This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 94: not equal

Combine the information provided by the three steps of the fairy.

Fang Yi couldn't help but say, "So, in the western half of the city, they sent a big gift bag and waited for us to check at the boundary bridge?"


Xian Sanbu paused for a while, but stopped talking.

In fact, it is not easy to check this cheap.

The boundary is not without the gray beasts.

And if you want to move freely on the boundary bridge, ordinary people can't do it at all.

However, these two issues are not a problem at all in the face of Fang Yi.

The only thing to worry about is... the super gray beast!

Although he had only met him once, Xian Sanbu was very impressed with the super gray beast.

That kind of monster, even Fang Yi, is probably not an opponent.

The two discussed these details overnight.

the next day.

Fang Yi went to the Boundary Bridge alone, and carried all the resources on the nearest Grey Sect cart.

Fang Yi only needs to move away from the boundary bridge.

Xiaowen is responsible for the follow-up transportation and delivery work.

As for Xian Sanbu, it was arranged to study and manufacture potions.

Five seconds of gray can allow ordinary people to move in the gray area.

This is a very terrifying potion. If it can be developed, a better improved potion will be available.

Then there is a lot of room for manipulation.

Time passes day by day.

The days became dull.

Ten days later, Fang Yi and others collected all the materials of the Boundary Bridge.

As for the western half of the city, Fang Yi glanced at it from a distance, and it had turned into a rubble.

From the ruins, it can be seen that this semi-built city was once brilliant.

But only in the past.

In addition to the ruins of the city, gray beasts can also be seen.

I haven't seen the super grey beast mentioned by Xian Sanbu.

But gray beasts in the larval stage, and even full-bodied giant beasts in the night sky, have been seen.

Each of them is bigger than the other, and several of them are even bigger than Fang Yi's sight of the giant beasts in the night sky.

In the eyes of others, this is a dangerous place to die.

But in terms of righteousness, this is a huge hunting ground with an endless treasure trove hidden in it.

The organization in the western half of the city, the resources 'sent', solved most of the resources that were lacking in refining the 'Egg of the Abyss'.

But only energy is still very lacking.

The crusade against the gray beast is imperative.

Just relying on yourself, the efficiency will be very low.

Or improve your own strength.

Either improve the overall strength of the core members of the Grey Cult.

Fang Yi chose to improve both sides together.

Because the two do not conflict.

Because the people in the eastern half of the city have not experienced battery technology.

So as long as you master this technology, combined with gray energy batteries.

Let alone these trained combatants.

Even ordinary people can greatly increase their combat power in a short period of time.

Battery technology, in layman's terms.

It's like exoskeleton technology.

It's just that the process is different.

It is necessary to install the battery on the human body through surgery and connect various organs, so as to greatly improve the combat power through the feedback of gray energy.

No matter if Fang Yi improves his personal ability, he also improves the overall strength of the Grey Sect.

This technology is crucial.

To this end, Fang Yi asked Miss Bao to call all the top doctors in the eastern half of the city, plus Xian Sanbu as the leader, to fully conquer this technology.

Because Xian Sanbu's vehicle did not explode, the materials on the vehicle were completely preserved.

Therefore, Wuyan carefully prepares battery technical materials, from basic to entry to mastery, everything is covered and very detailed, and it is not difficult to learn.

As for the more advanced technology, it is on the bandaged man's cart, and there is something to be gained.

It's just that there is a lack of bridges between advanced technology and mastery at this level, and there are a lot of transitions.

Whether it can be learned or not is not certain.

Anyway, start with the basics first.

For a month, Fang Yi and others were all working on battery technology.

A month later, in the eastern half of the city, the first battery man was born.

After three days of testing, he took the special medicine of the three-step study.

After working on the boundary bridge for half an hour, the task was completed.

Everything is going in the right direction.

Half a month later, Fang Yi and Xiaowen underwent three-step surgery.

Fang Yi's surgery was the most troublesome, because his body was so old that he might not be able to withstand the pressure of surgery.

To this end, Fang Yi proposed the idea of ​​performing surgery in the gray field.

In the gray area, Fang Yi's skills are unblocked, and his physique can be improved to the greatest extent, so he has the guarantee of surgery.

After thinking about it in three steps, Xianxian passed the plan.

Everything went according to plan, with a little bit of trouble along the way.

Because... the gray area came down during this operation.

Fang Yi himself ignores the gray area, but others are different.

Fortunately, Fang Yi had the foresight to let them take the special medicine in advance, and asked the surgical staff to take the special medicine all the time during the operation.

This averted a crisis.

When the operation was over, everyone was sweating profusely.

And Fang Yi's state after the operation is the best one so far after entering this dungeon!

After the strength skyrocketed, Fang Yi was full of confidence.

Next is Xiaowen. With experience and following the same method, Xiaowen was successfully converted into a battery person.

According to his own request, his battery has been specially treated, and every time it is used, it has a special sound effect...a bit like the sound of an Autobot transforming.

Very mentally handicapped, but Xiaowen insisted, and it didn't affect anything, so Fang Yi just followed him.

With two people taking the lead, Fang Yi asked the Grey Sect's combat team members to accept it.

After the transformation, a team of battery people was finally formed.

There are almost a hundred people, and before the transformation, they are all well-trained soldiers.

With the first batch of combat power, there is a second batch.

Everything went on smoothly.

Another half a month later.

Fang Yi and Xiaowen swept all the grey beasts in the eastern half of the city.

After ensuring the safety of the city, he immediately used the further improved one-hour special medicine to rush to the ruined western half of the city.

Fang Yi will not give up on this treasure house.

After the two had the battery modification, their strength exploded.

Ordinary gray beasts are not opponents at all.

Enter the ruins of the western half of the city, let the battle team cooperate, and start the sweeping mode again.

On that day, three night sky behemoths were killed!

Outstanding record.

When you return to the eastern half of the city, reduce the drug resistance, perform physical recuperation, healing and other things.

Fang Yi got the news from Xian Sanbu.

The last black team The taxi driver who likes to put paper cranes and yin people around has been discovered.

Fang Yi didn't let anyone move him, just let him monitor his movements.

"time is limited."

The next day, Xiaowen and Xian Sanbu were called to the conference room again, Fang Yi said directly.

To ask why, it's actually quite simple.

In the end, the black team player couldn't bear it anymore.

Three-on-one, there is still no hope of turning defeat into victory.

It's good that the taxi driver can endure so far.

Because this is a battle with almost no chance of winning, and the number of people is completely unequal.

Either fight to the death, or just give up and start the next game.


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