This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 104: Sleeping on the floor (1/6)

? Royal Palace.

The ten Rabbit Ring members enjoyed the highest treatment of the entire Rabbit Elf united army.

After the baptism was over, he returned to his room to rest.

Two of the rabbits walked together and entered the same room.

The rest of the eight rabbits stared at the room for a while, and then dispersed.

The rabbit elf in charge of guarding also stared at the door for a while with a strange expression, and his thoughts fluctuated.

They...seem to be male, don't they?

in the room.

The two rabbits stood like human beings, carefully scanned the equipment in the room, and after confirming that there were no monitoring measures, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Jing, what are you doing this time? After being trapped in the Rabbit Temple for so long, now I can finally move freely... As a result, the captain kneeled first!"

"Indeed, in this dungeon, the captain was too careless, and was killed by the system NPC. This is really a shame for us! It will damage the reputation of the five black people in our village."

After a pause, he continued: "The other two **** died fast enough. We were trapped in the Rabbit Temple and used as guardian statues. Except for the lips, we couldn't move our bodies at all. Naturally, there was nothing to say. But they can walk freely. Yes, it was too much to be killed by the white team before we persisted until we came down."

"That's right, we can't help ourselves. Captains and the others are different. We obviously have the advantage of taking early action, plus we are two powerful foreign aids, and it's a shame to play a good hand like this!"

"Forget it, don't mention them, think about how to get this dungeon to be true. There are still four people in the white team, and we only have two people, so the strength is not proportional. Hope to win a copy."

"This...Two against four, I'm a little empty..."

"What are you afraid of! Let's pull in the other eight rabbit ring members, and this rabbit elf united army, no matter how you look at it, the general situation is on our side!"

"Brother Jing! We are undercover agents of [Original Snake World]! As mentioned in my character introduction, [Rabbit Temple] has long been suspicious of us. Originally, only five rabbits would be required to come down this time, but now we send it all at once. It is estimated that it is to limit and monitor the two of us. As for the control of the combined army, if the eight rabbits are not dead, it will never be our turn to control the power."

"Then kill those eight rabbits! Replace them!"

"Are you crazy?! This is death!"

"The Rabbit Elves unite the army, we must control it, such a huge force is enough to search for players and sweep the continent! Although we have been trapped for a long time, the hostile players should not have developed much. Control the army. , Before the Rabbit Temple can react, let the army sweep across the continent, find the remaining players, and end the dungeon. In this way, even if the Rabbit Temple sends another manpower, it will be too late."

"This... this, is this feasible? And the strength of the two of us will not be an opponent of the eight of them."

"So now we have to have a good relationship with them and wait for the opportunity... Don't forget, why did we come to the Broken Continent this time? Red King, the strongest creature in the Broken Continent.

According to the news, the Rabbit Jiezhong side has an advantage.

So when the eight rabbits and the Red King fight together in chaos, we will be able to paddle. When they both lose, we will wait for the opportunity to take action, solve the other rabbits, and finally solve the Red King, become the only high-end combat power in the Broken Continent, and control the combined army.

Before the Rabbit Temple can react, sweep the continent and solve other players, and everything will come to an end! "

When the other rabbit ring heard this plan, they had already thought of the scene of finally pointing the country and winning the dungeon while chatting and laughing.

"Brother Jing is brilliant!"

"Of course! The second-in-command of the team isn't just talking about it casually! But for the specific implementation, we still need the help of the younger brother."

"Brother Jing, even if you tell me, I will do it!"


The captain died, no problem.

Teammates ascend to heaven, there is no problem.

Lonely Kerry, whoever I am.

The last two players from the black team looked at each other deeply, as if in the vast world, only each other could rely on each other, to turn the tide and be full of pride.

"Fortunately, Brother Jing is still here, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll refund the money directly."

"Without little brother, even if I have a specific idea, I can't start. This is our last chance to make a comeback. We must seize it! By the way, we will live in the same room in the future, and we will be careful."

"You mean... that the Eight Rabbit Rings might attack us in the Broken Continent? Isn't there still external pressure like the Red King?"

"It's not impossible to solve internal problems first, and then solve foreign enemies. This time we are sent down together, and the Rabbit Temple must have an idea... And what is the situation of other players now, we don't know. Anyway, the black team is now With you and me left, it is always right to concentrate your strength first and protect yourself."

"Okay...Okay. But first, I want to sleep on the bed! Brother Jing, please feel wronged, can you sleep on the floor?"


two months later.

Gravity City, City Wall.

A woman with a beautiful face, luxurious clothes and aristocratic atmosphere, pushing a wheelchair, stood on the city wall.

Just looking at it from a distance is like a noble princess, you can only look at it from a distance and not play with it.

Contrary to this noble woman, on the wheelchair she was pushing, sat an ugly woman with broken limbs and a face full of scars.

Although her hair has been groomed, her clothing seems to be more luxurious than that of aristocratic women.

But the temperament and appearance are completely incomparable with it.

In contrast, one is like a queen who is aloof, and the other is like a prisoner who has just received a new life.

The majestic wind blew up, blowing the hair of the two women up.

Under the city wall the crowd lined up with long dragons, and under the watchful eyes of the guards, they entered Gravity City in an orderly manner.

It seems that someone found the silhouette of the city wall, and suddenly there was a burst of cheers from the long dragon.

"Appeared! It's really just like the rumors, the princess came to the city wall on time again!"

"That's the blue princess of the former Broken Empire? Sure enough, she is naturally beautiful!"

"Princess Azure! Princess Azure!"

"No...Wait! I've seen the portrait of Princess Blue, and it seems to be a little different from the one above..."

"That must be the wrong portrait! Now who doesn't know, the one above is the Princess Blue who once lived in the palace. If you spread rumors like this, shouldn't it be a spy sent by the Rabbit Spirit to sow discord!"

As soon as these words came out, the person who had suspected the identity of Princess Bilan just now turned pale.

"No, it's fine! I remembered it wrong, I must have remembered it wrong!"

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