This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 108: landlord

nihwujiao is a structure similar to pyramid selling, which is divided into online and offline.

Obviously, although he has already joined the teaching, he should be the lowest level existence.

If you can test out who your upline is and seize this line to develop.

It should be able to break into the interior of the Nihilism Sect and develop its own power.

In this way, this copy should be much simpler.

The only difficulty is, who is his online.

There is no reason to join the teaching.

Although that text message was the trigger, his depression was the main cause.

From this point of view, it is more likely that the leader of Wangniu Technology Company will go online by himself.

If we calculate along this line, then the person who created the Wanliang Building overtime system is very likely to be the leader of the Nihility Sect.


Fang Yi was thinking about this when a news message popped up in the lower right corner of the browser.

Familiar pictures of beautiful women, plus inductive titles, let Fang Yi click the red cross.

But the next moment, another pop-up message popped up.

Depend on.

Endless...? !

Fang Yi's action of dragging the mouse suddenly stopped, and his pupils contracted suddenly.

Because the news headline popped up in the browser is really shocking.

"The leader of the sect of nothingness crashed and died! The truth or the false, which side is the real him?"

Is the leader of the nihilism dead? !

No way, this kind of character who is hiding a big boss at first glance, why did he die suddenly?

Faintly, Fang Yi inexplicably thought of the previous copy announcement.

Resisting the strange feeling in his heart, Fang Yi clicked on the news details.

Taking a closer look, that weird feeling became more and more obvious.

The content of the news is very simple, that is, the plane crashed and all the passengers died in the crash.

Although all of them died, in reality there were not many.

Because this plane is a private plane belonging to Tang District.

As for who the Tang district is, that is a row of blinding names.

The most shining superstar of this century, the youngest super scientist in the world, the super genius of the music industry, the uncrowned king of the fighting circle...

To put it simply, four words can describe it.

Super genius.

However, the embarrassing thing is that the super genius has died in a plane crash.

Moreover, the news reports indicated that shortly after the crash, the state released news, saying that Tang District had been locked in secret for a long time, confirming that Tang District was the leader of the nihilistic sect.

And the private plane in Tang District was also shot down by them using missiles.

Combined with the time of the crash and the time of the dungeon announcement, Fang Yi has already guessed the identity of this guy who was supposed to be the hidden boss.

Night of Assassination.

...very powerful, little beggar, yes.

Fang Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

Obviously, the little beggar spent a lot of points. At the beginning of the game, he used [Extra Options] to randomly land on Tang District.

Starting with such a powerful dungeon identity, it should have been a refreshing situation for a big kill.

However, the premise is that the little beggar can survive the crisis of the relatively balanced setting of the system.

Obviously, the little beggar failed.

So he knelt down less than ten minutes into the game.

Thinking of the little beggar who replied excitedly that he would not hold back before entering the book, Fang Yi felt a stomach ache again.

Nima, shouldn't the meaning of not procrastinating and retreating means waiting to lie down and win? What the **** is a nihilistic leader?

If you really get through the crisis and take control of this identity, that's fine.

But the result was less than ten minutes after the start of the game, and it was directly killed by the system.

Embarrassing, very embarrassing.

The good nihilism force was suddenly killed by the little beggar.

Fang Yi rubbed his temples and lost interest in the development route of Nihilism.

The sect leader has all knelt down. I am afraid that this nihilistic sect will soon be swept away by the wind and clouds.

After calming down for a while, Fang Yi searched the hard drive of the computer again.

The result is just some harmonious little videos, and learning video materials for programming.

After thinking for a while, Fang Yi took out his mobile phone, flipped through the call records, and chatted with the communication software.

In the call records, there are only some work contacts, and the person who marked it is also a colleague's leader.

And the communication software is a backwater, and no one is looking for it at all.

There are quite a few chat groups, and after a little check, they are all dead groups, and no one bubbles up.

Look at the news records, that is, some anime-related content.

Through this information, Fang Yi's heart slowly emerged the image of a dead house without friends.

Don't look at Fang Yi as if he is doing useless work. In fact, the more you know about the original owner of the body, the better you can play the role, the better you can disguise yourself, and ensure that no one will discover the player's identity.

dong dong dong!

Just then, there was a loud knock on the door.

what happened?

With a frown, Fang Yi got up and walked to the door.

Through the cat's eyes, he could see the person coming.

It was a man in his fifties who was out of shape. With her hands on the waist of the bucket, the aunt with a fierce look on her face.

After thinking for a while, Fang Yi pretended to be afraid and shouted, "Who, who?"

"Your landlord! Hurry up and pay me the rent this month, otherwise the water and electricity will be cut off!"

The landlord aunt glared angrily at the door, almost kicking the door with her

Fang Yi's heart moved, and he quietly took out the Heiyu crossbow machine from the item space.

With his left hand, he will open the door to a gap, stick out his head, and make a cautious and cowardly look.

The right hand is holding the Heiyu crossbow machine tightly, ready to go.

"Fang, auntie landlord, let's wait a while about the rent. I want to ask you a question first. Have you ever heard of nihilism?"

"Void teaching?"

The landlord's aunt frowned, looking at Fang Yi with a hint of contempt.

"You don't even know this. Nihilism is a cult that specializes in brainwashing people to commit suicide. There have been several incidents in Yun City recently, which have made headlines for a while."

The voice fell, and the contempt of the landlord's aunt became more obvious, and her nostrils were turned upside down.

As if to say, even I know the news, but you, a young man, don't, and you simply can't keep up with the trend.

However, she didn't know what Fang Yi was thinking.

"This reaction..."

It stands to reason that Fang Yi, an otaku, could not have been ignorant of the information about the nihilism.

But it happened to ask such a silly question, and it was obvious that he was selling flaws.

But the other party did not show any abnormal reaction.

Either the landlady in front of her has realistic acting skills, or she is really just an NPC.

In terms of square sense, the latter is more likely.

Because he observed it very carefully just now, and did not miss any microexpressions.

It can be confirmed that the landlord did not make any disguise, and all his expressions were naturally revealed.

But don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

In the thigh mode of the melee mode, the player's level fluctuates too much, so be careful.

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