This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 105: copy ends

Now when the black balloon comes out, the headshot is crazy, but the final result becomes simple and blurred.

After hesitating for a while, Fang Yi asked Xian Sanbu to cut off Zi's right hand.

Where can Xian Sanbu be willing?

He was even startled by Fang Yi's sudden suggestion, his expression almost froze.

Fortunately, it was brought under control in time.

Xian Sanbu didn't agree to cut off Yi's right arm with a sword until Fang Yi showed his right hand that was riddled with holes and explained the curse.

The sword light flashed, and the arm fell.

But the blood of Fang Yi's right arm had already been bleeding, and the state of the whole person was already very poor.

After sacrificing his right arm, Fang Yi's activity space was reset again.

The bleeding from both legs intensified, gradually corroding blood holes.

At first glance, it was almost the same as the right arm that had just fallen to the ground, gradually becoming riddled with holes.

At the same time, Fang Yi's chest, dense blue eyes began to appear, all staring at Fang Yi.

Fang Yi didn't show Xian Sanbu these pictures.

Mainly because she was afraid that she would not be able to control her emotions and would deform her grinning expression.

Then she might explode on the spot.

After resetting the activity space, Fang Yi came to the monster egg with the help of Xian Sanbu.

I saw the monster, obviously wrapped tightly.

A purple liquid gradually overflowed from the eggshell.

dong dong.

dong dong.

Inside the monster egg, something was hitting the eggshell.

"The poison is starting to work."

"It's anti-toxicity is very high, I'm a little worried..."

"It's alright, just wait."

Fang Yi's voice just fell.

Cracks suddenly appeared in the eggshell of the monster egg.

This time, it's not that they attacked from the outside, but the monster eggs inside. They took the initiative to crack open the eggshells, trying to escape outside.


The eggshell cracked open layer by layer.

Fang Yi and Xian Sanbu looked at each other and were ready.

Just waiting for the monster inside to come out, he immediately shot and killed it, ending this long trial mission.

However, even if they were sufficiently attentive.

But when the monster rushed out, the two were still stunned.'s too fast.

The speed was so fast that I couldn't even see what the monster looked like.

I saw a black wind flashing by, and the black wind fled away with the broken eggshell.

Along the way, a lot of purple liquid fell.

As soon as this liquid falls on the ground, it immediately corrodes a bottomless hole.

It can be seen that the toxin is strong.

When Fang Yi saw this, he understood that Xian Sanbu really encountered a special restraint monster.

This poison is something that ordinary monsters can't handle at all.

But this monster, not only can it hold it, but it can also run away with its eggshell.


Fang Yi directed Xian to pursue three steps, but he didn't move.

The curse effect made him not have much room to move at all, so naturally there was no need to chase.

"it is good!"

When Xian Sanbu heard the words, he immediately accelerated.

But before she ran two steps, she suddenly stopped.

Because in front of her and Fang Yi, a big wolf with a wet body, no roughness, and a height of two meters, raised its head proudly, and appeared in front of them.

The arrogant attitude and the eggshell fragments left on his mouth.

It all explained that this lone bald wolf was the black wind that escaped just now.

In such a short time, he digested the eggshell and came back directly to seek revenge for them.

Hold vengeance, absolutely vengeance!


"Don't be afraid, it's just evolved, let's take it down together!"


While the two were talking.


The lonely bald wolf howls in the sky.

When the voice fell, he slowly lowered his head to look at the two of them...with a grinning expression.


The next moment.

Without warning.

The head of the lonely bald wolf exploded on the spot.

The corpse of the headless bald wolf swayed twice and fell to the ground.

Fangyi: …

Immortal three steps: …

"The system prompts: Congratulations, you have completed the special class "Baptism in the Abyss"."

"System prompt: Congratulations to you and your team for getting the quest reward [Pandora's Box of the Eye of the Abyss]."

The space crack in the distance automatically closed and closed.

Listening to the system prompt, Fang Yi felt a sense of unreality.

After hesitating for a while, he asked, "Just now... that stupid wolf just raised his head and didn't see us at all?"

Xian Sanbu wanted to speak, and wanted to explain a few words for the stupid wolf.

I feel that such a serious trial mission should not have such a stupid wolf.

But when I think of it, this guy may have a problem with his brain poisoned by his own poison, and his intelligence has been damaged, so he behaves like this.

Then he nodded and said: "Yes, it should be like this. And when he hung up Heifeng and fled before, he should have not even looked at us."

By now, the three steps of Fang Yi and Xian have basically been determined.

The grinning expression can trigger the headshot rule.

And if you want to resist and save yourself, you can only respond with a standard grin.

No matter what, they both breathed a sigh of relief that they could finally complete the trial mission.

The Egg of the Abyss is a special team task.

As long as the [Abyss Egg] is activated, the entire team is obliged to accept this quest.

Even the long-knife girl who got out early and the nine snakes who died later can still receive tasks.

But only received.

Whether the task can be completed or not depends on the support of teammates.

After all, they are no longer in the dungeon, and they have no chance to contribute.

And special team tasks such as [Abyss Egg], as long as one person in the dungeon completes it.

Then all team members can get dungeon rewards.

"The system prompts: The special mission [Abyss Egg] has ended, ending the player's dungeon stay time!"

"The system prompts: The dungeon is about to end, please prepare all players."

The system prompt sounded Fang Yi and Xian Sanbu both breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

After twists and turns of trial tasks, they finally came to a successful conclusion.

Next, it's time to go back and enjoy the fruits of victory.

In the distance, outside Huanhe City, rhythmic headshots could still be heard.

But the voice was gone, Fang Yi and Xian Sanbu didn't care.

What happens to this copy is not what they need to care about.

They looked at each other and smiled at each other.



Their heads exploded one after another.

Two flowers, two flowers.

The two headless corpses fell to the ground, bleeding all over the place.

The Huanhe City, which was in ruins, completely quieted down after the two died.

The cities on both ends of the demarcation bridge were destroyed.

The super gray beast should have come to take the boundary bridge at this time.

The demarcation bridge of the Huanhe city has become a special case.

The news of the unprovoked headshot seemed to spread in the circle of the super gray beast.

All the super gray beasts avoided them far away when they passed by the ruins of Huanhe City, and did not dare to approach.

The continuous headshot phenomenon lasted for two days in the still sea, causing countless casualties and spreading panic.

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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