This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 135: trace

"In this kind of game, Xu Ya won't miss, and she shouldn't guess the identity of the player wrong, so what's the point of her killing those people?"

Fang Yi frowned gradually.

"Could it be that there is something in those people that is worthy of Xu Ya's shot? Or maybe her copy status is restricted and she has to shot?"

Before entering the game, Fang Yi still remembered that Xu Yahua got a lot of extra options for his points.

Therefore, the starting point of the copy identity should not be low, and it is natural that there are crises and restrictions.

But this is just a guess. Just relying on fantasies, it is difficult for Fang Yi to determine Xu Ya's true situation.

"Forget it, it's better to wait until things are settled here, and then go to the Konghai District to find out."

Looking at the mosaic pictures on the phone, Fang Yi couldn't help the corners of his mouth curling slightly.

Bloody flow, in the beginning, was not actually a genre, but a personal style.

And it was invented by Fang Yi.

That was around the end of the first year of the service of "Fantasy", at the end of the year.

The top players in the game started to establish schools, and wrote their own experiences into strategies to establish their own schools.

Affected by this, Fang Yi also wanted to sort out his own experience and create his own genre.

So I tried a variety of game methods, trying to integrate the game experience into genres.

Among them, there is the prototype of **** flow.

The **** killing method can increase the NPC's fear of themselves and improve the degree of control over the NPC.

Moreover, it can also cause psychological pressure and psychological shadow to the players, and they dare not die in the **** hands at will, so they are innately overwhelmed by their aura.

But later, Fang Yi discovered that the bloodshed can only develop into a personal style at most. There is still a big gap between the formation of routines and genres, so it was shelved and abandoned.

Until the second year of the game, I met Xu Ya and taught her all about bloodshed.

The **** stream resurfaced.

At this time, Fang Yi had already accumulated more gaming experience. In addition, we can discuss and verify with Xu Ya, and finally gradually improve the **** flow, form a system, and develop it into a genre.

And this is also preparations for the official alliance competition held by "Unreal Fantasy".

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. In the end, the team disbanded and parted ways.

Later, Xu Ya joined the Yefeng team, but she did not give up the bloodshed.

Instead, he carried it forward, digged deeply, and finally became one of the well-known genres, and Xu Ya successfully entered the altar.

Because of this incident, Fang Yi was ridiculed by old friends who knew about it.

Later, as Fang Yi gradually kept a low profile, and the professional team became more and more influential, Xu Ya's net worth rose, and then there was no sound.

And this has also caused the current newcomers to think that the bloodshed was created by Xu Ya, and they don't know the story behind it.

Today's **** flow not only integrates the original advantages of Fang Yi, but also has many extensions and improvements, forming a system that can complement the shortcomings of other schools and produce amazing results.

The most obvious feature of the **** flow is that its own strength is very strong, and it dares to expose itself.

It is equivalent to revealing a piece of information to everyone bluntly: I am a player, and I am here, who dares to come over? This is how it ends.

And when others are not afraid of threats and really come to the scene of the crime set by the **** players, then what will happen is unknown.

There may be a lot of backhands set up, or it may just be a mystery.

According to the current situation of the dungeon, **** players can make many adjustments without sticking to one pattern.

If there are teammates to cooperate, the situation is even more bizarre and changeable.

Therefore, in the high-end game, sometimes, when the **** identity is shown, not many people really dare to check the situation, they are afraid of being countered and set on fire.

Of course, in the current situation, Fang Yi doesn't think there is such a master.

And not everyone is so cautious.

There should be cute new players or inexperienced rookie players here to check Xu Ya's information and whereabouts.

Because in news reports, Xu Ya's vicious case is the most conspicuous and most likely to attract the attention of others.

So the possibility of attracting other players is very high.

Even if there may be no harvest on the first day, as long as you continue to wait, someone will definitely come to investigate.

Although Fang Yi doesn't necessarily have the patience.

And his goal is not just targeting these new players.

If these new players are listed as the first class.

Then in this dungeon, those who have good game experience, know some game routines, and understand the **** little knowledge. Ordinary players who are ready to hunt these new players are second-class.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, is the third class, preparing to eat both.

As for those who can take this routine to the fourth step and regard the third class as a target, Fang Yi has not yet discovered it around.

And before Fang Yi took action, everyone was actually a third-class person.

As long as there is enough awareness of prevention and careful observation in advance, clues can be found.

I am afraid that without this awareness, the difference between expert players and ordinary players is also reflected in these details.

So now is very safe.

Moving his eyes, he looked at Shi Ting Mountain directly opposite.

Shiting Mountain has some twists and turns on the mountain road. There are many private villas and mansions on the mountain.

The private mansion of the multimillionaire that has been reported in the news before is one of them.

Coupled with the blockade by the police and the crowd of melon eaters watching the excitement, Fang Yi could easily target.

But everyone's focus is on the private mansion where the accident happened.

The focus of Fang Yi is at the foot of the mountain.

There, there was a young man with a shaved head and the appearance of a gangster, scratching his head and scratching his cheeks, walking back and forth, looking like he wanted to go up the mountain but didn't dare to go up the mountain.

This flat-footed man has been staying at the foot of the mountain for a while.

Whenever I saw someone going up the mountain, I hurriedly hid in the small forest next to me.

A look of secret observation, it seems that there is still a little intention of wanting to trick others and suddenly attack.

This action, the board-inch man has repeated two or three times.

If it wasn't for Fang Yi's failure to observe any anomalies around him, he might have thought this was a trap.

It's so cute and new. Was it brought up all the way?

Shaking his head slightly, Fang Yi has determined that there are no traps here.

And this guy is really a cute new player, just worried that he might encounter enemies when going up the mountain, so he has been afraid to go up to check the scene.

Picking up the chopsticks, Fang Yi started to eat lunch slowly.

If it's late at night and the second-class player still doesn't appear, Fang Yi will take the head.

There's no need to drag it. If you can't catch fish, then of course, go to meet Xu Ya early to avoid wasting time.

Of course, the premise is that the surroundings are safe enough, and no one is playing tricks like him.

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