This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 123: Doubt

Seeing that the landlord's aunt had already taken out her mobile phone and called the police, the corners of Fang Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

Calling the police in the name of a prank and calling the police in the name of nihilism are two different things.

I believe that the police's attention is definitely two levels.

Especially in the sensitive period when the leader of the Nihilism Sect just died, let alone.

"If that guy is really a player and is successfully caught by the police, then his game can be over."

In the modern copy, everyone's physical fitness is not much different.

In addition to the identity skills and items accumulated in the previous dungeons, there is no doubt that it is basically the same as that of ordinary people. It should be easy to get it.

Let the landlord aunt remember that after closing the door, Fang Yi took the golden retriever and left the scene slowly, hiding his merits and fame.

About half an hour later, a large number of police cars came to the community.

Investigating the situation and calling up the community video, they quickly identified the suspect.

Because when the landlord aunt reported the case, it directly pointed out that it might be a cult action of nihilism.

Therefore, this case, on the police side, has a very high priority.

So the action is very fast, and the progress is unprecedentedly fast.

When Fang Yi returned from walking the dog, the case was nearing completion.

"Team Wei?"

Fang Yi was slightly taken aback when he saw the police officer giving orders at the gate of the community building.

Team Wei looked back and saw Fang Yi, and was also greatly surprised.

"Li Wu? Why are you here?"

Fang Yi smiled shyly.

"Because I live in this neighborhood."

Team Wei frowned and immediately thought of the current case.

Could it be that it was really someone who had no nihilism?

"Then be careful, something happened in the community, I suspect that nihilistic people are doing the trick."

"Ah? Could it be that they tricked me into committing suicide and wanted to attack me directly?"

"Don't be afraid, everything is under our control, and the case will be solved soon. You don't need to worry too much."

"Then I'll be at ease, thank Team Wei."

"Well, if you have nothing to do, just stay at home and keep the phone open. I'm busy right now. I'll come back to talk to you when I'm free in two days."


Fang Yi knew in his heart that the mass suicide of a hundred people in Wanliang Building would definitely not have passed so easily.

It's just that the leader of the nihilistic sect died suddenly recently, and the police must be busy with the sweeping and finishing operations of the nihilistic sect, so they can't take care of their own side for the time being.

Saying goodbye to Team Wei, Fang Yi walked into the building with the golden retriever.

As a result, I saw the landlord's aunt who just came out of it.

"Li Wu, you killed me!"

As soon as we met, the landlord aunt couldn't help complaining.

"What's wrong?"

Fang Yi was puzzled, he just asked you to call the police, why did he kill you?

"It's not that you said that this matter may be done by nihilistic people. I think such a big thing must be a large number of nihilistic believers dispatched, which is a collective action, so I exaggerated the harm and told the police. ."

"As soon as the video was adjusted, the police found out that the whole thing was done by one person, and it wasn't that some nihilistic people were dispatched in large numbers."

"Now the police have locked the suspect and are ready to arrest the suspect, but the problem is that in the video, the perpetrator..."

Speaking of which, the landlord aunt glanced at Team Wei and suddenly lowered her voice.

"I seem to know the perpetrator. Even though he is wearing sunglasses and a mask, I still recognize him at a glance."

Fang Yi was taken aback.

"Do you know? Who is it?"

"I can't tell you a name, just someone who often distributes flyers on the street."

Fang Yi's heart moved.

Handing out flyers?

Is it a coincidence?

Rough tactics, blatant behavior, and easy detection and targeting...

I always feel that things are going well.

And that guy's behavior has no other meaning except to actively reveal his identity and focus on himself.

Murder announcement? Every household keeps one? No matter how you look at it, it's not like what normal people do.

It should be said that it is too ostentatious, too obvious, and too contrived.

It seems that he is telling the players in the community to catch me and kill me, I am the player.

"Could it be that that guy is just a bait? Is it an NPC who instigates the flow of players to control?"

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's heart froze.

This makes sense.

Those useless notes, and the stupidity of not thinking about the camera at all, suddenly made sense.

"Are you going to tempt me to make a move..."

"Then his direction should be to judge who is the player by looking at who is attacking the perpetrator."

"Fortunately, I asked the landlord's aunt to call the police. Even if they were investigated, they should first target the landlord's aunt."

The role of bait is to lure snakes out of their holes.

Anyone who wants to attack the bait may be a player.

Even if the other party is not sure of the identity of the landlord's aunt, they should conduct testing and contact.

"It's interesting."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Fang Yi looked at the sad-faced landlord aunt.

After thinking for a he opened his mouth slowly.

"Auntie, what's the matter with handing out flyers? It must be a nihilistic person who does this kind of thing. What are you afraid of?"

"That's the problem! The person who distributed the flyers, he is a faithful Christian believer, he feels that it is impossible to suddenly convert to nihilism!"

"Faithful? How do you know?"

"He used to print out Christian flyers at his own expense, and he distributed them for free. I've been pestered by him a few times, and his fanatical appearance doesn't seem to be fake."

After a pause, the landlord aunt said, "And his main business is to distribute flyers, which is similar to that of a homeless person, so he is very leisurely, very empty in spirit, and very firm in his Christian belief."

"This... nihilism is a cult, so it's normal for people to change their beliefs."

"Hey, that's all I can think of. Li Wu, if you say this is just an ordinary prank, and if the guy is not a nihilist, then will I be convicted of disturbing the law and order and occupying police resources? And then got caught in jail?"

Having said that, the landlord aunt looked at the police who had assembled outside, and her heart suddenly became empty.

Obviously, this is what worries her.

Growing up, it was the first time she saw so many police officers gathered together. At first glance, it was a big deal, and it was a style only found in big cases.

If the final result didn't satisfy the police, she didn't know what would happen.

Especially now, she found that this case seems to have nothing to do with nihilism...

Seeing the worried look on the landlord's aunt's face, Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

After comforting her again, Fang Yi returned home.

After checking the situation at home and confirming that no one had come in, Fang Yi opened the news and read it.

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