This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 103: Come to me! (6/4)

"This, what the **** is this?!"

"It's very long! It's too long!"

"This thing is really a knife? Can it be wielded?"

Seeing Fang Yi being so brave, the rabble crowd of the idol group immediately cheered and cheered.

Originally stabilized the momentum.

Just because of the 100-meter black knife that Fang Yi showed, he suddenly turned to the idol faction.

Xue Bei's face sank, and she shouted at the top of her voice: "A bunch of rubbish! What the hell, he's only one person, who else can beat him besides him! Let's go together!"

Xue Bei didn't care about the life and death of her subordinates.

If you don't let your subordinates die for tricks, how do you know what tricks the enemy has? How to know more information about the enemy?

Compared with their life and death, she wanted to know how powerful Fang Yi was.

At Xue Bei's call, the others just rushed forward.

"Yes, no matter how strong he is, he is only one person!"

"Let's go together!"

"Don't be afraid, everyone, I will take the lead!"

"Okay! Senior Brother Yin rushed to duck!"

"Brother Yin is very old, and he will go back to his hometown to get married next year! Even he is working so hard, why don't we work hard!"


The screams of killing are soaring to the sky.

There were more than a hundred people rushing to the front, side by side.

All of them looked ferocious and menacing.

In the midst of the chaos, there is also some kind of combined attack method, the formation remains intact, and support can be provided at any time, such as a thousand troops charging! .

Compared with them, the group of guys behind Fang Yi was in a mess, and some of their weapons were so frightened that they fell to the ground.

Even before the battle started, the army was somewhat broken.

Fortunately, Fang Yida didn't expect this group of rabble from the very beginning.

Grasp the 100-meter black knife tightly, the inner flow circulates, everything horizontally!


Just as Fang Yi made his move, Xue Bei's pupils shrank suddenly, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Whether a person's strength is strong or not can already be seen from the moment he shoots.

Xue Bei thought that Fang Yi might be very strong, but she never thought that it would be so strong!


Black light flashed by.

The Disciplinary Sect disciple who rushed at the front was cut into two like a tomato, and was cut in half!

Blood spurted out, and almost everyone at the scene turned their backs on their horses and collapsed.

Their upper body screamed and rolled to the ground, while their lower body twitched unconsciously.

The disciples in the back had the awareness to block, but their thoughts couldn't keep up with the actions, and they were also cut into two pieces.

Only the latter had enough reaction time, but their legs were cut off.

The last group, the last group, finally managed to escape, but there were still a large number of casualties.

Fangyi means to cut across from right to left.

Therefore, the disciples of the Disappointing Sect lined up on the right had the most serious casualties.

The closer to the disciple on the left, the higher the survival rate.

It's just that under this slash, everyone was dumbfounded, their legs were weakening, they collapsed to the ground, and they didn't dare to make any further movements.

The whole person's mind is dazed, chaotic, and blank!

In today's martial arts, there are such people? !

Under a knife.

Thousands of knights.

I fell down as many times as I could, unable to get up!

Half of them died violently on the spot!

What kind of strength is this?

What kind of strength is this!


It can only be described as horror!

Xue Bei's mouth widened, her lips trembling, and Fang Yi, who was horrified, carried the 100-meter black knife on his shoulder again.

" are you?"

"Broken Chain Sword."

Fang Yi smiled slightly.

The 100-meter black knife shrank, returning to the form of an ordinary long sword.

When the broken chain sword is used for group attack.

With the characteristics of the highest range of 100 meters, it is no exaggeration to say that it is really awesome!

However, when encountering opponents with similar strengths and higher weapon sharpness values, they only have the characteristic of deformation, which can take a small advantage.

And when encountering a weapon with a super-high sharpness value like the Heavenly Sword, it would completely stop, and it would be impossible to fight head-to-head.

Therefore, the limitations are still very large, that is, the abuse of vegetables is particularly easy to use, and it seems like a knife to open a big piece!

In fact, at the moment Fang Yi shot, Xue Bei already felt Fang Yi's terrifying strength.

But judging from the results, she still underestimated Fang Yi's strength! Too underrated!

A thousand people with one knife!

Legend... It's really a martial arts legend!

You have changed, you have changed!

"How can it be so strong... Why is it so strong! It's not scientific!"

Xue Bei was dazed and confused, and she could not find her way in life.

The reality is so stressful, come to the game to relax, how did you encounter such a perverted state? How does the system fit together? And let no one play the game!

"You ask me why I'm so strong?"

In the sight of Xue Bei's collapse, Fang Yi suddenly looked up at the sky forty-five degrees, with a solemn and painful face.

"Three years!"

"Do you know how I spent the past three years!"

"I hid in the cave every day to practice "The Sword of Lonely Life", do you know how hard I am?"

"Do not!"

"You do not know!"

"You know how to rule the rivers and lakes, plan and form cliques! Look at the trash on the ground, is it useful? Tell me loudly, is it useful!"

What a god!

Xue Bei almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

The feeling of grief that had been suppressed just now disappeared without a trace.

God and Demon Love!

"Are you funny! Sister has so many younger brothers to call and drink every day."

"Three years!"

"You know how happy I have been these three years!"

"Yi comes to open your hands and rice to open your mouth, that's how the life of the gods is!"

"I live in the sect every day. If I want to practice, I will practice. If I don't want to practice, I will not practice. It's not much happier than you!"

"Now, answer me, who is the real happiness!"

Fangyi: …

What she said made sense, but I was speechless.

Fang Yi clasped his fists and said, ", you are the real happiness, you are the queen of happiness!"


Xue Bei proudly raised her head and raised her chest.

"The strength is not as good as you, can I still tell you? Bickering? Sister has never lost! Do you understand being elegant and easy-going? Do you know what is elegant and easy-going!"

Fang Yi scratched his head.

Elegant and easy-going, isn't it polite to treat others?

Judging from her proud appearance, what else does she mean?

Forget it, anyway, Fang Yi is not good at war of words, so let her be shy.

"Cough! Miss Sister is really good, but in the game, you still need to see the real chapter."


With that said, Xue Beichao, who was lying on the ground, half-dead, shouted, "Junior brother and sister, come to my side! Form a meat shield formation!"

The disciples of the Dayi Sect were stunned for a moment, with a bitter look on their faces, but they still reluctantly moved closer to Xue Bei, surrounded Xue Bei in groups and protected her in the middle, forming a bloated human wall.

And this kind of operation? !

Fang Yi was stunned for a moment, then immediately charged with his sword.

"Retreat! Retreat! Meat shield retreat mode!"


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