This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 32: Assessment begins (2/2)

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Fang Yi sat back in his seat with a black question mark on his face.

Obviously from the first two days, the intimacy of the two women has dropped to about 10 o'clock, and it began to stabilize at one or two o'clock a day.

Why is it soaring like crazy now?

Fang Yi thought about it, and the only explanation was that the two women had seen the matter of making a public speech just now.

This soaring intimacy vividly interprets what is called - if you bloom, butterflies will come.

Before, Fang Yi took the initiative to cater to others in order to increase intimacy.

Now there is nothing to do, just sit and wait for the intimacy to automatically rise and it will be over.

Not to mention, this way of increasing is really cool.

After a while, the intimacy of the two women has risen from a single digit to more than 20 points, and it is still growing.

However, in the face of the vast sea of ​​new students, Fang Yi really had a hard time finding out where the two women were, so he didn't know what the current situation of the two women was.

Except for the two women, the intimacy of the others has also been brushed a little bit more or less.

But not the two women are so frequent, and the stamina is so strong, they only increase by a point or two, as if they were meant to be.

It is estimated that it will disappear automatically in an hour or two.

Fang Yi didn't care too much about this.

He turned his eyes to the square.

The deputy dean who presided over this assessment is already in place.

The freshman assessment is divided into three parts.

Literary test, martial arts test, and the final ring competition.

The first two each take 30% of the points, and the latter 40% of the points.

For most people, the test scores are average.

Only those children of wealthy families who are of noble birth and have a certain foundation, and children who practice martial arts with martial arts heritage, will be higher in the exam.

Just this one essay test will directly widen the gap between most people and divide them into several classes.

Fang Yi paid special attention this time.

Found a few familiar people.

They were all the people who had been in the same carriage with him and were attacked by the Meteorite Martial Arts Museum.

However, this group of people were no longer in their intimacy list before, and their resistance was still obvious.

Now, it seems that the gap between them is so large that they are desperate because they find that they are soaring.

So on the contrary, the intimacy has risen a little, and it has returned to the intimacy list.

Of course, this kind of grass will not last forever, and there is absolutely no awareness of being a pig... No, it is the awareness of being a close friend.

Therefore, Fang Yi just glanced at this group of people at random, and didn't pay any more attention.

On the other hand, Lu Xiu and Bai Le, two young girls whose intimacy was soaring, gave Fang Yi a little refreshment when they started the essay test.

These two are standard households to be slaughtered, and with a little training, they are perfect friends.

To Fang Yi's surprise, the two girls were extremely popular. In that area, most of the teenagers who had not taken the written test were cheering for these two girls.

Mix well.

Fang Yi gave an evaluation in his heart, and then saw the 100-point literary test. The two women scored high scores of 10 and 12 respectively.

Then, under the comfort of many little milk dogs, he stepped off the stage.

In addition to these familiar people, there were also some highly regarded geniuses among the freshmen, which also made Fang Yi pay a little attention.

Every time these geniuses start the literary test, there will be a lot of dog legs to help and cheer, for fear that others will not know, their young master is a genius boy from a certain village, and he is proficient in both literature and martial arts.

However, in fact, these geniuses scored a dozen points higher than ordinary people in the literary test. Only a small number of them are real geniuses. They are good at this and have extremely high scores in the literary test. It smiles and shows goodwill.

At the end of the literary test, the gap between genius and mediocrity, or the gap in terms of birth, has already widened.

Next, is the martial arts test, which is also an important subject for most mediocrity, or ordinary people, to be able to turn over.

In the martial arts test, the candidates are asked to perform a set of martial arts on their own.

The examiner will judge the candidate's martial arts foundation and various abilities through the process of the candidate's martial arts.

Generally speaking, the more solid the foundation is, the higher the score will be. Those ordinary people who are diligent and hard-working mostly rely on this for extra points. .

There are also some strange tricks that have never been seen before. Those who can be appreciated by the examiner or their husband will also get a certain score bonus, which belongs to the side of the sword.

Those who came from a wealthy family, or had martial arts disciples, had well-thought-out moves. In the process of performing martial arts, they carried a sense of self-confidence.

If you are a genius, you will have this kind of spiritual energy in the process of performing moves, and you will not be as clumsy as ordinary people.

Most of the gentlemen are also staring at this kind of real genius. Once they find something, their scores will skyrocket immediately, far exceeding others.

In this project, only three people got this explosive bonus.

Regardless of the small number of people, this is three years after Kangtang Academy.

The surrounding towns and villages, all the boys and girls of the appropriate age and meeting the requirements, gathered together in the Kangtang, and finally three geniuses came out.

According to previous examples, this ratio is already very high.

Because in the last three years, it was a super genius that was not recruited.

Counting these three people together this year, plus the parachutist Yi Fang, there will be four super geniuses joining the Kangtang Academy.

If these four people are loyal enough, they will become the pillars of Kangtang Academy and the backbone of the academy when they grow up.

He got four geniuses all at once. Even the dean, who had been feeling a little flustered by Fang Yi for the past three days, is now smiling, wiping his white beard and looking happy.

Able to stand out in the huge new army.

Fang Yi naturally paid more attention to these three people.

Three people, two males and one female.

They are good at boxing, palm, and stick.

The other two, needless to say, are well-behaved geniuses.

A talent that is a bit higher than ordinary, but that's all.

On the other hand, the girl in green, with a small stature, played the heavy iron rod like a tiger, and Fang Yi couldn't help but take a second glance.

It's okay not to look at it, but when I saw it, I was startled.

Where is this genius, it's simply a monster, isn't it?

Others may not see the significance of that set of sticks.

But Fang Yi clearly saw that that set of cudgel techniques, self-contained, integrated offense and defense, were advanced cudgel techniques with complete inheritance and matching mental techniques.

Even more powerful than the advanced stick techniques in the noble hall.

If it weren't for the limitation of physical fitness, it is estimated that the girl in green can play this stick more fiercely and naturally.

Instead of being like before, just after playing a few times, I lost my strength and rested on the stage panting.


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