This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 85: racing

Xian Sanbu looked at the super gray beast that was stagnant behind him, thinking in his heart.

This super gray beast can't get close to this boundary bridge.

This does not mean that the boundary bridge, or in other words, the entire intact ring city is protecting them and human beings!

sea ​​water.

The world outside the still sea is probably not as beautiful as described in various literatures.

A more real and cruel reality may be that they are the last human beings, and the Huanhe City is the last Noah's Ark for human beings.

If there are super gray beasts outside, it is a common type.

Then, these human beings are still in the outside world without protection from the beginning.

It will be faced with an unmatched super gray beast. Judging from the current combat power, it is absolutely impossible to survive, let alone continue the race and prolong life.

Not a cage, not a restriction, but a protective mechanism, a protective shell.

The only problem is that the protective shell of the western half of the city has been in disrepair for a long time and is facing the end of collapse.

And the eastern half of the city seems to be able to hold on.

It is not clear how long it will last.

This is a very important message.

If he can reach the other side safely, Xian Sanbu will definitely share this news with Fang Yi.

Don't mention the super gray beast, don't mention the history of Huanhecheng and so on.

The mere fact that sooner or later the city will collapse is enough of a headache.

Not to mention, their purpose is not just to destroy the black team, but also to refine [Abyss Egg] in this dungeon.

Driving the modified off-road vehicle, the two continued to accelerate, gradually narrowing the distance with the large army in front.

These two off-road vehicles were left speechless.

The first escape plan was to rescue Xian Sanbu, Wu Yan activated his identity skills, and as a ferryman, he took Nine Snakes and Xian Sanbu to cross the boundary bridge and meet Fang Yi.

In the end, I don't know what happened, Wuyan was killed by the [Desperate Countdown] of the black team before he could execute his final plan.

However, the modified off-road vehicle prepared in the plan remained.

Not only was the car refitted, but supplies were already prepared in the car.

For example, gray energy battery resources, gray energy technology analysis, gray energy battery combined with human body surgery instructions and other books and material resources.

It can be said that it is very well prepared.

There is no doubt that if Wuyan can bring these things back to the eastern half of the city, it will definitely be a great achievement.

It is a pity that in the end, it was to save the immortal three steps, but the best time to escape was delayed, resulting in a failure.

Later, Xian Sanbu, at the cost of [Five Seconds Ash], got a lot of things from various organizations in the western half of the city, and also strengthened and improved the off-road vehicle again.

So even though it is the tail of the crane on Rainbow Road for the time being, Xian Sanbu and Jiu She are not panicking at all.

Step on the accelerator.


The sound waves are transmitted out layer by layer.

The extreme back-push feeling swarmed up, and the speed soared.

The contraction speed of Rainbow Road is accelerating.

But their off-road vehicles were faster, like a red lightning, constantly accelerating, pushing forward, and chasing the large troops in front.

Slowly, the tail of the large army in front gradually saw the shadow.

Unlike Xian Sanbu and their off-road vehicles, these organizations have bigger ambitions and bring far more supplies than they do.

It is unrealistic to keep moving at a high speed even with a huge load.

Moreover, the Grey Sect has also made a promise that they will try their best to control the contraction speed of Rainbow Road to ensure that they will be able to cross the boundary bridge at this speed.

However, these words can only fool these organizations who do not understand the identity skills of ferrymen.

Because the power of the ferryman is limited.

Usually, Wuyan is just a person, let the power of the rainbow attach to his body and cross the boundary bridge.

Now, like the Black Team's [Countdown to Despair], the power of the rainbow is fully activated. If you want to support the migration of the entire western half of the city, it is absolutely impossible.

Although Xian Sanbu and Jiu Snake didn't understand the truth.

But through a little understanding of Wuyan, the ferryman, we can still infer some clues.

So when they caught up with the last organization team, they did not choose to fight this organization, but galloped away in the fire of gunfire, leaving behind a cloud of car exhaust, and left gracefully.

Don't say it yet.

The organization at the bottom really doesn't have the temper to chase after Xian Sanbu and the others.

Because they want to bring the organization's important resources to the eastern half of the city, they can't get up quickly, so they can only move forward at this speed.

At the same time, in order to guard against other organizations, the team formation should not be messed up.

In the process of mutual restraint, Xian Sanbu and Nine Snake's red off-road vehicles have crossed the three organization teams and are about to reach the middle of the boundary bridge.

That is at this time.

The rainbow road behind, the contraction speed suddenly increased!

This discovery made the organization team at the end turn pale with fright.

They hurriedly accelerated, but found that the contraction speed of Rainbow Road was also accelerating sharply, becoming faster and faster!

It is like an unstable sphere, after expanding for a period of time, it suddenly shrinks rapidly.

Such an exaggerated speed of contraction caused the organization team at the end to be so frightened that they lost most of their luggage in a hurry, and the whole crew relied on the performance of the car to gallop away.

Since these organizations have decided to flee the western half of the city, they must be equipped with the best means of transportation within the organization.

It's a pity that they have balanced speed and cargo capacity.

As a result, many vehicles in the convoy couldn't keep up with the speed at all, and they could only watch the materials ashes and smashed into pieces.

He could only watch in despair as the gray air rushed in like a tidal wave, UU reading www.uukanshu. com swallowed them.

Amid the screams, the convoy at the end, with the exception of some leaders and high-level officials, was almost wiped out.

"Grey Sect!"

In the roar of the leader of the organization, the last survivors of the last organization were all engulfed by ashes.

Rainbow Road's shrinking road quickly set its sights on the second-to-last team organization.

With the lessons learned, this team organization is very wise.

Immediately, he began to discard the supplies and prepare to retreat.


The sound of the air waves roared, and the speed exploded.

Actually, it was faintly keeping up with the team organization that was the third-to-last, and now the second-to-last.

The western half of the city is not monolithic.

The friction between various organizations is still very explicit.

It can be said that this is the meeting of the enemy, and he is particularly jealous.

Before, in order to escape from the western half of the city, they temporarily let go of their grievances.

Now that they are all on the road of escape, there is no mutual benefit.


The leader of the organization of the penultimate convoy ordered a direct attack.

Covered by the firepower of the blasting sound, the convoy at the rear of the crane only escaped one leader, and all the others died.

: . :

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