful reaction.

But at this moment, he was cowardly, he was afraid.

If the Red King has not regained his strength, then he naturally has the confidence to let the entire patrol team dispatch and forcibly capture the Red King.

But if she has regained her strength, even if it is only a tenth of the degree, it is not something they can handle.

He had witnessed the epic battle between the Red King and the Rabbit Temple back then.

That kind of inhuman monster, in its heyday, except for the [Rabbit Temple], the commander-in-chief really can't think of anyone in the Broken Continent who can compete with it.

The battlefield that was still in the fierce battle just now fell into a subtle state of truce because of this scarlet beam of light.

Prince Kao could see clearly.

The location where the scarlet light beam appeared was the edge area of ​​the core area of ​​​​the floating city.

It can be seen that when it fell to the ground, it was still quite accurate.

"Protection team!"

He yelled in that direction.

The leader of the guard team, who was already leading the rush, immediately responded: "I'm rushing over there! Prince Kao, rest assured, we will definitely invite the Red King back to the floating city as a guest!"

In the previous search, the team members were spread out to conduct a large-scale search.

The scarlet beam of light that suddenly appeared now directly exposed the position of the Red King, and naturally everyone in the team rushed there.

Not only did the floating city react, but the rabbit elves nearby were also rushing over there.

This group of people was originally in order to recover the Red King who escaped from prison, and they were so mobilized.

Now that there is a target, the action is directly launched without the command of the commander-in-chief.

But there are still many rabbit elves rushing to the captain's side to keep him safe.

Prince Kao glanced at the situation of the rabbit elves who were gradually increasing.

In the first and second laps, the rabbit elves that remained after being buried by the situation have escaped one after another, fighting with the personal guard team and the light industry team with injuries, and some even joined the commander-in-chief.

The third circle of rabbit elves has arrived at the edge of the battlefield.

The fourth circle has also appeared in the distance, rushing towards this side.

And the fifth lap is estimated to be on the way.

He has not won the chief captain of the patrol bureau for a long time. As time goes by, the situation is gradually going in a direction that is not good for the floating city.

There is not much time left for the floating city.

With a dignified face, Prince Kao's offensive became more and more fierce, and his moves were fatal.

The captain of the patrol bureau had already supported it very reluctantly. Now that Prince Kao's offensive has intensified, it is naturally more embarrassing.

Fortunately, the surrounding team members came one after another, barely holding on.


While the fight was inexorable, a loud noise suddenly erupted in the direction of the scarlet beam of light behind.

Looking back, Prince Kao's pupils contracted.

I saw the group of escaped prisoners jumping out from the crack created by the scarlet beam.

The one who took the lead was the young man with blue earrings and the disabled Red King on his back.

The blue princess!

Prince Kao's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

The chief of the patrol bureau seized the opportunity and quickly stepped back to leave a sigh of relief.

The personal guard group and others sprinted away in unison.

However, I saw Princess Blue's team, after a short pause, rushed towards the floating city in unison.

Prince Kao, who was just about to continue chasing the captain, saw this scene and his face changed drastically.

He seemed to think of something, turned around, left the commander-in-chief without hesitation, and rushed towards the floating city.

"Not good! Don't let her enter the floating city! Stop her now!"

This move not only made the commander-in-chief stunned for a moment, but even the members of the Floating City Light Industry Group were stunned.

Obviously, it was only a little short that he could solve the chief captain of the patrol bureau. Why did he suddenly rush to the floating city at this time?

Even if the Red King attacks the floating city, the people left behind in the floating city are enough to defend it with a formation.

"You guys continue to attack and kill the commander-in-chief. I'll go back and deal with the woman first, and come back soon!"

Hearing the last order left by Prince Kao, the leader of the light industry team felt helpless for a while.

Just defending against the bunny elves who wanted to rush in to join the patrol chief was exhausted.

Now let them be responsible for the heavy task of killing the captain, which is almost impossible.

The most they can do is to drag the Prince Kao to lead the team to kill him.

The sudden departure of Prince Kao made the captain greatly relieved.

Immediately begin staffing and placement.

The light industry brigade, which was already overwhelmed, quickly fell into a disadvantage, not to mention killing the commander-in-chief, and even defending against attacks became difficult.

The survivors of the first and second laps of the patrol bureau gradually converged with the chief captain.

The third circle is also close to the center of the battlefield, and the support of the fourth circle and the fifth circle has been able to see people.

The situation is completely biased towards the patrol bureau.

On the other side, Princess Blue has already led the team to the door of the floating city protective cover.

"Elder Luo!"

"pass it to me!"

Luo Lao stood up, and the only remaining right eye burst out with a bright blue light.


The beam came out through the body and hit the protective cover of the floating city straight.

Cold sweat appeared on Luo Lao's forehead, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

Obviously this kind of magic is a very heavy burden for him.

Slowly, under the illumination of the blue wave beam, like a concave-convex mirror, the light source is concentrated on the paper. The protective cover seemed to be burning, and a hole the size of a fist appeared, and as the beam was irradiated, water-like waves appeared, and the gap became larger and larger.

"Lord Princess, hurry up, I can't last long!"

When the gap widened to the size of the other person, Princess Bilan took the lead in rushing in with the long knife **** her back.

The others hesitated for a while, then filed in Finally, Lao Lao, dodged and rushed in.

The light from the right eye gradually dissipated, leaving blood along the corner of the eye.

"Princess, this kind of ancient formation can only be suppressed a few times with my blue-blue magic eye. No matter how much more, I'm afraid my eyes will burst..."

"Don't worry, this time is enough! Look around, this is the former palace of our Broken Empire! The plan I just thought of has been half-successful. Next, I just need to go inside the palace and replace the mark of the magic circle with mine. This is our place!"

The palace of the Broken Empire, the ancient formation inside, only has the direct royal bloodline, and has a driving method.

In today's world, only Prince Khal...and Princess Azure, know how to drive.

After following the scarlet light just now, I rushed out of the surface and saw the chaotic battlefield outside and the nearby floating city.

The blue princess came up with the plan of anti-customer-oriented.

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