This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 79: Implementation Plan

The two talked for a long night.

The next day, when they left the safe house.

It was still pouring rain outside.

Like a typhoon coming, the wind is howling outside.

According to this amount of rain, Wu Yan's set of umbrellas can't hold it.

Support for half an hour at most, it will run out...

Nine snakes' thoughts suddenly stopped.

just now... just now...

She slowly looked towards the boundary bridge.

At the end of the line of sight, as usual, there was only one boundary bridge.

But after that momentary pause, she saw a cloud.

A mushroom cloud like a nuclear explosion!

Not too big.

Can't even see clearly.

However, this is for the western half of the city!

At such a long distance across the boundary bridge, a gray mushroom cloud could still be vaguely seen.

Then in the eastern half of the city, this mushroom cloud size will be very terrifying.

The entire mushroom cloud, like a freeze-frame picture, is imprisoned in mid-air, but it gives people a sense of despair and shock.


Nine Snakes:…

What the **** is this?

Isn't it that the eastern half of the city has no R&D level and is basically all ordinary people?

How could you come up with such an exaggerated thing.

Such a thing as a nuclear bomb, even the gray sect in the western half of the city, who had studied gray energy in depth, could not come up with it.

As a result, the eastern half of the city came out?

No... it shouldn't be a nuclear bomb!

Although the mushroom cloud is exaggerated and huge, it seems... empty has its shape.

If this mushroom cloud really has the power shown on the outside, then theoretically, half of the eastern half of the city has been completely destroyed.

But the copy announcement did not sound at all.

Therefore, most of the players in the eastern half of the city were not implicated.

"What it is?"

"You ask me? I also want to ask you, a local person, didn't you say that the eastern half of the city is full of ordinary people? Nuclear bombs have been studied, and this is too ordinary!"

In the western half of the city, the technology tree has been completely distorted due to in-depth research on gray energy.

Firearms and their ilk still exist, but they are not mainstream.

Through the mining of gray energy, ordinary firearms cannot break the gray energy shield at all.

After the firearm was ineffective, the battery man based on gray energy, through the in-depth excavation of gray energy, completely developed towards a technological route similar to the combination of machinery and cold weapons.

Therefore, the highest level of research is to study thermal weapons at the level of rocket launchers. There is neither material nor sufficient scientific research capacity to support the subsequent research and development.

Therefore, when Nine Snakes saw the end of the boundary bridge, the whole person was stunned.

But after a blink of an eye.

The mushroom cloud suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Nine snakes face sank.

This is... the gray area has come.

But what I just saw was by no means an illusion.

The eastern half of the urban area is not at all as Wu Yan said, there is no resistance!

But no matter what the situation in the eastern half of the city is, as long as she can't escape from the western half of the city, she will inevitably be swallowed by the gray rain and die in the western half of the city.

After discussing for a while, the two decided to follow the original plan to get Dr. Du'e first.

After half a day.

The ambush plan unfolds.

Even with the help of the internal traitor, Hydra, the plan went awry.

It's as if... that gray sect executive knew about their ambush plan for a long time!

"How did he do it? You and I are the only people who know the plan, and everything is going on in secret. Why did this guy gain insight from the beginning of the plan!"

"…do not know."

Wu Yan shook his head slightly.

She really doesn't know.

In the eastern half of the city, she stayed for a long time.

There are not many in-depth parts, at least none of the major organizations have personally joined, and they are just collecting information on one aspect.

Because at that time, she hadn't reunited with her teammates.

After actually realizing the backwardness of the eastern half of the city, Wu Yan realized the real key to this dungeon.

At least in her opinion, it is indeed a very crucial step.

That is to go to the western half of the city to plunder the battery technology, so that the teammates in the eastern half of the city can improve their strength.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to deal with the hostile players coming from the western half of the city in the state of ordinary people, even with player skills.

But now, things seem to be different.

Wuyan didn't know what Xiaowen and the captain did in the eastern half of the city, but it seemed that the eastern half of the city was no longer an area without resistance.

Even so, Wu Yan still decided to carry out his initial actions to the end, otherwise it would be meaningless to take the risk of visiting the western half of the city in person.

"Don't worry about it, ask about Dr. Du'e's news, and then start the escape plan."


However, the kidnapped high-level, after waking up, had not experienced torture, so he cried and exposed the news of Dr. Du'e.

The appearance of tears and snot flowing, as if he had suffered atrocities before he woke up.

However, just to be on the safe side, Nine Snakes solved him with a knife.

The collapse of the western half of the city is imminent, and the Grey Sect has long since been scattered into a mess.

She doesn't care whether she has betrayed the organization or not, the key is to delay this time so that the organization will find out later and act more conveniently.

There is news.

The two immediately switched positions and went straight to the secret base of the Grey Beasts.

The gray beasts included in the gray sect are still in the experimental stage, so they are all very weak ordinary little gray beasts.

That is, the juvenile gray beast.

This kind of gray beast, as long as it is a battery man in the western half of the city, can easily kill it.

Basically, every day in the western half of the city, all kinds of gray beasts scattered in the urban area are encircled and suppressed.

Slaughtering gray beasts is already a common thing in the western half of the city, and it is a part of daily life.

Therefore, this kind of small gray beast is not a threat at all.

Nine snakes thought so.

It was only when they reached the secret base of the Grey Beasts that she realized she was wrong through the scanning of the grey energy glasses.

The ambitions of the Grey Sect were far greater than Nine Snakes thought.

In the gray beast team, there are still a large number of growing gray beasts.

Fortunately, the full-stage gray beast has not been seen.

That kind of weird giant beast that can be integrated with the environment, even in the western half of the city where people are full of battery people, needs to pay a big price to eliminate it.

"Do it like this?"

"Come on! We're running out of time."

"...Indeed, our actions to capture the senior leaders of the Grey Sect were too big. Now the Grey Sect should already know of our existence. If we drag it further, we will not be facing the Grey Beast team, but the pursuit of the entire Grey Sect! "

After making a decision, the two sneak into the secret base together.

Different from the ignorance of gray beasts in the eastern half of the city, the research on gray beasts in the western half of the city is very long, and even invented this kind of gray energy glasses for the existence of gray beasts.

After losing the feature of invisibility, the terrifying level of the gray beast dropped a lot.

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