This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 31: Mushroom Cloud (1/10)

?Like the end of the world, the sky is shrouded in red light.

The terrifying air waves spread out and hit the dam line of the new ring of wise men.

The dust rose, covering everything.

The entire sanctuary fell into silence.

The place was dead silent.

Everyone stared at the sky in astonishment, and their minds were almost blank.

This, what is this? !

What power is this!

Can't imagine, can't imagine!

If it weren't for the sanctuary barrier still in place, that terrifying missile could almost destroy half of the sanctuary!

Moreover, this missile seems to be a thing that kills a thousand enemies and damages 800 by itself.

After the dust gradually faded away.

The dam-like defense line built by the linemen outside was also shattered by the remaining shock waves.

The original complete wise man's ring has also suffered some damage.

Look at the sanctuary barrier.


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, like a basin of cold water topping it, cooling from head to toe.

In the past, the World Extinguishing Foul Dragon could only dig out a sanctuary barrier of more than 70 centimeters, but now it has collapsed to a depth of more than ten meters!

However, what is even more terrifying is that the sanctuary barrier has still not been penetrated!

As if the thickness is unfathomable and has no end.

Under such a terrifying blow, he still stubbornly guards the sanctuary and separates the two worlds.

They were shocked by the terrifying power of that missile.

Fortunately, the exaggerated thickness of the sanctuary barrier.

At a depth of more than ten meters, it still failed to break this barrier.

What is this concept?

You must know that the dirt dragon only dug more than 70 centimeters before, but it didn't even dig out a meter thick!

At this moment, not only the people in the sanctuary, but even the linemen can clearly observe the gap between the two.

This time, I'm afraid it's really not the filth dragon destroying the world, but the line man unifying the world!

"The wise! The wise! The wise!"

After panicking, the line people in the sky made a neat and unanimous cheer.

They saw the dawn of victory!

The prophecy of the destruction of the world is like the sword of Damocles on their necks.

Always forcing them to keep moving forward and keep working hard.

But today, with the help of their wise men, the sword of Damocles has been completely crushed!

Now is their time.

Destroying the world's filthy dragon is nothing to be afraid of!

The overwhelming firepower gap is the most intuitive evidence!

They even suspected that when this atomic bomb fell, the dirty dragon would be instantly vaporized in the same room!

Although it was affected by the aftermath of the atomic bomb, the defense line of the Wise Ring was damaged.

But compared to this staged victory, this kind of intuitively seeing the firepower gap of the rolling level, this single loss is nothing at all.

They can build the first atomic bomb with the help of wise men, then they can have the second, the third, the fourth...

Although the sanctuary barrier seems to be unbreakable, it is bottomless.

But under the bombardment of numbers, a gap will inevitably be knocked out.

Once the first notch appears...

The sanctuary will be trampled down!

The filthy dragon will be wiped out!

The hatred accumulated for tens of thousands of years will be vented at that moment!

Sanctuary, exiled our ancestors and left us to suffer in the barrens outside.

If it weren't for the appearance of the wise men in the prophecy, I don't know how long this kind of life would last.

this moment.

The lines of people's thoughts have reached a high degree of unity, and they are worshipped as gods to the wise.

No, from this moment on.

A wise man is God!

It is bounded by the sanctuary barrier.

There are almost two extreme atmospheres on both sides.

On the side of the line people, there are positive emotions such as cheerfulness, excitement, and joy.

Inside the sanctuary, negative emotions such as silence, dead silence, and despair spread.

They all stared at the sky with fear and trepidation, and they kept praying in their hearts that they would never come again.

If this thing can be mass-produced like ordinary missiles.

Then today, I am afraid that all of them will die here.

A huge missile can blow up the sanctuary barrier to a depth of more than ten meters.

A few more, a dozen, dozens, hundreds!

They couldn't even imagine that scene.

Horrible, so scary!

Desperate, so desperate!

A deep sense of powerlessness rose from the bottom of my heart.

Before that technology, before that powerful missile.

Their sanctuary, like lambs to be slaughtered, has no resistance!

Do not!

There is last hope!

At this moment, a tall figure appeared in everyone's mind.

It's the one they wanted to resist or even drive out... the world-destroying filthy dragon!

The situation has deteriorated to the point where the gamble must be let go.

No one wanted to watch the Lineman drop giant missiles, but they could only shiver at home.

In the sky, the Lineman seems to only have a giant missile, which should have just been developed and put it directly on the Sanctuary Barrier for an experimental test.

I have to say that this test effect is too terrifying and too deterrent.

The people in the sanctuary were all frightened, stunned, and so frightened that they rushed to the hospital. As long as there was a way to solve the crisis, they were willing to support and try.

After the explosion, the world-destroying foul dragon became the last hope of the sanctuary, and even took on the role of a savior.

The linemen have begun to reorganize, like fast-forward, repairing or even strengthening the damaged dam-like defense line.

Through this experiment, they have also known the power of the atomic bomb, and will inevitably take stricter security measures.

The sanctuary has also begun to mobilize.

This time, they will respond to their demands for righteousness!

The whole Sanctuary, like a huge military factory, began to squeeze all resource reserves and create more bombs.

As for the military resources in the previous inventory, it was directly sent to the mouth of the dirty dragon.

Fang Yi did not expect that he did nothing, and this group of people was feeding themselves frantically under external threats.

This is a good thing.

But in fact, when Fang Yi saw the atomic bomb falling, he had already made a decision in his heart.

Even if the Sanctuary does not agree, it is to take it by force, and he is ready to take action.

The captain of the black team on the opposite side has developed a little faster than he expected.

The atomic bomb, to put it mildly, is just an enhanced version of the missile.

To put it directly, it is a strategic weapon of the city-annihilation level!

The nuclear threat is not a casual talk!

This atomic bomb came Fang Yi himself did not have much confidence in being able to withstand it.

The mouth is not afraid of various kinetic energy heat weapons, but the body does not have this ability.

Don't you see that I was bombarded by drone bombs before, and my body was injured.

If the atomic bomb was one, it would be better, but if the mouth grows bigger, maybe it can actually be swallowed.

But if there are several, then Fang Yi can only resign.

Whether the Dirty Dragon's physical strength can withstand the atomic bomb, he has no idea in his heart.

Across the sanctuary barrier, the situation on both sides seems to have once again become a race against time and against each other.

In an alternative way, they compete with each other in their respective abilities and conduct invisible competition.

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