This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 24: Grey religion

Miss Cai, did not look up.

They didn't even discuss the price, as if they regarded money as dung at all.

But men feel normal.

With Miss Cai's current status, this little money is nothing at all.

The archives on the table were opened page by page.

Miss Cai didn't look fast, but she looked carefully.

Sometimes, even staring at a page of information, frowning and thinking for a while.

The data is a detailed report of some recent strange events.

They are all bizarre events that cannot be explained by common sense.

At least the official did not give any explanation, but suppressed the news.

Even him, it took a lot of effort to collect so much information.

You must know that in the detective world of Huanhecheng, he is already one of the best.

With other third-rate detectives, it is estimated that they will not be able to find out anything.

Even so, the man still couldn't find all the information, and it felt faintly that this was just the tip of the iceberg of many bizarre incidents in Huanhecheng.

Because there are more bizarre incidents, since there were no casualties, they were just ignored as rumors.

"This house..."

When the detective just thought of this, Miss Cai suddenly pointed to a dilapidated house on the document.

Bursting haunted house.

Originally it was just an ordinary residence for a family of three.

About seven days ago, it suddenly burst.

It was like something was going in the right direction, crashing straight into their home.

In an instant, the walls turned into pieces, all the furniture shattered, and half of the home was destroyed in an instant.

The family of three died on the spot, and they concluded that they were hit and killed by something.

However, all this happened without warning.

For a second, the family of three was still happily sitting together for dinner.

The next second, the ground trembled, and the family was destroyed.

Such a serious paranormal event is naturally highly concerned, so the information is also relatively detailed.

It's just that it has been suppressed recently, and the news has been blocked.

"The explosion of the haunted house, are there any guards nearby?"

"Of course, as a major event in the near future, the Huanhe team has almost devoted all of their energy to this, and an isolation circle has been drawn around... Miss Cai doesn't want to go to the scene, right?"

"That's my business."

Miss Cai paused and said, "Help me investigate the explosion of the haunted house, the security situation, and the distribution of personnel."


The detective hesitated.

The United Team is the official power of United City, and if anything remains, he can't get rid of it.

"The price we negotiated before will triple again."

"make a deal!"

Celebrity money is easy to earn!

Profits come first, and who cares about risks.


at this time.

The phone in the detective's pocket, which was set to vibrate mode, suddenly vibrated.

Take out the phone and take a look.

The detective said, "Miss Cai, the latest news is that a puppy on Tongzhuang Street was suddenly cut in half and twitched to death. It must also be a supernatural phenomenon."

Bronze Ward Street?

A bit far.

Miss Cai frowned and was about to ask...


The door of the bar box was suddenly kicked open!

The noisy sound outside the bar and the changing light and shadow immediately poured into the room.

In the interlaced light and shadow, more than a dozen people wearing gray trench coats with the same style actually rushed into the box with pistols.

"It really is here!"

"The information on the table..."

"Sure enough, your kid has been investigating the [Ashing Incident]!"

"Don't talk nonsense, just seal it up."

"There's a girl..."

"It should be an accomplice, kill them together!"

Where has the detective ever seen such a powerful situation, he fell to the ground in fright on the spot, his face turned pale.

"You, you are... [Grey Sect] people?! And, it has nothing to do with me! I am hired by someone..."


Before the detective could finish speaking, the opposite side had already fired.

The detective paused, his eyebrows blossomed, the back of his head burst open, and he fell straight down.

Bang bang bang!

Even though the detective was already down, someone shot at the corpse to make up for it, and after a while, more than a dozen small holes appeared.

The rest pulled the trigger on Miss Cai.

Bang bang bang!

Dang Dang Dang!

The gunshots sounded, but there was the sound of metal collisions, and there were even sparks in the air.

On the floor and walls of the room, more than a dozen marks of slashing with sharp weapons appeared out of thin air.

"Be careful!"

"Get out of the way!"


Before they could return to their senses, a broken sound suddenly sounded in their ears.

Reluctantly looking down, their upper body was separated from the lower body long ago, and they were chopped off by themselves and slammed against the wall.

His vision darkened and he lost consciousness.

And because of this cut, the originally small box space was directly expanded by several meters, connecting the box next door.

The remaining members of the Grey Sect looked at it before they found out.

What Miss Cai, actually holding a two-meter-long, strangely sharp long knife in her hand, she was staring at them indifferently, as if she was looking at a dead person.

The attack just now was caused by this long sword.

"what's the situation!?"


"Ahhhh! Help!"

There were chaotic voices from outside, but no one from Wu Yan and the Gray Sect moved.

"Grey Cult? It seems that you know a lot of things."

The people of the Grey Sect, although all of them are holding pistols, have no sense of security at all.

"This woman... what the **** is going on with this woman!"

"Wait! She seems to be a female star on TV, Cai Rongrong!"

Previously, the lights in the box were dim, and the Gray Sect people didn't see anything.

Now that the lights outside came down, they recognized Wu Yan's identity.

He was just speechless, as if he didn't intend to talk nonsense with them, he approached with a **** long knife.

"Don't come here!"

"Cai, Miss Cai, misunderstanding, there is a misunderstanding in the middle!"

They never thought that the female star who always showed a warm smile on TV would have such a terrible sense of oppression.

After stepping back, they were all quickly forced back to the edge of the wall.

Cold sweat appeared on everyone's forehead.

Just when they thought they were going to be planted here today, the woman in front of her suddenly changed her expression, as if she saw something surprising, and suddenly stopped in place.


Several people fired at almost the same time.

Bang bang bang bang!

They timed well, but underestimated the strength of their opponents.

Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Even though the reaction was half a beat Wu Yan still controlled the alien knife with precision and caught all the bullets in his crotch.

In front of her, that is, on the wall against which the Grey Sect members were leaning, there was a monitor.

It just happened to show a man covered in white squirming, smiling at the camera.

"The deity hereby announces that this ring of the city is contracted by me!"

Small text…


Is this a collective signal?

But I haven't made any progress here yet...

After hesitating for a while, Wu Yan raised his sword and dropped it.

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